...COMMUNICATION NETWORKS Security Comm. Networks (2011) Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI: 10.1002/sec.299 SPECIAL ISSUE PAPER Attack Countermeasure Trees (ACT): towards unifying the constructs of attack and defense trees Arpan Roy* , Dong Seong Kim and Kishor S. Trivedi Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708, U.S.A. ABSTRACT Attack tree (AT) is one of the widely used non-state-space models for security analysis. The basic formalism of AT does not take into account defense mechanisms. Defense trees (DTs) have been developed to investigate the effect of defense mechanisms using measures such as attack cost, security investment cost, return on attack (ROA), and return on investment (ROI). DT, however, places defense mechanisms only at the leaf nodes and the corresponding ROI/ROA analysis does not incorporate the probabilities of attack. In attack response tree (ART), attack and response are both captured but ART suffers from the problem of state-space explosion, since solution of ART is obtained by means of a state-space model. In this paper, we present a novel attack tree paradigm called attack countermeasure tree (ACT) which avoids the generation and solution of a state-space model and takes into account attacks as well as countermeasures (in the form of detection and mitigation events). In ACT, detection and mitigation are allowed not just at the leaf node but also at the intermediate ...
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...Professor S. Hafezi POL300 1• _F__According to Wriston, communication/information revolution has expanded the ability of governments to control events within their territory. 2• _T__Slaughter argues that the nation-state is dying because of supranational organizations and communication/information revolution. 3• _T__Wriston maintains that the Information Age has validated the Orwell’s vision of Big brother watching the citizen. 4• _F__Wriston believes that the information revolution has outmoded old oligarchies. 5• _F__According to Wriston, nations can now easily block the flow of information across national borders. 6• _T__The U.S. reliance on information technology, according to Wriston, has made the country vulnerable to attack. 7_T__Slaughter asserts that the information revolution has produced global governance. 8• _T__Slaughter believes that transgovernmentalism has created a more effective and potentially more accountable world order. 9• _T__Slaughter cites partnership between a supranational tribunal and national courts as the most advanced form of judicial cooperation. 10• _T__Slaughter believes that transgovernmentalism provides a powerful alternative to both a new medievalism and a liberal internationalism. 11• _F__According to Slaughter, all the agents of the modern regulatory state are now regularly cooperate with their foreign counterparts. 12• _F__Slaughter maintains that comity of nations has traditionally signified peaceful cooperation...
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... and made a drum like sound when you hit the ball with it. The first paddle was also around 19 inches long, which is unheard of nowadays. As we neared the start of the 20th century, the paddles then started to become made of wood covered in sandpaper, followed by a “cork-faced” racket, which players liked because they thought it, improved their overall performance. As we neared the middle of the 20th century, the changes in the racket increased significantly due to a first time impact from Japanese technology. They tried adapting the racket so it would help a player either on the offensive or defensive side. For example, it says that they made a racket that was wide and had a “pimpled rubber” surface that was preferred by players on defense. Next, they developed a sponge type racket. When the sponge racket was implemented with rubber and was 1mm, it was said that it was more difficult to create spin on the ball. I found it interesting that they finally stuck with this type of material and instead went to a 2mm “pimple rubber racket” while they also tried ways to increase the spin and the way to defend the spin. And from then on, the table tennis paddle has stayed the same for the most part. The only changes could be customizations, where people had grips put on to the handle. According to the ITTF Handbook’s rules on the racket, it can be any size or shape, it just has to have a...
Words: 442 - Pages: 2
...Moves * White * Pink * Blue * Plus one white * Plus one pink * Double pink * Black * Grey * Inside ball * Front dummy * 7 loop round to other side black (tell Dave) Application of the Moves * Receiving kick off: Shark (scoop, biggie, +1, biggie, eagle) * Mid-scrum: White-hit of base of scrum; 7 loop r2l black… Side scrum: * Front dummy… Rugby league laws: http://www.therfl.co.uk/the-rfl/rules/official_laws/5_mode_of_play Attack phase play: 1) Take 2) Take (When these guys are taking you are arranging the forth-coming play – e.g. ‘You 2 come closer run a white for me 3 & 4) White/double pink/ plus one white/plus one pink - For white; run 5m flat but 10m wide and run at the opposing defender one outside you (i.e. 10 runs towards 12 outside shoulder). - For double pink; execute the miss pink and use footwork to run at the defender and offload skills comes into hand to pop the ball to the team mate coming through for double pink. - For plus one; select and direct one taker to get flat but 8m wide of me. *If on blind side use hanz, footwork or drag the defence towards the line and pass the inside ball. Try to create the space! “All you’re doing in a game is two things: one is directing your team mates into position and telling them what to do; the second is rushing up on defence”. Remember go hard for the first 10 minutes and then conserve energy for the last 15. Last 15 minutes = 3 possible...
