...Demographics: The Aging Population Angela Lewis HCS/490 December 12, 2011 Eric Longino Demographics: The Aging Population The number of senior citizens in the United States is rapidly increasing. It has been reported that aging Americans are living healthier, longer lives while enjoying greater wealth than ever before. There are diverse decisions that must be made that will support the well-being and health of the aging population as the Baby Boomers continue to grow larger. The growth of the aging population in the United States over the next 50 years is projected to have an exceptional impact on the United States health care system. The greatest challenge to the United States will be to provide affordable, appropriate, and adequate health care. According to Hales (2009-2010) in 2003 there were nearly 36 million people who were age 65 and over and accounted for about 12% of the total population in the United States. It has also been stated by Hales (2009) that “This number is anticipated to grow to 87 million by 2050, or about 25% of the total United State population” (558). A Majority of this increase will transpire by 2030 as the last of the baby boomers reach age 65 (Jacobsen, Kent, & Mather, 2011). However, providing health care for the increasing aging population will be costly, require an adequate health care workforce, and compete with other challenges such as in-home medical care and affordable prescription drugs. The increase in the number of aging...
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...Aging Population and Demographics Marcia Myers HCS490 July 19, 2012 Kevin Branyan University of Phoenix Aging Population and Demographics “One out of every nine Americans is ‘old’ ” ("Transgenerational Design Matters", n.d.). How do Americans define the term ‘old’? Most data tells us that Americans are living to be older, 78.2 is the magical number for life expectancy of Americans. Some of the data reports age 50 as the determining number. “America’s 50 and older population is predicted to be 100 million by the year 2012, one in five people will be in the 65 or older age group by 2035” ("Transgenerational Design Matters", n.d.). Growing numbers among the aging population means growing dollars in health care. The aging population will have more needs and require more services as they progress into the retirement age. This paper will discuss changes in the demographics of the aging population, the affects they have on health care, and the health care market. The paper will also identify two-key health care-related challenges to the aging population, the marketing needs and services of the aging population, and how a chronic disease wellness program may affect the costs for this population. It will also mention ideas on how the patient, community, and society as a whole can address these challenges. The aging population of the United States includes the 79 million Baby Boomers reaching retirement age (Haag, 2003). Most of them keeping up with technology...
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...Demographics – Impact of the Aging Population Your Name Here University of Phoenix HCS/490 Health Care Consumer – Trends and Marketing Demographics Demographics is the study of the population as it pertains to particular geographic areas concerning age, sex, race, income, disability, and a host of other determining factors. Demographics of a population can be obtained through various means, the of the most reliable is that obtained through the government census. As instructed in Article 1, section 2 of the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution requires a census of the population every 10 years. The purpose of this is to obtain a correct count of the population for determining the number of representatives for each state to seat in Congress. The government also uses the collected information and breaks the demographics down according to state, counties, cities and towns for a true picture of the population of these areas. With this being known, the government uses this information for the distribution of monies for the various demographic needs of the population. Each individual of every age, sex, race, income, and disability has different needs, and as a result affects each geographic location differently. The Demographics of Monroe County, Michigan Monroe County, Michigan has a population of 152,949 as of the 2008 population estimate (U.S. Census). This reflects an estimated population increase of 4.8% from the 2000...
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...Demographic Paper/Aging Population Aging Population The purpose of this summary is to provide information on the effects of changes in population demographics on the needs and services of the aging population. This summary will include the impact the aging population will have on the health care market as well as some ways in which the aging population affect health care in relation to cost. The summary hopes to provide some insight to the need for more health care professionals to care for the aging population. He summary will provide an answer to the question, what is the aging population’s effect on a chronic disease wellness program. The summary will conclude with the aging population’s effects on an individual, community, national, and global level. Aging Population in the United States According to Maestas and Zissimopoulos, “population aging is not a looming crisis of the future, it is already here” (Page 1, Para 1, 2011).When life expectancy rises and fertility declines the results are an aging population. Another issue of population aging is an increase of individuals surviving to live to an older age outgrowing the number of young people or health care professional’s ability to take care of these older people. The impact of the aging population on the future standard of living may depend on how long people continue to work. Age-related health care declines and the reluctance of employers to hire and retain older workers is a serious cause for concern. Age...
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...The Demographic transition model is a model used to explain the transition from high birth rates and high death rates to low birth rates and low death rates as part of the economic development of a country. It is based on the development of the UK. The DTM is based on a generalized picture of population change over time based on European studies assuming that all countries will go through the stages 1 to 4. As already stated, the DTM is based on the development of the UK; therefore it assumes that all the countries in the world will follow the same sequence of development as those countries in Europe which is not the case. In the UK, it took about 100 years to transition through the second stage as advances in technology and economy occurred over time, slowly lowering the death rate. However, in LEDCs death rates have fallen rapidly due to the introduction of advanced medical practices, even though birth rates have stayed high. An example of this rapid decrease and a country which does not fit the DTM is Algeria, as its birth rate is 21.0 yet its death rate is only 4.0. However the DTM says that it is in stage 4 of the model, yet its birth and death rates do not suggest this. Algeria’s GNI per capita is also only $6900 which is rather low for a country said to be in stage 4. A low GNI per capita also indicates a lower level of development than that of a country in stage 4 as the GNI per capita can suggest lower levels of education and in turn healthcare, again implying a country...
