...Simulation Review Paper Patton-Fuller Health Care is a not-for-profit Community Hospital that has many different types of services. Some of the services that are provided within this hospital are: emergency medical care, physical therapy, radiology, cardiology, labor and delivery, and even surgery for everyone. The Cardiac Care Hospital is a very important part of the Patton-Fuller Hospital, within this paper analyzing the financial indicators that help with the decision making that help in both the weaknesses and strengths within the Cardiac Care Hospital (CCH). At the same time, I will also be evaluating the funding options for obtaining medical equipment, and also the funding strategies for the success or failure of capital expansion (Apollo Group, 2011). Within phase one, one of the simulations observed was the great impact was throughout the cost cutting measures. Some of the options that were given and even used were the reduction of staff, and making changes within skills that were being used. By cutting these two cost, may have seen to some as a bad thing, but in the end was something that needed to be done to help the organization and it did not leave the organization in a shortfall. Reducing the staff was a great option because it helped the organization reduce the costs of training that needed to be done. Reducing staff members also meant that the organization would have fewer salaries to pay, meaning more for other equipment that is needed. The other option...
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...1 Administrative Ethics Paper Shannan Eddings HCS/335 December 10, 2011 Joann Wilcox In the healthcare field there are many institutions that specialize in different methods of treatment such as a nursing assistant, dentist, pathologist, psychiatrist and physical therapists to name a few. With these different jobs and countless employees in the medical profession, there are plenty of patients to be cared for because everyone needs medical attention no matter if it is a broken arm or getting a tooth pulled, health care is a necessity. Patients come to the physician because of a problem that they are having and with that notion they are prepared to give full details of their problem. Giving information to the medical staff is a process that has to be done in order to know what exactly the type of treatment a patient should receive, if any, and the patient is giving these personal details in full confidence that the information doesn’t go any farther than the physician that is caring for him/her. The clinical use of genetic testing and the information from this is becoming a very important part in modern health technology and keeping records of personal information has improved especially in the storing of information which has been usually written in paper form but advanced technology has created an improved format to store personal medical information in, which is called Electronic Health Records (EHR’s). Genetic information stored in the Electronic Health Records could...
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...Phoenix Material Simulation Review Complete a simulation and then write a paper that analyzes the decisions you made. You are in charge of fictitious health care organization facing financial difficulties. In the simulation, you will complete the following tasks: Bridge a working capital shortage. Evaluate funding options for acquiring medical equipment. Evaluate funding options for capital expansion. Part I below explains how to successfully complete the simulation and prepare for writing the paper. Part II explains the paper requirements. Part I Complete the following tasks before beginning the simulation: Save this document to your desktop. You will need to reference it as you complete the simulation. Print this document before beginning the simulation for easy reference. Review the paper requirements listed in Part II and have an extra sheet of paper ready for taking notes as you complete the simulation. Complete the Health Care Financial Accounting simulation. The simulation can be access by clicking on the ‘Simulation’ tab under the ‘Healthcare Accounting – Financial Indicators simulation’. To get the most out of the simulation, consider the following tips: The minimize icon ( ), shown in the upper-right side of the simulation may not function on your computer. Once you begin the simulation, you may not be able to access your desktop or other applications without ending the simulation. To end the simulation, click on the exit icon...
Words: 489 - Pages: 2
...Phoenix Material Simulation Review Complete a simulation and then write a paper that analyzes the decisions you made. You are in charge of fictitious health care organization facing financial difficulties. In the simulation, you will complete the following tasks: Bridge a working capital shortage. Evaluate funding options for acquiring medical equipment. Evaluate funding options for capital expansion. Part I below explains how to successfully complete the simulation and prepare for writing the paper. Part II explains the paper requirements. Part I Complete the following tasks before beginning the simulation: Save this document to your desktop. You will need to reference it as you complete the simulation. Print this document before beginning the simulation for easy reference. Review the paper requirements listed in Part II and have an extra sheet of paper ready for taking notes as you complete the simulation. Complete the Health Care Financial Accounting simulation. The simulation can be access by clicking on the ‘Simulation’ tab under the ‘Healthcare Accounting – Financial Indicators simulation’. To get the most out of the simulation, consider the following tips: The minimize icon ( ), shown in the upper-right side of the simulation may not function on your computer. Once you begin the simulation, you may not be able to access your desktop or other applications without ending the simulation. To end the simulation, click on the exit icon...
