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Alternative Break Journey

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1.) The opportunity to participate in an Alternative Break trip would be monumental. Being able to completely submerge myself in a different culture and learning about communities that require assistance would be beneficial towards my career aspiration of becoming a doctor. For example, the Alternative Break trip to San Francisco would be truly illuminating. Being able to assist people facing hunger and people that have lived in impoverished backgrounds would be a positive life changing experience. Furthermore, networking with like-minded and community oriented individuals with similar interests and views would be an overall enjoyable time. The skills that I hope to gain consist of essential team building skills, strengthening my leadership …show more content…
The sound of the music constantly piercing your eardrums. The melodies of the music are suppressed by the machetes constantly clashing and the drum-like thumps of your heartbeat. Next, you prepare to squat and perform the machete choreographies between your legs and behind your back. Your quads and calves begin to falter from continually supporting your intricate movements. This is what I have consistently prepared for the past 15 years as a performer of Folkloric Mexican dances. Promoting and embracing my Hispanic heritage is part of what I value and who I am. Throughout my college career as a sophomore thus far, I have been able to tutor my peers, represent Oregon in other states, serve as a mentor for high school students, conduct scholarship workshops for underrepresented students, promote my culture, and even represent OSU at the U.S. Department of Education speaking on behalf of my parent’s journey to the United States and my journey to college. In terms of assisting people with impoverished backgrounds, I have volunteered my time at Vina Moses. Delivering food and toys to families throughout the holidays. Whenever places such as Vina Moses ask for assistance, I am the first one there to help out. The reason for this is because my family has witnessed first-hand what it means to require assistance from the community. As a result of this, I learned that assisting others in the community is truly

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