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Ageism Definition

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One of the characteristics of situations of discrimination is that many times the person who suffers does not have the necessary means to denounce this injustice. In my view, there has not been an outcry against this practice because there are certain conditions in which there is not even a willingness to organize in a sufficiently large and well-managed number of people so that the voice of these victims are heard loud and clear, as well as their demands. Ageism, or age discrimination, is one of the clearest examples of this.
What is ageism? Ageism is a fairly simple concept, and its definition could be, simply this: discrimination towards the elderly, that is, those who belong to the fourth and third age. And is that as with racism or sexism, in the age of large groups of population are alienated from the decision making more important, with what seems that other generations have "colonized" their living environments. In addition, ageism is a problem that occurs in virtually all cultures. Although in some …show more content…
The stigmatization of sexuality in older people
5. This point is quite similar to the first, since it is based on an age-old consideration of what is aesthetic and what is unsightly. The nudity and intimacy of older people is considered unsightly, and therefore their expression is socially reprimanded, either with clear rejection or with ridicule. Old age is conceived as a vital stage in which you have to worry about other things than sex; Of course, those who support them are always young or middle-aged people, who can enjoy the privilege of openly living their sexuality.
6. Condescension. Old age is seen as the equivalent of ignorance and almost total lack of capacity to think. That is why in practice it is very common to treat those who have entered into old age as if they were children of a few years and were learning how the world works. This, of course, is another example of ageism that can go through a simple, well-meaning disposition to help

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