Words: 263 - Pages: 2
...1/6 MISSION ANALYSIS WORKSHEET Page 1 of 2 YOUR PURPOSE – Penetrate the enemy’s defenses to secure the crossing sites over Stony Creek IOT allow the ME to continue on to attack the MEB Obj. YOUR RELATIONSHIP TO HIGHER AND ADJACENT PURPOSES 1/6 (Rein) prevents the enemy’s guard force (1/87th (Rein) from conducting a successful delay, which allows the 34th MID’s main effort (86th MIBR) to establish a prepared defense. This allows the RCT’s main effort to rapidly pass forward to destroy the enemy in the vicinity of (vic) MEB Obj 1 (RCT-6 task) in order to deny the 34th MID an orderly withdraw through JTF-V Obj A. SPECIFIED TASKS Conduct a forward passage of lines with LAR as passing force *Attack in zone to destroy En forces in vic of Reg Obj 2 Conduct a forward passing of lines with 3/6 at Phase Line Green BPT follow on ME’s attack to MEB Obj *Secure key crossing sites on Stony Creek Locate Artillery Battalion Located Tank Reserve Turn over EPWs to CLB Report usable LZs to RCT S-4 Plan NBC decontamination sites IMPLIED TASKS Breach obstacles en route to Reg Obj 2 Use engineering assets to create a crossing location on Stony Creek if current bridges are not capable. BPT continue attack with MOPP level increase LIMITATIONS (CONSTRAINTS [C] and RESTRAINTS [R]) [C] Fires into no-fire areas (NFA) must be approved by RCT-6 fire support coordination center (FSCC). (p. 71) [C] MOPP level 1. (p. 48) [C] Report battalion...
Words: 685 - Pages: 3
...|Recovery Spd +2 |Red part of health bar recovers fastest. | | | | | | |Recovery Spd +1 |Red part of health bar recovers faster. | | | | | | |Recovery Spd -1 |Red part of health bar recovers slower. | | | | | | |Recovery Spd -2 |Red part of health bar recovers slowest. | | | | | |Attack |Attack Up (L) |Large attack increase. | | | | | |...
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...WoD is a great game. After running a WoD game for two years now, understanding more of its intricacies, I have to admit that I found myself charmed by its simplicity. Some people call it a "mediocre" system, but I personally find that it stands up to the rigors of actual game play quite nicely and that it even has some solid strengths: Simplicity and invisibility. You can easily call for a roll, calculate the results, and then sweep the mechanics under the rug and get back to the drama of your story without a hiccup, and it's simple enough while being interesting enough that I often choose it as an introductory game: it's easy to pick up, without being so simple that players stop and ask why we're bothering with a system at all. While essentially flawless in the sense that it won't break down on you in the middle of a game, it does lack a certain flavor and versimilitude that I look for in alot of my games. Combat isn't interesting enough, and leaves many players scratching their heads at the result. None of this is new: We all know about the dreaded "gun nibble," and the way certain factors just blend together into one tasteless grey blob that quietly resolves who kills who, but never leaves your players jumping up and down about how awesome the fight was. I don't generally like to hack rules. White Wolf isn't paying me to rewrite their rules, quite the opposite: I'm paying to play their games. I wasted two months trying to fix 7th Sea and threw up my hands halfway through...
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...Self-Defense Ever had one of those nights where you’re walking down the street and everything is quiet. Thinking that everything is just fine, you get attacked by a random stranger who lounges at you with brutal strikes and punches. Shocked and not knowing what to do, the easy thing to do is to just take the hits over and over again. By then, you have given satisfaction to your attacker by succumbing to the violent circumstances given and surely enough; you have been not only robbed of whatever few valuables you possessed at the time, but also you’re sense of security. Self-defense is the countermeasure that includes the protection one’s property and the prevention of harm. It is the very essence of the actions portrayed by preventing been harmed in any way by either/or diminutive or cataclysmic proportions. Self-defense does not mean to fight, but rather the use of intelligence to do its sole purpose: to defend. In history, martial arts have marked an evolution and adaptation of an individual’s attempts to protect both their honor and family. In today’s society, we live in a world where danger is found in every corner. Since the introduction of firearms, combat knives and even Tasers that can cause paralysis, evolution has yet again played a role in the art of protection. For instance, when you are been pointed to your face with a gun, the smart thing to do is to not provoke your attacker but to comply so long as your well-being is not threaten. If his/her actions and unwise...
