... |Axia College/College of Education | | |AED/200 Version 5 | | |Contemporary Issues in American Education | Copyright © 2010, 2009, 2006 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course provides an overview of the teaching profession. It introduces the student to the various issues affecting teachers. Its primary focus will be on contemporary issues teachers and educators face in today’s schools. Throughout the course, all aspects of the teaching profession will be incorporated from the diversity of students in the classroom, to school organization and governance, to teaching philosophies and instruction. This course provides a foundation for understanding the education profession. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may...
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...skills). Source: Cooperative Institutional Research Program, "1994 Nine Year Follow-Up Survey (of 1985 Freshmen),” Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA, 1995. 3.Learning and discussing controversial issues in school helps students become more informed and more active citizens. A 2007 survey of 5,400 secondary students found that: "Students who regularly take part in classroom discussion are more likely to: •Vote in later life •Support basic democratic values •Take part in political discussions •Follow political news in the media •Be interested in the political process •Have confidence in their ability to influence public policy” Source: Keith Barton and Alan McCully, "Teaching Controversial Issues...Where Controversial Issues Really Matter," Teaching History, June 2007. 4.Learning about controversial topics in school increases students’ political participation. Studies by Lee Ehman in 1966...
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...Unit 5: Collaborative Teaching and Learning Strategies Collaborative learning is an instructional method in which students team together on an assignment. In this method, students can produce the individual parts of a larger assignment individually and then “assemble” the final work together, as a team. Whether for a semester-long project with several outcomes or a single question during class, collaborative learning can vary greatly in scope and objectives. Cooperative learning, sometimes confused with collaborative learning, describes a method where students work together in small groups on a structured activity. Students are individually accountable for their work but also for the work of the group as a whole, and both products are assessed. Learning Objectives • To explore various instructional approaches to collaborative learning • To understand team-based learning as an approach to collaborative learning • To practice integrating collaborative learning into a course in a way that aligns with student learning objectives and intended outcomes Participants may have varied experience and a limited understanding of collaborative learning and its potential to enhance instruction. Unit 1 of this workshop guide suggests a poll and activity to better understand participants’ background and experience in this area. Once the workshop facilitators have a better understanding of the group, they might decide to introduce some examples that illustrate various collaborative learning...
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...transfer of the ability to read to that of writing. The skills transfer is integral in raising the awareness of how the structural components involved in learning are shared in both reading and writing modalities (VARK, 2016). One of the reasons a leaner may choose to embrace the read/write learning style is because it facilitates cognitive concept mastery since it brings out the aspect of making sense of what is read through fixing it in memory by writing it down (Crawford, 2005). Therefore, the method strengthens the learning quality by incorporating both the senses of sight and touch. Pointed out herein is how personal reading/writing strategies compare to the VARK preferred read/write learning style strategies and how the awareness of the individual learning style (read/write style) influences teaching and learning. Preferred learning strategies for read/write learning style * Identification of the item or subject that require a study. * Development of learning goals and questions or hypotheses with regard to the subject of study. * Identification of the sources from which the study will derive concepts from. The sources ought to be relevant. * Selecting the best sources from a group of several sources to be used for learning. Most recent and those preferred by most learners and educators should top the list. * Skimming through selected sources one at a time to ascertain if they actually have relevant information needed for learning and to note the specific parts...
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...transfer of the ability to read to that of writing. The skills transfer is integral in raising the awareness of how the structural components involved in learning are shared in both reading and writing modalities (VARK, 2016). One of the reasons a leaner may choose to embrace the read/write learning style is because it facilitates cognitive concept mastery since it brings out the aspect of making sense of what is read through fixing it in memory by writing it down (Crawford, 2005). Therefore, the method strengthens the learning quality by incorporating both the senses of sight and touch. Pointed out herein is how personal reading/writing strategies compare to the VARK preferred read/write learning style strategies and how the awareness of the individual learning style (read/write style) influences teaching and learning. Preferred learning strategies for read/write learning style * Identification of the item or subject that require a study. * Development of learning goals and questions or hypotheses with regard to the subject of study. * Identification of the sources from which the study will derive concepts from. The sources ought to be relevant. * Selecting the best sources from a group of several sources to be used for learning. Most recent and those preferred by most learners and educators should top the list. * Skimming through selected sources one at a time to ascertain if they actually have relevant information needed for learning and to note the specific parts...
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...ISSN 1798-4769 Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 77-80, January 2010 © 2010 ACADEMY PUBLISHER Manufactured in Finland. doi:10.4304/jltr.1.1.77-80 Brief Study on Domestication and Foreignization in Translation Wenfen Yang School of Foreign Languages, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, China Email: wfyoung@163.com Abstract T his essay gives a brief study of Domestication and Foreignization and the disputes over these two basic translation strategies which provide both linguistic and cultural guidance. Domestication designates the type of translation in which a transparent, fluent style is adopted to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for target language readers; while foreignization means a target text is produced which deliberately breaks target conventions by retaining something of the foreignness of the original. In the contemporary international translation field, E ugene Nida is regarded as the representative of those who favour domesticating translation, whereas the Italian scholar L aw rence Venuti is regarded to be the spokesman for those who favour foreignizing translation, who has also led the debate to a white-hot state. Index Terms domestication, foreignization, translation strategies I. OVERVIEW OF DOMESTICATION AND FOREIGNIZATION Domestication and foreignization are two basic translation strategies which provide both linguistic and cultural guidance. They are termed by American translation theorist...
