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Database Proposal


Submitted By susanaaawu
Words 435
Pages 2
CIS 3400
Database Management Project Proposal: Bikorama

Background Information

The philosophy behind Bikorama is simple and direct, to embrace life and nature while living responsibly. With 4 locations in the core of New York City, the founders of Bikorama generated a vision of a cleaner, healthier environment by engaging New Yorkers and visitors to enjoy a ride around the city with a much deeper passion. Bikorama offers bike rentals as healthy transportation alternatives to vehicles or taxi’s, while being much cheaper than public transit. Bike rentals are offered in hourly, daily or weekly rates to accommodate the purposes of rentals, such as getting to work, contests, events and city tours. Bikes rented from one location are able to return bikes to any of Bikorama stores.

Overall Purpose of Incorporating Database Management System

Bikorama requires a database management system to record and maintain records of bike rental cycles per bike, customer registration, payment transactions and management of inventory within the store. Moreover, the data collected will also include maintenance records for the company to measure durability of bikes from vendors. Records of sales revenue will also reflect store performance and determines stability of business for the first few years.

The system will provide information for decision making, such as ordering more bikes if inventory does not meet level of demand, increasing and decreasing rates or developing marketing strategies after seasonal trend analyses for management decision-making.

End Users

The database will have a two-tier access; sales representatives (or clients) will manage the main business and data processing, inputs on the user interface. The administrator level will manage and control access to the database


* Providing storage for relevant data * Record and

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