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...multi-year intrusion campaigns targeting highly sensitive and valuable data in an attempt to gain a competitive edge, particularly in international business and law, or nation-state political and military affairs. These adversaries accomplish their goals using advanced tools and techniques designed to circumvent most conventional computer network defense mechanisms and remain undetected in their intrusion efforts or presence on networks over long periods of time. Network defense techniques which leverage knowledge about these adversaries can enable defenders to establish a state of information superiority which decreases the adversary’s likelihood of success with each subsequent intrusion attempt. Threat intelligence can be a force multiplier as organizations look to update their security programs and defenses to deal with increasingly sophisticated advanced persistent threats. Security managers need accurate, timely and detailed information to continuously monitor new and evolving attacks, and methods to exploit this information in furtherance of an improved defensive posture. Make no mistake about it: concurrent computer network defense contains a strong element of intelligence and counterintelligence that analysts and managers alike must understand and leverage. The tokens are the market leader...
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...resources are exposed to, which otherwise is not a trade-off for simplicity. In addition to this, the attacks are getting more complex in nature and are also increasing the risk of losing Information Assurance (IA). Protection against the attacks can be done using many security services in cumulative way for IA. These include Availability, integrity, confidentiality and non-repudiation. Thus to provide a robust Information Assurance (IA), one has to focus on four primary key elements: people, technology, application and operations. ‘Defense in depth’ is a strategy, which can help achieve IA while keeping the balance between operational cost and procedures, performance and protection capabilities. To protect your assets defense in depth helps to resist or progressively weaken attack. It is like an onion and to reach the inner most part (i.e. asset), one has to pass through layers and hope if one layer fails other layer will surely detect and drop. There are many Tools, Techniques and Methodology (TTM) used by attacker. Hence there is no single procedure/method/strategy for blocking these attacks. For example firewall cannot provide protection if the user in LAN targets another host in the LAN. Hence it calls for ‘defense in depth’ where if one layer fails to detect/deter attacker, another layer will surely be successful in blocking the attempt. Defensive layers The ‘defense in depth’ strategy starts with documentation and this helps organization to self access and in...
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...For over a decade, the concept of cyber warfare (computer warfare) has bee embedded i military doctrine. I 2000 the Defece white paper stated a ambition to repond to cyber warfare attacks. The 2007 Defence Update went further by calling for a focus on 'cyber warfare' to protect 'national networks and deny information'. The most recent Defence White Paper in 2009 also announced a 'major enhancement of Defence's cyber warfare capability...to maximise Australia's strategic capacity and reach in this field'. Given the rate of technological change and the number of system vulnerabilities discovered every day, the ADF's cyber capabilities will require dedicated and constant attention. This will be difficult to achieve and sustain if the ADF has not fully defined what it means by cyber warfare and how it will be used to serve Australia's interests. There are several definitions of cyber warfare, one of which was provided earlier this year by Defence Signals Directorate's (DSD) Deputy Director of Cyber and Information Security Mike Burgess in a speech to the Old Crows Association. He defined cyber warfare as 'an act...intended to degrade, destroy or deny computer accesses and systems' and added 'a true act of cyber warfare would have to be potentially lethal, instrumental and political'. Information stored on computers has become a key national asset and an element of our national power. Our ability to create information, store it, secure it, analyse it and harness it to make...