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...student questioning and curiosity as they progress in school (Dillon, 1988; Engelhard, Jr. & Monsaas, 1988), and in particular, there is a preciptious decline in questions from low achieving students (Good, Slavings, Harel, and Emerson, 1987). What we see instead is that the majority of questions are initiated by the teacher, answered by students, and then evaluated by the teacher (Lemke, 1990). Conversely, when the students generate and ask the questions, it creates a far more powerful metacognitive and more scientific practice. I seek to encourage my 8th grade Earth Science students to ask their own questions at every opportunity. This article describes a variety of strategies used in a Rocks and Minerals unit for 8th grade students, but the techniques are adaptable to any concept or age group. Strategies to increase student questions Novel items are a great source of questions, although unfamiliar content may generate lower level questions (Chin, Brown, & Bruce, 2002; van Zee et al, 2001). At the beginning of the unit students examined several...
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...December 13, 16, 19, 2013 Topic: Ibong Adarna Noli me tangere El filibusterismo Physical Education Cooperating Teacher: Mr. Joy E. Dayto ------------------------------------------------- Observation Questions: 1. What are the objectives of the lesson? I have observed many subjects. And I think the objective in every different subject is; to make students learn but his objective is not OBE or outcomes based. And the reason is the teacher is not making any lesson plan. 2. What learning activities were introduced? I think it is about sharing his experience to his students makes a good learning activity. With the help of sharing your students will be active and it is a good strategy to take away any drowsiness in the classroom. 3. How do the learners participate in these activities? By listening and doing what the teacher will tell. Like in their class in P.E. they participate by playing the volleyball in correct manner. 4. What instructional materials were employed? Discuss whether such materials were computer generated or not. How did she prepare these materials? There are no instructional materials if the teacher teaches his students. But there are some if there is a reporter. They’re not computer generated. Their materials are more on Manila paper. 5. How did the teacher assess the learning about the lesson? Is it the process or the product? I think it is product because he taught them how to play volleyball...
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...ED 107 – Principles of Teaching Lesson 10: Teaching Strategies Use of Teaching Strategies Brain- Based Strategies Teaching Strategies A teaching strategy is the method used to deliver information in the classroom, online‚ or in some other medium. The goal of a teaching strategy is to facilitate learning‚ to motivate learners‚ to engage them in learning‚ and to help them focus. * Lecture - is the process of teaching by giving spoken explanations of the subject that is to be learned. - is often accompanied by visual aids to help students visualize an object or problem. - provides a way to communicate a large amount of information to many listeners, maximizes instructor control and is non-threatening to students. - however‚ it minimizes feedback from students, assumes an unrealistic level of student understanding and comprehension, and often disengages students from the learning process causing information to be quickly forgotten. * Case Method - provides an opportunity for students to apply what they learn in the classroom to real-life experiences. - works well in cooperative learning or role playing environments to stimulate critical thinking and awareness of multiple perspectives. * Discussion - involves planning on the part of the instructor and preparation on the part of the students. Example: some faculty begin a lesson with a whole group discussion to refresh students’ memories about the assigned reading(s). Other faculty find it...
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...International Business: An Asian Perspective, Singapore: McGraw hill. Additional References: 2. Charles W. L. Hill (2009), International Business, 7th edition, Singapore: McGraw-Hill 3. Mohd Nazari Ismail (2007), Globalization Debate, UM Press. Teaching Materials/ Equipment Text Book, Journal Articles, Case Studies Learning Strategies Lecture, Tutorial, Discussion Student Learning Time 120 Hours Face to face: 41 Hours (lecture, tutorial) Independent learning: 75 Hours (preparation before and after lecture, preparation for final examination) Assessment : 4 Hours (Test, Final Exam) (Refer to Student Learning Time form) Soft Skills Communications Skills : CS1 – CS3 Critical Thinking : CT1 – CT3 Team Work : TS1 – TS2 Entrepreneurship : KK1 Ethics and Professional Moral : EM1 – EM2 Leadership : LS1 – LS2 Lecturer Room Telephone/e-mail Prof. Dr. Mohd Nazari Ismail A2-25 mdnazari@um.edu.my Lecture Session: Day/Time Venue Tutorial/Practical Session: Day/Time Venue Isnin 2.00 – 4.00 ptg DK1 Monday 4 – 5 pm; Tuesday 2 – 3 pm; 3 – 4 pm; Thursday 9 – 10 am; Thursday 12 pm – 1 pm; 1pm – 2 pm. BSB 2 Important Dates Test : Examination : Teaching Schedule Week Lecture/Tutorial/Assignment Topic References/Teaching Materials/Equipment 1 Globalization; National Differences in Political Economy; Text book 2 Differences in Culture; Ethics in International Business; International Trade Theory; Text book 3 The Political Economy...
