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The Pros And Cons Of Open Carry Laws

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GUNS!!!! One of the scariest, violent object a man could have invented. They are Dangerous, Tempting and effusion of blood. While many people agree over the fact that open carry law would keep the public safe, others believe that more distraction and lives will be lost each and every day. As the federal government estimated that there were well over 65 million gun owners in the U.S.

To begin with, imagine eating a meal at McDonalds with your family, enjoying a movie at the cinema or even attending a class at your collage while almost everyone around you is carrying loaded guns! Although this may seem unrealistic, however the 2nd amendment of the United Sates Constitution approves citizens the right to carry and possess guns. It is justifiable …show more content…
Unfortunately Murder rates have increased sharply across the US in 2015, with at least 30 cities reporting a rise in violence. Thus why our government would permits us to have the right to carry an object that is deadly?

Pursuing this further, it seem that our government want to protect us, for instance the (FDA) Food and Drug administration inspect food to and test drugs to make sure Americans are not afflicted by the awful food and harmful drugs. Yet our government allows just anyone to own and stroll around with guns. This does not appear realistic and carrying. If it did, guns would outlaw for the general public considering they are made to kill. As quoted be the former president of united state Bill Clinton “Only the police should have guns”

One last reason Why this new law shouldn’t pass , especially in school campuses frankly because, the amount of stress and anger students go through with their studies, it only makes it easier when furious and depressed to pull the gun out and shoot. Real friends won’t exist and pure relations ships and fear will always takeover, knowing that fact that you are constantly battling not to say or do one wrong thing in order to jeopardize your

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