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David Vs Goliath Case Study

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DAVID versus GOLIATH - SODA INDUSTRY Without a doubt, companies have ethical obligation to protect people through products that they make. In this age of Corporate Citizenship, Social Responsibility, Environmental Issues, Product Liability and other Legal Issues, Federal Government Regulations and Oversight such as Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and other Health and Food Safety Organization, Corporations (Goliath) that violate “do no harm” ethic or imperative or the first rule of business conduct cannot claim they did not get the memo to produce safe and health products for consumers (David). Corporate Leaders directly and indirectly include the promise to do no harm in their corporate Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives. Peter Karoff, a Thought Leader and an …show more content…
In the biblical narrative of David versus Goliath, David defeated and dismantled Goliath with a mere slingshot. Why is the Consumer (David) losing this battle to Soda giants? Here is the answer. Capitalism has become a bedfellow with corporate giants, the rich and powerful, the lobbyist, the special interest groups, the wealthy and the well-connected, cronyism, judicial system, political donation machine, superPACs (Super Political Action Committee), etc. Here is an example: U.S. District Judge Edward Chen dismissed the Riva case after finding no basis for the claim of entitlement to medical monitoring, even though multiple experts (including Consumer Reports, World Health Organization -WHO) completely disagree. He stated in his

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Made to Stick

...This book has been optimized for viewing at a monitor setting of 1024 x 768 pixels. MADE TO STICK random house a new york MADE TO STICK Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die • • • C H I P H E AT H & D A N H E AT H Copyright © 2007 by Chip Heath and Dan Heath All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Random House, an imprint of The Random House Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York. Random House and colophon are registered trademarks of Random House, Inc. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Heath, Chip. Made to stick : why some ideas survive and others die / Chip Heath & Dan Heath p. cm. Includes index. eISBN: 978-1-58836-596-5 1. Social psychology. 2. Contagion (Social psychology). 3. Context effects (Psychology). I. Heath, Dan. II. Title. HM1033.H43 2007 302'.13—dc22 2006046467 Designed by Stephanie Huntwork v1.0 To Dad, for driving an old tan Chevette while putting us through college. To Mom, for making us breakfast every day for eighteen years. Each. C O N T E N T S INTRODUCTION WHAT STICKS? 3 Kidney heist. Movie popcorn. Sticky = understandable, memorable, and effective in changing thought or behavior. Halloween candy. Six principles: SUCCESs. The villain: Curse of Knowledge. It’s hard to be a tapper. Creativity starts with templates. CHAPTER 1 SIMPLE 25 Commander’s Intent. THE low-fare airline. Burying the lead and the inverted pyramid. It’s the...

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