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Delegation In Nursing Case Study

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Delegation When it comes to delegation, the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics for Nurses relays that nurse managers have specific duties:
Nurses in management and administration have a particular responsibility to provide a safe environment that supports and facilitates appropriate assignment and delegation. This environment includes orientation and skill development; licensure, certification, continuing education, and competency verification; adequate and flexible staffing; and policies that protect both the patient and the nurse from inappropriate assignment or delegation of nursing responsibilities, activities, or tasks (American Nurses Association, 2015).
How I accomplish these duties as the manager of the department …show more content…
Some of the data we collect and present to the Utilization Management Committee is patient length of stay, discharge delays, delays of services or care, variations, resource utilization, unnecessary hospital readmissions, and the provision of required Medicare Condition of Participation (COP) documents. Many QIPs have come out of the data we have collected. One QIP we are working on departmentally with the collaboration of nursing is the Readmission Root Cause QIP. We have developed a Readmission Root Cause Tool out of EBP readmission review tools, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) STAAR diagnostic tool, the Care Transition Consumer Survey, the Readmission Root Cause Analysis (Quality Improvement Organizations Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2013), and Tool 2: Readmission Review tool (Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality). We are also using the tool as a process measure on the documentation of the IDEAL Discharge Planning Process. We developed the tool to have a section that nursing completes and a section that case managers complete. Supervisors of nursing and Case Management meet to discuss the findings on a third page. We will gather data and will then discuss how we can use our findings to determine gaps in care, documentation, and future opportunities improve patient care …show more content…
Through the use of communication tools such as Crucial Conversations (Patterson, Grenny, McMillan, & Switzler, 2002), my own personal characteristics of leadership with humor, the evaluation of my own behavior, honesty, and conflict resolution, I have shown leadership development and evaluation. To show leadership supervision skills, I reviewed how I used coaching with my staff to resolve conflict, worked with them to create goals, provided feedback and praise, and made a healthier working environment that benefits patients and improves staff

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