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Submitted By mani3238
Words 869
Pages 4
Personal Factors
On this page: * Age * Gender * Lifestyle * Health Status * Financial Resources * Housing
The older you are, the more likely it is that you will need long-term care. You might also consider your family history. Did your parents or grandparents have a disability? Also consider that: * between ages 40 and 50, on average, eight percent of people have a disability that could require long-term care services; * while 69 percent of people age 90 or more have a disability.
Although being older means you are more likely to need long-term care, having an accident that causes a disability when you are younger cannot be predicted. Some private financing options, for example long-term care insurance, cost much less when you are younger and reverse mortgages are only available at or after age 62.
This website’s section on Private Financing provides more information on financing options including long-term care insurance.
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Women outlive men by about five years on average, so are more likely to live at home alone and without assistance when they are older. Women who take time out of the workforce to have and raise children or care for other family members end up with lower pension and social security benefits than retired men. As a result, women in particular should actively plan for their future long-term care needs.
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If you exercise regularly and eat healthy foods, you are less likely to develop many types of chronic conditions and are more likely to avoid developing a disability.
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Health status
If you have chronic conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, you are more likely to develop a disability. You might also consider your family history. Did your parents or grandparents have chronic conditions?
Bear in mind that some methods of paying for long-term care services require that you undergo health screening. While some options require that you be in relatively good health, other options are only available to you if you are in poor health. This website’s section onEvaluating Your Private Financing Options provides more information.
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Financial resources
Long-term care can be costly. If you have more than $100,000 in savings that is not used as a source of income, you may be able to pay for long-term care on your own—generally at least: * a little longer than a year in a nursing home; * 2.5 years in an assisted living facility; * and several years of home care.
If you have less savings, but are not poor, consider the various private financing options outlined in this website’s section on Private Financing.
If you have low income and little savings, review this website’s section on Medicaid to see whether you might be covered.
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In making decisions about long-term care, think about where you want to live and whether your home will continue to meet your needs. For example, are your bedroom and bathroom on the first floor? Are your doors wide enough for a wheelchair? This website’s sections onHousing Considerations and Planning Steps provide further information.
Are you ready to take steps towards planning? Visit this website’s Planning IQ Quizfor some ideas on easy first steps.

Relations with co-workers
The possibility of obtaining support from co-workers is an important factor in decreasing the risks associated with work-related mental health problems. On the one hand, social support allows individuals to obtain support and comfort during hard times and, on the other hand, it nurtures the sense of belonging to a mutually supportive group in which the individual feels appreciated and valued. Several studies have shown that maintaining harmonious relations fosters satisfaction and motivation at work. Relations with management
Relations with management, like those with peers, can cause psychological tensions within the organization. For example, a directive management style that does not favour employee participation in decisions about the work they perform, or lack of recognition or feedback regarding the work performed are factors that can increase the level of psychological stress among workers. Relations with clients
Relations with clients can also have an affect on workers' mental health. The first aspect of these relations is linked to the number of interactions an employee has with clients. On the one hand, individuals may have too few contacts or, on the other hand, too many. The second aspect is related to the context in which these relations are established. Thus, jobs in which individuals must meet the needs of clients in a crisis situation and which necessitate support and assistance are likely to give rise to work-related mental health problems. For example, in carrying out their functions, health and social services professionals, police officers and sometimes teachers are frequently confronted with situations that generate psychological stress. Information Flow
Open and transparent communication should be encouraged within the organization. For example, holding meetings in which workers are informed of the policies, decisions and functioning of the organization and where the latter have the opportunity to express their feelings and dissatisfactions as well as to ask management and the union questions may decrease their level of insecurity and tension.

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