Words: 489 - Pages: 2
...Management Simulation: Power and Influence essay An evaluative essay on current conceptions of effective … - Yukl - Cité 283 fois Managing the four stages of EDP growth - Gibson - Cité 795 fois Environmental management as political sustainability - Levy - Cité 210 fois Résultats de recherche Change Management Simulation - Essays www.allfreepapers.com › BusinessTraduire cette page 26 mai 2013 - Introduction. As my role in the Change Management Simulation: Power and Influence was the CEO and founder of Spectrum Sunglass ... [PDF]Behind the EIS Simulation - INSEAD CALT www.calt.insead.edu/.../eissimulationunderlyingmodel...Traduire cette page Culture: The Power of Values and Rituals. 6. Actions and ... A number of models and insights from the literature on change management, as well as more ..... influence. The social influence part is represented in an influence network, reflecting. Change Management Simulation Power And Influence ... www.studymode.com/.../change-management-simulat...Traduire cette page Free Essays on Change Management Simulation Power And Influence William Q Judge Linda A Hill Spectrum Sunglass for students. Change Management Simulation Power And Influence Free ... www.studymode.com/.../change-management-simulat...Traduire cette page Free Essays on Change Management Simulation Power And Influence for students. Use our papers to help you with yours. How to Write - Research Papers - Koukou414...
Words: 494 - Pages: 2
...Online Business Simulations Like the last entry, this entry is also derived from a paper I wrote for my master's work in the Technology, Innovation, and Education program at Harvard's Graduate School of Education. My advisor on this project was noted knowledge networks researcher Barry Fishman, visiting Harvard from the University of Michigan. Harvard Business School Publishing is about to launch the first two products in our new series of online business simulations and I wanted to investigate how we can ensure that this product line produces effective learning for our customers. This paper explores a framework for assessing effectiveness in online business simulations. Introduction Problem Statement and Paper Structure Harvard Business School Publishing (HBSP) has created a new product line of online business simulations. We know from faculty customer surveys that they are highly concerned themselves with how easy the simulations are to use, administer, and debrief, and that they are equally concerned that their demanding, and increasingly technically-literate, students rate the learning experience as engaging and dynamic. Hence these eLearning products are designed to be engaging, interactive, usable and teachable. We also know from faculty surveys that these types of learning tools are considered to be very effective. But what does the literature say about these kinds of claims? How can HBS Publishing know whether users of these simulations are truly learning...
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...Manufacturing With Simulations and Games: A Survey and Future Directions Fazleena Badurdeen1, Philip Marksberry1, Arlie Hall1, and Bob Gregory1 Simulation & Gaming 41(4) 465–486 © 2010 SAGE Publications Reprints and permission: http://www. sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/1046878109334331 http://sg.sagepub.com Abstract Problem-based learning focuses on small groups using authentic problems as a means to help participants obtain knowledge and problem-solving skills. This approach makes problem-based learning ideal for teaching lean manufacturing, which is driven by a culture of problem solving that values learning as one key output of manufacturing production. Thus, simulations that organize participants in teams for realistic manufacturing production problem solving are widespread as a way to use problembased learning to teach lean manufacturing. But a critical assessment of existing simulations for lean manufacturing instruction has been lacking. Accordingly, a literature survey is conducted and existing simulations are classified according to their emphasis on lean tools or the overall lean system; the degree of their focus on soft skills, if any; and their area of application, whether academic or industry. Four gaps are found in existing simulation designs: lack of stress on soft skills, a mistaken focus on “linear lean,” misunderstanding of the key role of the facilitator, and lack of realism. Future directions for study and improvement in lean simulation design...