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...International Conference on Technology and Business Management March 28-30, 2011 India’s Demographic Dividend - Issues and Challenges Arun Ingle P B Suryawanshi inglearun@gmail.com pbsurya@gmail.com Pad. Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Foundation’s Institute of Business Management and Rural Development, Ahmednagar 1. Introduction India is transforming demographically, in which the population of a nation slows down and life expectancy increases, participation of women in labor force and rate of saving increases. India has its own issues like illiteracy, income disparity, gap between haves and have-nots; etc. This study explores demographic dividend in case of India by studying issues and challenges, the policies to be implemented and lessons to be learned from countries like Japan, Ireland and Thailand. By 2025, India will have over 65% population under working class. This is a unique window of opportunity for deploying resources. This study explores the benefits to be realized and the policies to be implemented; now India is well poised for becoming a super economic power. As all developed nations will have older population by 2026, as their population is aging. It means if India can take the advantage of this situation, by proper deployment of resources, by converting the human potential in to engine of economic growth. This period of demographic dividend is an opportunity for overall growth; it’s not the guarantee for improving the standard of living. This window of opportunity...
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...Aging Demographics for Alaska HCA 490 University of Phoenix Aging Demographics for Alaska Established in 1959, Alaska became the 49th and largest state in America. Throughout the past 53 years, Alaska has developed ever changing demographics in regards to the population of age, health, race, gender, education, and employment. From top employers in Alaska such as Providence Health and Services all the way to the male female ratio, the aging generation is integrated in all demographics and is the one demographic that is not limited to other demographics. The aging population affects all races, genders, health, education, and employment. Aging Demographic Demographics are the result of statistics from data retrieved over a certain population that provide information on age, gender, race, education, employment, and income. The demographic range stretches from the categories of global, national, state, county, city, to town jurisdiction. The aging demographic in Alaska is categorized as state. Demographics can stay the same for decades and can change very rapidly. With this constant there are a number of concerns that arise along with this change. There is a large concern regarding the prices in health care based on the nation’s economy and the imminent change of national demographics. The state demographics within Alaska are impacted by this through the costs of health care and now more so than ever with the change of local demographics of aging...
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...FEDERAL UNIVERSITY KASHERE P.M.B 0182, GOMBE FACULTY OF HUMANITIES, MANAGEMENT AND SOCIAL SCIENCE COURSE CODE; 4303 COURSE TITLE; DEMOGRAPHY ASSIGNMENT QUESTION; Brief Explanation of Demographic Transition Theory GROUP (5) MEMBERS FUK/HMSS/12B/SOC/1042 FUK/HMSS/12B/SOC/1043 FUK/HMSS/12B/SOC/1044 Course lecturer; PROF. UMAR BAPPAH TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Demographic transitional theory 3. Stages of demographic transitional theory 4. Criticisms of demographic transitional theory 5. Summary of demographic transitional theory 6. References INTRODUCTION Demographic transition (DT) refers to the transition from high birth and death rate to low birth and death rates as a country develops from a pre-industrial to an industrialized economic system. This is typically demonstrated through a demographic transition theory. The theory is based on an interpretation of demography history developed in 1929 by the American demographer Warren Thompson (1887–1973) Thompson observed changes, or transitions, in birth and death rates in industrialized societies over the previous 200 years. Most developed countries are in stage 3 or 4 of the model; the majority...
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...What is Demography? Demography is the scientific study of human population, including its size, distribution, composition, and the factors that determine changes in its size, distribution, and composition. Objects: Dynamic VS Static Demographic Focuses 1. Size: the number of population in a given areas at a given time. 2. Distribution: population dispersion in geographic space at a given time. 3. Composition: the number of person in sex, age, and other “demographic” categories. 4. Population dynamics: birth, death, and migration. 5. Socioeconomic determinants and consequences of population change --- Population Study. Population Characteristics Population has three compositions (in terms of static): natural composition: by age and sex spatial composition: by province and by urban-rural areas social composition: by marital status, educational status, nationalities, working status, etc. Accordingly, population has three changes (in terms of dynamics): natural change: birth and death migration change: emigration and immigration social change: marriage and divorce, enrollment and drop out Population dynamics affects the population composition. Population composition can be expressed at a point of time, which was called time-point index; Population change can be expressed within duration of time, which was called period index. The Feature of Demography Demography is rarely found as an independent academic...
