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Prison Overcrowding In The Judicial System

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Recently many conversations in the judicial system have brought up the topic of prison overcrowding. While the situation has been brought up more often with in the past years, the overcrowding issue has been around since the 1970s. Prison overcrowding is a social phenomenon occurring when the demand for space in prisons in a jurisdiction exceeds the capacity for prisoners in the place. It occurs when the rate at which people are incarcerated exceeds the rate at which other prisoners are released or die, thereby freeing up prison space. Through years of neglecting problems within the correctional system of the United States, federal and state courts have unfailingly ruled that prison populations must be reduced (Pitts, Griffin, & Johnson, 2014). …show more content…
Solutions to reduce overcrowding can include intermediate sanctions, such as community corrections, restitution, fines, probation, and other similar alternatives to incarceration (Pitts, Griffin, & Johnson, 2014). Including different programs for individuals that would go to prison for committing a minor crime can help soften the overcrowding issue, but at the same time allowing extra room for more serious crimes. Another solution is enrolling eligible inmates into work release programs, half way houses, or even release on parole. These backdoor strategies toward prison population reduction usually entail providing early release incentives to inmates who qualify for such programs. Parole, parole reforms, home confinement/house arrest, work release, and good time credits all could be classified as means of directly reducing prison population (Pitts, Griffin, & Johnson, …show more content…
prison system. This it done by improving areas ranging from prison health care, disciplinary practices, food service, due process and racial segregation. The book goes more in detail about several different strategies that can be used to help fix the overcrowding issue within the prisons and jails. The information contained within tells how other programs can be used to help rehabilitate inmates, and how other government programs can help house inmates whose crimes do not call for a prison

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