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...each team is the Team Leader. The Team Leader's decision is final. II. The Turn 1. The Turn Sheet Students are encouraged to accomplish most of the coordination with their teammates outside of class. Then the Team Leader turns in the Turn Sheet within the first ten minutes of class. This Turn Sheet shows the Team name, lists the Team Members, and was written to be quite self-explanatory. There will usually be one Turn per week. Each Team starts the game with 6 Cities. Each City produces 1 Food and 1 Gold per Turn, and can support 1 Unit. Now Divide the Units between Offense and Defense. You may assign 6 Units to Defense and 0 to Offense, or 0 to Defense and 6 to Offense, and anything in between. It is through the Turn Sheet that you learn the result of any Disasters or attacks upon you from other Teams (Civilizations). You also use the Sheet to plan your attacks against other Civilizations (if any) and to purchase Civilization Advances with Gold. 2. The Disaster Phase (Not on the first three Turns!) While your Turn Sheets are in my possession, I will roll two six sided dice (2D6) to determine what Disaster struck your civilization. Disasters will not happen during the first three Turns. Table I: Disasters Disaster | 2d6 Roll | Effect | Barbarian Raid | 2-3 | Two of your team’s...
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...his killing of Herb. Mel arrived at Herb’s house. He discovered the front door open and entered the house. Mel tiptoed to the bedroom and sprayed bullets into Herb’s body. Unbeknownst to either Mel or Brent, Herb had died of a heart attack an hour before Mel fired the bullets. 1. Are Mel and/or Brent guilty of: a. Murder? Discuss. In this particular scenario, I would not find it plausible to charge Mel with murder since Herb died from a heart attack prior to being shot by Mel. If Herb was still alive at the time, then Mel should be charged with homicide. b. Attempted murder? Discuss. Mel and Brent should be charged with attempted murder. Despite Mel having a mental disorder, his attempt to murder Herb was pre-meditated; he formulated a plan to kill Herb. Brent should also be charged with attempted murder because he wanted to be a part of killing Herb, even if it was unbeknownst to Mel. c. Conspiracy to commit murder? Discuss. Mel should not be charged with a conspiracy to commit murder because he had no knowledge of Brent being part of his plan to kill Herb. Brent however, should be charged with a conspiracy to commit murder because he was fully aware of the situation, and wanted to help aid Mel to kill Herb. 2. Does Mel have a defense of insanity? Discuss. Mel does not...
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...few rogue builds. I will show you a few builds that you can tweak to your liking and explain why I chose certain skills for each one. These builds are for level 40, however, I will give you a little information about future job classes and their skills as sort of a heads up. Sword Master: Sword Master is a short to long range fighter with lots of AoE (area of effect) and crowd control with fast paced damage per second. This class has little team support, but what it does have is a very good buff for dungeon runs with other people (which people ask for in parties). Overall, this class is very versatile, being great in both pve and pvp. Sword Master really shines as a Dark element fighter. We are not sure why, but in pvp, Magic Defense and Physical Defense do not work. Therefore, most people rely on elements to deal damage. Skills that are affected by Dark element: Warrior: Heavy Slash, Rising Slash, Circle Break Sword Master: Triple Slash, Deep Straight, Hacking Stance, Line Drive, Infinity Edge (only part of it), Hemorrahage, Eclipse, Half Moon Slash, Aerial Combo, Counter Slash, Dash Slash, Dash Combo With this in mind, you can see why Sword Master is best as Dark element. With this element, you will be doing lots and lots of damage in both pve and pvp. The best equipment sets for Sword Master/MoonLord are the Apocalypse and Manticore set. They give Dark %. Alright, now onto some builds: First build we have is the Magic Hybrid. Even though going either magic or physical...
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...Attack Combos In the Pokémon games, there are many different strategies you could use to win against a clever foe. Some strategies can be used just to lay down an all-out assault on a foe, and some are more skilled and use a combination of defense and more adept move usage. Some Pokémon's heaviest hitting attacks rely on a combination of different moves, some more useful than others. This guide outlines some of those move combinations that you can use against an opponent. Use them on the right Pokémon, and they could be extremely dangerous. True Combos In Black & White, there are Combination Moves which are done by using two seperate moves with two of your Pokémon during Double or Triple battles. These moves will then combine and have an added extra effect. These effects vary from simple status afflictions to doing damage to the Pokémon. Only one of the Pokémon will do the damage to the Pokémon selected, but the effect will occur and lasts for several turns Grass Oath + Fire Oath | Moves Required: Grass Oath & Fire OathEffect: When you use the move Grass Oath and then the move Fire Oath during a Double or Triple battle, the move will combine and create a field of fire which causes small amounts of damage to your opponents each turn. | | Fire Oath + Water Oath | Moves Required: Fire Oath & Water OathEffect: When you use the move Fire Oath and then the move Water Oath during a Double or Triple battle, the move will combine and create a a rainbow over...
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