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...between population growth and economic development. What are the competing perspectives? Which do you think is most useful, and why? 5 points Chapter three focuses on the relationship between population growth and economic development. Livi-Bacci provides potential relationships between the two by focusing on certain theories. This chapter opens up with the two competing perspectives of these potential relationships. The first is seeing population growth as a negative force, putting pressure on fixed or limited resources, eventually leading to an increase in poverty. Malthus backs up this negative relationship perspective with the law of diminishing returns. Diminishing returns will occur when population growth increases and, in a fixed environment, a point is reached, causing the output to diminish gradually. Diminishing returns will cause for poverty, while the fixed, limited resources will level off. Malthus argues that population growth is determined by the growth of the economy. The Malthusian model demonstrates population checks, keeping the fate of the population in the hands of...
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...Aids and Demographics Jamene Neal HCS/490 Aids and Demographics Jamene Neal HCS/490...
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...Skinner HCS/490 Dr. Iris Boyd Population demographics in the United States are accumulation an increasing changes that’s going to affect health care and its practice. The diabetes populations demographics are causing a different transformation in bring diversity in culture, economics, and religion and believe education and social unequal. To grant and giving the permission to current levels of diabetes to all social and racial difference in health and the probability that in hoping that these difference will not gradually become less or diminish because of the growing diabetes population under the current health system, and because of this growing disease in the American population is continually changing. Diabetes does not select one population but is known as demographic that consist of age, disability, race, gender, income, mobility, home ownership, location, employment status, and education level. With the new technology this information can be used to determine demographic movement. The movement that are been describe in these changes that may appear in unfailing demographic populations over a period of time. Demographics are frequently now in public policy, sociology, and marketing. Giving the opportunity to buy or sell to utilize demographics frequently examine, bring them into a state of unity by characterizing a demographic profile. Obesity has become one of the most significant and valuable impact in changing population demographics in the health care market in most...
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...PROGRAM ON THE GLOBAL DEMOGRAPHY OF AGING Working Paper Series Population Dynamics in India and Implications for Economic Growth David E. Bloom January 2011 PGDA Working Paper No. 65 http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/pgda/working.htm The views expressed in this paper are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the Harvard Initiative for Global Health. The Program on the Global Demography of Aging receives funding from the National Institute on Aging, Grant No. 1 P30 AG024409-06. 1 Population Dynamics in India and Implications for Economic Growth1 David E. Bloom Harvard School of Public Health January 2011 Keywords: Age structure China-India comparison Conditional convergence Demographic dividend Demographic transition Economic growth Economic growth in India Policy reform Population health Population of India Abstract Demographic change in India is opening up new economic opportunities. As in many countries, declining infant and child mortality helped to spark lower fertility, effectively resulting in a temporary baby boom. As this cohort moves into working ages, India finds itself with a potentially higher share of workers as compared with dependents. If working-age people can be productively employed, India’s economic growth stands to accelerate. Theoretical and empirical literature on the effect of demographics on labor supply, savings, and economic growth underpins this effort to understand and forecast economic growth in India. Policy choices...
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...Login | Register | News updated at 10:55 PM IST | | Friday 18 November 2011 | | | ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form | | Bottom of Form | Weather Max: 0°C Min : 0°C | | In Bangalore Sunny day | | | | | | * Home * News * ------------------------------------------------- * ------------------------------------------------- * ------------------------------------------------- * ------------------------------------------------- * ------------------------------------------------- * ------------------------------------------------- * ------------------------------------------------- * ------------------------------------------------- * Business * Supplements * ------------------------------------------------- * ------------------------------------------------- * ------------------------------------------------- * ------------------------------------------------- * ------------------------------------------------- * ------------------------------------------------- * ------------------------------------------------- * ------------------------------------------------- * ------------------------------------------------- * ------------------------------------------------- * ------------------------------------------------- ...
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...QUICK ANSWER Demographic changes are the dynamics in the quantifiable statistics of a given population. Demography seeks to understand population changes by investigating such demographic components as gender, age, ethnicity, home ownership, mobility, disabilities, language knowledge, employment status and location. These elements and how they change constitute vital information about the population of a given location and its culture. KNOW MORE FULL ANSWER Demography examines the relationship of changes through deaths, births and migration in demographic composition, with the natural environment and with social and economic change. Demographic indicators may include population size, crude birth rate, population growth rate, crude death rate, fertility rate, life expectancy and infant mortality. Estimated and projected gender and age distributions in relation to fertility rates could also be included. The impact of demographic change is considered as one of the most important challenges for the future. Demographic changes influence all aspects of human activity, including economic, social, political and cultural. For instance, the age distribution of a population has an overwhelming influence on health-care needs. This is especially recognized in the U.K., where allocation of NHS resources is based on the age-weighted capitation. At the local level, demand for health-care services may even be more age based than what is allowed by the national capitation formula, where the...
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