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Harold Washington Research Paper

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Harold Washington was born on April 15, 1922, in Chicago,Illinois. He grew up in the city he spent his career trying to help—Chicago. His father was a police officer and a lawyer and his mother was a singer. Washington attended the city's public schools, but he left high school before earning his diploma. In the early 1940s, he went into the military to serve during World War II .Washington first started political career in the Illinois House of Representatives. Washington represented the 26th district for 11 years, from 1965 to 1976. He then went on to serve in the Illinois senate from 1977 to 1980, after his life in the senate Harold Washington then became a member of The House of Representatives representing Illinois 1st district. After going through …show more content…
Washington represented the district from 1965-1976. During his tenure as a representative of the 26th district Harold Washington fought for equality and supporting legislation that benefited the people. Throughout his political career Harold Washington strived to impact the lives of the hardworking class in a positive way and also the people that are overlooked who give a lot to the community. Washington showed leadership by going past what the critics said and went by what the peoples needs were. Washington was more than a political figure he was a man of the people, he did everything in he could in his power to give the people what they deserved. During his time in legislature Washington was accused and convicted of tax evasion. Washington served his crime by spending 32 days in jail. Even through his toughest times the people of the 26th district stood by his side knowing how great of a representative and how great of a person he was. He then became a state senator in 1977. Three years later, Washington moved on to national politics, where He then won a seat in the U.S. House of

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