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Into The Wild Research Paper

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Spending time alone is dangerous and form a lot of complications. It is not good or healthy to spend a large amount of time alone. “Being alone never felt right. Sometimes it felt good, but it never felt right.” is a quote by Charles Bukowski explaining how it’s not right by feeling to spend time alone. By being alone you do not have the input of other and their opinions or knowledge and along the lines with that you can make severely bad decisions and mistake that could possibly take your life, and lastly you isolate yourself which can possibly make you go crazy or insane! One of the main dangers of being alone is you do not have much input or help from the book "Into The Wild" Christopher McCandless adventures into the wild on his own without anyone's help. During his journey he get offered by a older gentleman by the name of Jim Gallien offered to buy him all new supplies and food since he was not carrying much on his back which concerned …show more content…
Spending time alone makes you have a higher chance of making bad decisions or mistakes. In the book "Into the Wild" Christopher McCandless made the decision to disappear and leave to try and complete his wild adventure and live in the wilderness in Alaska. Unfortunately for McCandless he does not survive that goal because he made the mistake of not being prepared and not taking others input. Another example of this is in “To Build A Fire”. A gentleman is walking alone with his dog to meet his friends at a camp. He only packed on little bag of food for lunch and not any supplies just incase. He got to a river and the elders told him not to continue this way. He did not listen and kept going on and on. He ended up building a fire under a tree with snow layered on it. He did not have the knowledge to know the snow would soften and fall on top of him. In the end he froze to death because of his mistake not to listen to the elders or take someone with him along the journey to make him

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