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Daycare Budget

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Generally speaking, the first operational year of any business can be stressful and a bit perplexing. In most circumstances, the first year for any new daycare center will be a period of low enrollment. Yet, we can see that the budget plan had not taken into consideration any potential loss in the income that might happen. Though, according to the lost-income scenario, the center facing a significant loss in the income about 44,740$ less than the anticipated income, which causing a budget deficit about 18,452$ less than the anticipated spending. Eventually, this shortage in the income would certainly have a significant effect on the cash flow for the rest of the year. Indeed, if the administrator does not make any changes to the anticipated …show more content…
Also, it’s extremely important to keep in mind that maintaining our program long term goals and high quality are vital keys for success. I believe that, maintaining a monthly cash flow analysis is an essential tool by which we can track the rate of expenditures versus the incomes which help us to better understand financial issues and can reveal what course of actions can be taken. As we can see, expenses include both items that cannot change and others that can be changed. Look at each of the expenses that are changeable (e.g., food/snack, supplies, maintenance/repairs, equipment, salaries and benefits) and consider the impact of such a change on both the program quality and the budget balance, that would help with arranging and prioritizing gears. For instance, as the percent of the children occupancy decreased we could expect a relative decrease in the Food/snack and the Supplies accordingly. Likewise, the cost of salaries could change if either the salary scale or the staff: child ratio …show more content…
By managing appropriate staffing pattern and maintaining an adequate ratio between teachers and children, administrator can save unnecessary extra working hours rather than layoff any of the employees. What I mean is this, we will need to look at each of the expenses that are changeable and consider the impact of such a change on both the program quality and the budget balance. On the other hand, fundraising activities of parents and/or board of the center (e.g., art project sales, raffles, concerts, etc.) can help to gain some incomes toward balancing the budget. In addition, individual donations are one source of funds, this technique works best if we can present a specific need and dollar amount to support that need, such as $300 for a new microwave equipment. One other way to gain income when programs are under-enrolled due to openings or absences, they can accept children on a drop-in basis. The hourly fee is usually higher than the regular rate. Also a special class that offers children opportunities to learn special skills such as piano, gymnastics, or dance at the child care center for an extra fee helps the program generate extra

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