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...Complete a simulation and then write a paper that analyzes the decisions you made. You are in charge of fictitious health care organization facing financial difficulties. In the simulation, you will complete the following tasks: • Bridge a working capital shortage. • Evaluate funding options for acquiring medical equipment. • Evaluate funding options for capital expansion. Part I below explains how to successfully complete the simulation and prepare for writing the paper. Part II explains the paper requirements. Part I Complete the following tasks before beginning the simulation: • Save this document to your desktop. You will need to reference it as you complete the simulation. • Print this document before beginning the simulation for easy reference. • Review the paper requirements listed in Part II and have an extra sheet of paper ready for taking notes as you complete the simulation. Complete the Health Care Financial Accounting simulation. A link is provided on the student website. To get the most out of the simulation, consider the following tips: • The minimize icon ( ), shown in the upper-right side of the simulation may not function on your computer. Once you begin the simulation, you may not be able to access your desktop or other applications without ending the simulation. To end the simulation, click on the exit icon ( ), shown in the upper-right side of the screen. • The decision-making portion of the simulation begins on the...
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...Complete the following tasks before beginning the simulation: Save and print the Simulation Aid document. You will need to reference it as you complete the simulation. Review the assignment instructions and have an extra sheet of paper ready for taking notes as you complete the simulation. Complete the Health Care Financial Accounting simulation. In the simulation, you are in charge of a fictitious health care organization facing financial difficulties. You must complete the following tasks: Phase 1: Capital Shortage - Analyze the working capital shortage presented in the simulation Phase 2: Funding Options for Equipment Acquisition - Evaluate funding options for acquiring medical equipment Phase 3: Funding Options for Capital Expansion - Evaluate funding options for capital expansion Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper analyzing the decisions you made in the simulation. Include the following in the paper: Phase I: Capital Shortage Analyze which cost-cutting options you selected and why. Analyze which loan option you selected and why. Analyze the outcome of your capital shortage decision. Phase II: Funding Options for Equipment Acquisition Evaluate which cost-effective equipment selections you made and why. Evaluated the outcome of your cost-effective equipment acquisition decision. Phase III: Funding Options for Capital Expansion Evaluate which source of funding for capital expansion you selected and why. Evaluate the outcome of your source of funding for...
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...Course Design Guide HCS/405 Version 5 1 Course Design Guide College of Natural Sciences HCS/405 Version 5 Health Care Financial Accounting Copyright © 2012, 2010, 2007, 2005, 2004, 2002, 1999 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course provides an understanding of the general principles of accounting applied in the health care environment. It includes an overview of sources of revenue for various health care entities. The fundamentals of financial planning, cost concepts, capital budgeting, and management analysis are applied in the health care environment. Issues surrounding the development and management of budgets are also examined. Policies Faculty and students will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Baker, J. J., & Baker, R. W. (2011). Health care finance: Basic tools for nonfinancial managers (3rd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers. All electronic materials are available on the...
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...! University of Illinois at Springfield Journal Article Review By Sadanand Patil. Instructor: Hamed Saremi. ABSTRACT: In this paper we are going to review three journal articles based on Business Process Modeling and Simulation. These articles explain the importance of business process modeling and simulation in business processes. Authors discuss how modeling and simulation is done. We start with some information about the business processes explained by the authors then we will discuss business process modeling and methods of modeling. We will also go through how simulation modeling helps to evaluate alternate business process strategies. We will also discuss benefits of simulation of business process modeling. The purpose of this paper is to give readers idea about the journal articles, whether they are worth reading and importance of these articles and how these articles will help to understand Business Process Modeling and Simulation. INTRODUCTION: Ray J. Paul, Vlatka Hlupic and George M. Giaglis explained in their article that due to increasing competition, organizations need to make major changes in their each step of business process. BPR (Business Process Re-engineering) helps an organization to enhance the business process and also creates new ways in order to gain a competitive edge in a real market. BPR helps to redesign the business system for the enhancement of an organization. Many organizations faced a failure because of many factors...