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...Importance and openness of the problem of effective teaching foreign languages have caused its topicality, and consequently the choice of a theme for the given course work. In present practice of teaching foreign languages there is a problem facing the teacher to address to experience of the colleagues, to innovative ideas, to a science, is that low authority of a subject because of shortages of a present technique of teaching. Aim to investigate the role of contemporary methods in teaching foreign languages, to distinguish the most rational techniques of teaching a foreign language which can be used in school. In this work it is necessary to solve the following primarytasks: 1. To investigate the bases of teaching a foreign language 2. To study effective ways and techniques of teaching a foreign language 3. To observe ways of teaching English language in contemporary methods 4. To work out exercises for using innovation technologies of teaching English language in contemporary methods The subject of this course paper is variety of methods and ways and their effectiveness of using in teaching a foreign language. The object of research is the process of teaching and pupils who are the subjects of this teaching process. Theoretical value of this course paper is in its results, having received which it will be possible to organize effectively teaching process, using in practice methods and ways of teaching which were offered in this work. Practical value of...
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...practice, or any combination of these four. This paper analyzes the writer’s perceived preferred learning style by completing a questionnaire and compares it to the actual learning style or styles that the writer utilizes. Results of questionnaire After completing it, the questionnaire suggested that this writer’s learning preference is a combination of reading/writing and kinesthetic, with a score of 7 and 6 points respectively, while visual and aural obtained 2 and 1 points respectively (vark-learn.com). Reading/writing and kinesthetic study strategies The study strategies suggested by the website for the writer’s two strongest learning styles identified are: for reading/writing: taking and reading notes, changing information from diagrams and graphs to words, practicing with multiple choice questions, organizing information in the form of lists with hierarchies and points, and rewriting and rereading the information. The strategies for kinesthetic are: using illustrations of ideas (i.e. pictures), recalling experiments, case studies, or field trips, using role play, applying real life experiences to the question, and talking about the notes with another person with a kinesthetic learning style...
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... Many reports before the Rose Review done in the year 2006 provide evidence of other methods used in teaching early reading. (Sheerman, 2009, p.36) Compares non-phonics and accurate systematic phonics programs and notes a slight difference in their effectiveness with non-phonics being on the lower margin. Other reports have proved beyond any reasonable doubt the existence of other strategies for teaching early reading. The studies reported some of the strategies as being more efficient than others. However, according to Annette Karmiloff-Smith (2009, p. 300), reading is a various area of knowledge with diverse needs that cannot be addressed by a single approach. Therefore, the teachers taking pupils through early reading must be familiar with various teaching strategies and understand when to apply the different methods. These teachers must also understand the reasons that contribute to the usage of particular teaching strategies (Adamuti-Trache & Robert, 2013). The above reports support the use of different approaches in contrary to systematic synthetic phonics. They both realize the diversity nature of children mind hence the difficulty of applying one approach in teaching the pupils how to read. Even though other practical methods are available, all of them cannot be implemented equally to all students. Therefore, the teachers must be in a position to use the strategy the best suits the particular students. Reporting about Rose report of 2006, Brandimonte, Bruno, & Collina...
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...reports before the Rose Review done in the year 2006 provide evidence of other methods used in teaching early reading. (Sheerman, 2009, p.36) Compares non-phonics and accurate systematic phonics programs and notes a slight difference in their effectiveness with non-phonics being on the lower margin. Other reports have proved beyond any reasonable doubt the existence of other strategies for teaching early reading. The studies reported some of the strategies as being more efficient than others. However, according to Annette Karmiloff-Smith (2009, p. 300), reading is a various area of knowledge with diverse needs that cannot be addressed by a single approach. Therefore, the teachers taking pupils through early reading must be familiar with various teaching strategies and understand when to apply the different methods. These teachers must also understand the reasons that contribute to the usage of particular teaching strategies (Adamuti-Trache & Robert, 2013). The above reports support the use of different approaches in contrary to systematic synthetic phonics. They both realize the diversity nature of children mind hence the difficulty of applying one approach in teaching the pupils how to read. Even though other practical methods are available, all of them cannot be implemented equally to all students. Therefore, the teachers must be in a position to use the strategy the best suits the particular students. Reporting about Rose report of 2006,...
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...selling proposition (USP) for the company. The case study enables a discussion on the remedial measures available for RIM to answer such security concerns without compromising on privacy. This case is designed to enable students to: (1) Understand the various issues and challenges facing a company in international markets; (2) Understand the controversy regarding BlackBerry usage and also to debate why this controversy is more prominent in Asia and the Middle East; (3) Analyze the remedial measures available to RIM in addressing the national security concerns and its business interests effectively; and (4) Understand the strategic lessons from Blackberry episode for MNCs in general and for technology and telecom companies in particular. This case is meant for MBA students as part of an international business / international management curriculum. It can also be used in a strategy and general management curriculum. The teaching note includes the abstract, teaching objectives and methodology, assignment questions, feedback of the case discussion, and additional readings and references. The teaching note does not contain an analysis of the...
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