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Decisions in Paradise


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Decisions in Paradise

Decisions in Paradise

“Kava is a significant island in the south pacific. More than 50% of the population is under the age of 15. Kava consists of an ethnic mix of indigenous South Pacific tribes which, consist of Asian, French, and Spanish but has had a significant increase of Americans after World War II” (Business Scenario) The economy in Kava consists of “petroleum, coffee, cocoa, spices, bananas, sugar, tourism, fishing, and natural gas” (Business Scenario). The quality of labor is inexpensive. In an effort to be considerate of the stakeholders involved, Nicholas Financial, Incorporated needs to consider the details of the problems, the issues that need to be addressed, and try to come up with solutions to every problem on Kava. Kava has had their share of natural disasters as well as epidemics. These “natural disasters include tidal waves, tsunamis, typhoons, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes” (Business Scenario). The petroleum spill is affecting the eco-system, marine wildlife and the integrity of beach property of the island. The other natural disasters have complicated these issues even further. Unfortunately, disease has become widespread because of the multitude of these disasters that have hammered this island recently. The devastation of the HIV/AIDS virus and the avian flu has presented other concerns to Kava and need to be addressed. Nik and Chris have asked Nicholas Financial, Incorporated to become involved and help Kava’s economy evolve and prosper. Nicholas Financial, Incorporated was established in 1985. When the company first started, there were only four branches all located in Florida. The company currently has 52 locations in 12 states. Nicholas Financial, Inc. is a consumer finance company that specializes in purchasing auto loans made

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