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...july ‘10 ISSuE 186 • £3.95 reader prOfIleS artISt prOfIleS Goldilocks u gu Mick Squires anD The BanK roBBer s Korpus TaTToos th-8 fr ns e i id e ww.tatt tw o o j a A Xed Lehead & Mad Alan Divine Canvas evil From The neeDle m th .uk 6t h-8t hA .co . .co su e e Jeff Ortega we highlight some of the gifted artists working tattoo jam 2010 REGULARS: Fall out ‘news & reviews’ | inkoming | Tattoo Tour | Conventions | personals | Jobs | For sale gu h st t h is a is m www.tat to o wi t Tommi Ink & Iron SKI N SHOWS no regreTs u j Birmingham usa tatto o 2010 tat toos a form of self-harm? you decide 9 770966 435048 San Jose www.jazzpublishing.co.uk • 07 Please mention Skin Deep when responding to adverts. GEnEral EnquIrIES Jazz Publishing, The Old School, Higher Kinnerton, Chester, CH4 9AJ, UK. 01244 663400 www.skindeep.co.uk EdItor Neil Dalleywater email: editor@skindeep.co.uk Telephone: 01244 663400 ext. 212 art EdItor Gareth Evans email: gareth@jazzpublishing.co.uk Telephone: 01244 663400 ext. 204 productIon manaGEr Justine Hart email: production@skindeep.co.uk Telephone: 01244 663400 ext. 235 accountS & admIn manaGEr Emma McCrindle email: accounts@jazzpublishing.co.uk Telephone: 01244 663400 ext. 207 admInIStratIon Jan Schofield email: jan@jazzpublishing.co.uk Telephone: 01244 663400 ext. 219 Katie-Marie Challinor email: katie@jazzpublishing...
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...Hundreds(of(real(personal(accounts(of Group'Discussions'&'Personal'Interviews during(MBA(admissions(to(India’s(best(B9schools Written'by Compiled'by Loads'of'MBA'Aspirants The'PaGaLGuY'MadCapz'Group PaGaLGuY.com Antholo gy Hundreds of real personal accounts of Group Discussions and Personal Interviews during MBA admissions to India’s best business schools. In this edition: The IIMs at Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Lucknow, Indore & Kozhikode. Written by Loads of MBA aspirants Compiled by The PaGaLGuY MadCapz Team PaGaLGuY GD-PI Anthology Copyright © 2011, PaGaLGuY.com All text and content in this document is solely owned by PaGaLGuY.com. Reproduction without permission in any form or means is illegal. Special copy prepared exclusively for mustafa rokerya Get your own Free personalized copy (with your name on it) of this book from http://www.pagalguy.com/books/ What this book is about What is a real IIM interview like? What kind of questions do they ask and what judgments do applicants have to make while answering them? Since 2003, those with real Group Discussion and Personal Interview calls from India’s top bschools have been posting entire and detailed transcripts of their admission interviews immediately after they happen, so that others slotted for later interviews can learn what GDPI is going to be like this year. This book is a collection of dozens of handpicked GDPI experiences from the country’s top bschools during the admission...
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