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Cerebral Palsy Research Paper

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Cerebral Palsy a Complex Condition
Basic Knowledge of Cerebral Palsy Patients with Cerebral Palsy have a complex condition that causes them to be different. Their movement and posture is effect by this condition causing them to not be able to move like we do. The hip joint does not like to move as smoothly as ours so they have an uneven gate, walk, compared to a person who does not have CP. Most commonly this will lead to pain in any joint that is not formed properly. This does not come from a problem at birth but a defect from before birth. Simply because a child is born with CP does not mean they will never be at the same level as their peers. Many children will come to develop at the same level as their peers. They can become productive …show more content…
In this test, it will test the posture, coordination, ability, and balance of the patience. This is the only way to know for sure since CP effect the motor functions of the person that has it. Once your patient is diagnosed with CP you can start treatment but there is no cure for it. (Reading)

Treatments of Cerebral Palsy
While it is important to treat the patient with medication as a nurse we also should make sure that the patient gets the physical therapy they need. CP is a condition that needs physical therapy to keep the muscles moving to get them stronger, especially in children. Intense therapy at times has shown to be effective but not always so any form of therapy is good. Some studies show that CP children can reach up to 90% of their developmental growth of their peers by age five. This means that they are almost on the same level as their classmates in kindergarten. By about …show more content…
Children get diagnosed everyday with it and have to face the reality that they will be on pain medication and anti-seizure medication for the rest of their life. Many times, these children are not even school age when they are diagnosed. Patients of any age with CP deserve the same respect that we, as nurses, give everyone else. They fight everyday through pain and many times seizures, muscle cramps, spasms, or even the pain of physical therapy. Nothing is easy about a day going through rehabilitation let along having to do it every day of your life because you are not strong enough to do anything you need for a daily life on your own. Patients who have CP as a condition should not be treated like it is a burden because it takes them longer, treat them like you are proud of them because they are where they are. Every step they take is a milestone for them. For a typical patient, it is just another thing we do. For them it is an achievement. To each patient everything is different and for patients with CP nurses should remember their base line and the amount of pain they normally feel. That is how nurses will become better nurses to treat patients as a whole instead of the fragmented piece you see in so many hospitals that don’t see much of the “new” medicine. It is up to the nurse to treat each patient like a human, even when that patient has a condition that they have no control

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