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African Wild Dog Research Paper

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African Wild Dogs has common names such as Hunting Dog, Painted Dog and Painted Wolf, but they also have a scientific name. The African Wild Dog scientific name is called Lycaon pictus. The structure of the African Wild Dog has a skull that is heavily built with muscle and has modified upper incisions that could clearly give a powerful bite to their prey. Their sharp canines are often used to easily grip their prey. African Wild Dog usually use their teeths, which often has self-sharpening abilities that slices the meat they capture. Those teeths of theirs enhance the capacity of shearing their prey so they can consume them quicker. The difference between the dogs and African Wild Dogs is that instead of having 5 toes they have 4 toes. Additionally, …show more content…
The African Wild dogs do not have medicinal properties neither they are poisonous or venomous. Moreover, their behavior makes them formed a strong bond amongst each other and makes them an intelligent animal. When it comes to breeding, the wild dog pups are strongly cared by the entire pack that the alpha female is in and the older siblings keeps watch and feeds them. The feeding comes from the rest of the pack once they decide to hunt while the adult wild dog is left behind to guard the pups and once the pack receives their kill, they return to feed the pups with chunks of meat unless their site is close, but the adult wild dog swamps when the others comes to go feed on the kill. When their pack decides move their den sites, they usually move around May and once the impala lambs start dropping, the adults decide to move since it gives them the opportunity to teach their pups to hunt. They also move den sites because they usually try to avoid other predators in the area that could possibly threaten the pack of theirs and also their pups while to avoid or even reduce parasite infestation such as

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