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Def Leppard Research Paper

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Def Leppard’s follow-up LP, “High ‘n’ Dry”, was an even bigger seller than “Getcha Rocks Off”, breaking the top ten. All together the group broadened their sound and stretching their heavy metal boundaries with the release of songs like “Bringin’ on the Heartbreak”. A few months after the follow-up LP was released, Pete Willis was replaced by Phil Collen because Willis had a severe drinking problem that affected his performance on stage. “Def Leppard was now a headline act after only two albums, and Collen’s style differed enough from Willis’s to create a unique combination with Clark” (Def Leppard: For the Record”).
The publicity and attention the group was receiving started to increase more and more over time. Unanimously, the band members decided to hire Mutt Lange, a producer, to yield “Pyromania”. “Pyromania” eventually sold more than two million copies worldwide. “Photograph”, “Rock of Ages”, and “Foolin” were “Pyromania’s” biggest hits. By then end of 1983, the five band members were being featured regularly in …show more content…
“Allen thought that he could not continue drumming for Def Leppard and became very depressed, so Def Leppard's lead singer, Joe Elliott, stopped by to see Allen in an attempt to cheer him up. Soon after, Elliott and Allen sat down with some engineers and started to design a drum set to assist Allen's drumming. After all of this, he could still play some drum beats with one hand, using his left foot to play the snare drum. Former Status Quo drummer Jeff Rich was a source of help and encouragement during Allen's convalescence, and they designed an electronic kit Allen could play using only one arm. Electronic drum manufacturer Simmons created a kit to their specifications, and Allen made his post-accident debut in 1986…” (“Rick Allen Loses Arm”). With this newly manufactured drum kit, Allen completely re-taught himself how to play the

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