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...Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) 2008 Five Forces Driving Game Technology Adoption Roger D. Smith U.S. Army Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training, and Instrumentation Orlando, FL roger.smith14@us.army.mil ABSTRACT The computer gaming industry has begun to export powerful products and technologies from its initial entertainment roots to a number of “serious” industries. Games are being adopted for defense, medicine, architecture, education, city planning, and government applications. Each of these industries is already served by an established family of companies that typically do not use games or the technologies that support them. The rapid growth in the power of game technologies and the growing social acceptance of these technologies has created an environment in which these are displacing other industry-specific computer hardware and software suites. This paper introduces five specific forces that compel industries to adopt game technologies for their core products and services. These five forces are computer hardware costs, game software power, social acceptance, other industry successes, and native industry experimentation. Together these influence the degree and rapidity at which game technologies are adopted in a number of industries. The military simulation industry is just one of the many industries that are being impacted by these technologies and the five forces are affecting it just as they are many other industries. The paper extends...
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...by: The purpose of this paper is to review and discuss how the principles of both macroeconomics and microeconomics are pertinent to many aspects of our daily lives in ways that a mass majority of individuals has never stopped to think about. The discussion herein is based on a simulation involving rental apartments in Atlantis that are all owned by the same company known as Goodlife. It is important to anyone individual or company in their growth to know when to know what a good price is, when to spend money, when to save money, and what to do in between, and to do so you must understand the concept of supply and demand and how to utilize the information. Most people understand the basic aspects of this; however, to be effective one must know the importance of how both macro and microeconomics are to our ways of living. Further at it relates to the simulation, discussions in this paper will consist of identifying both a supply and demand curve and explain what happens when a shift takes place as well as their different areas of impact. Lastly, I will discuss price elasticity and how a persons spending. Macro and Microeconomic Principles Here is a quick review of two important terms and definitions. Pursuant to Colander (2013), “Macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a while” and “Microeconomics is the study of how individual choices are influenced by economic forces”. The simulation provides information showing that although Atlantis...
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...Papers should include a critical view of how investigators have made choices regarding each of the important steps in the research process that we cover in class. What we're really interested in at each step is how much a single methodological choice dominates the research area, and therefore the errors inherent in such a dominant choice, that might underlie general conclusions about substantive phenomena. To reduce some of ambiguity about what these choices or points of criticism are, you can use the Martocchio and Harrison (1993) paper as a very loose guide, and you can take cues from the paper grading sheet that I've attached to this syllabus. The text of the paper (i.e., not counting references, tables, figures, and appendices) should not exceed 25 pages of double-spaced (6 lines per inch, 3 of which contain text), Times-Roman 12-point proportional text, with one inch margins. The paper is due by 9:00am on Friday, May 2nd. I want this one electronically. Please email me your write-up as a Word 2003 (.doc) file. I do not accept late papers or give incompletes. You will have already written the initial draft by completing the two take-home exercises, so you have no excuses. We'll talk more about this critique as the semester goes on. As I mentioned above, each of the exercises will also add to the completion of this paper. In past years some students have used the paper to gain deep expertise in a topic area and then...
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...Supply and Demand Simulation Joseph Silva Eco 365 FARIBA KHERADMAND 5/6/14 In this paper we will be observing the key points of microeconomics and how it relates to week twos supply and demand simulation. We shall go over and review the basic principals on how the supply and demand curve works and is effected in certain senarios. Also in this summary we will go over the affects on equlibrium price, quantiy, and decision making. Finally we will talk about the firms stategies how it relates to the senario. The senario in this simulation brings you to a new city called Atlantis where you are a property manager of some two bed room apartments. Your job is to manage the rental rates and make sure things don’t get out of hand in reguads to shifts in the demand and supply. The first topic we shall review in this paper is the miro and macro economic principles that came up in the simulation. From the the microeconomy stand point the two concepts that came up were the supply and demand as well as price cellings. The supply and demand was the most obvious one to choose. In the simulation you had to figure out how much the supply and demand curve shifted. In most cases the demand curve was always shifting due to the preferences of the simulation always changing. If the population increased then the demand for the apartments increased. Same thing if the preference changed it could cause and increased affect or a decreased...
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