...our employees will be happy with the support and Epic’s customer base will increase as our employee’s knowledge and skills grow. Coaching is a method of training the trainer has an active role in training the employee. | Scope Job coaches provide a multilevel training that will utilizes the latest training methods for improved leadership skills, employee relations, customer service performance and increase employee retention. Claims supervisor job coaches will provide 30 day training program that will include computer based applications, customer service scenarios along with on the job training and job simulations. Claims Supervisor will receive continued training after six months of hire with leadership developing simulation with different scopes of employee and customer service issues. They will have 14 hours of training simulation to be completed in a two week timeline to have the knowledge of what their Claims supervisor receive for their training. | Objectives 1. The objectives will include job coaching instruction, computer based videos and PowerPoint to instruct and properly lead/ handle employee relations and customer needs. 2. Recall of requisites with computer based programs with questions of different scenarios. The Claims Supervisor will recall policy and procedure...
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...MHR 522 Industrial Relations Section 041 Location: TRS 2-129 (Monday 3.00pm - 6.00pm) 1.0 COURSE TITLE 1.1 Course: MHR 522 Industrial Relations 1.2 Semester/Year: Winter 2014 1.3 Prerequisite &/or Exclusions: n/a 2.0 INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION: 1. Name: Ian Sakinofsky 2. Office Phone Number: (416)979-5000 X 7562) 3. E-mail address: isakinof@ryerson.ca 4. Office Location:1-046; Consultation hours: Monday 12.00pm-1.00pm, 2.00pm–3 .00pm 5. Methods of Posting Grades: ▪ Tests and assignments will be returned to students in class 2.7 E-mail Usage & Limits: Students may email questions to the professor but may expect some delay in responses to emails. 3.0 CALENDAR COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course examines theories of industrial relations; union organization and structure; labour legislation in Canada; negotiating and administering the collective agreement; among other topics. The aim is to introduce the student to the complexities of the labour management relationship and to explore various techniques for successfully managing this critical area of business. 4.0 COURSE OVERVIEW: The goal of the course is to make students aware of the inherent presence of potential conflict, particularly in a collective sense, within workplaces. The intent is to acquaint students with the measures and procedures that have emerged to deal with this conflict, and particularly to position the practice of Collective Bargaining within this context...
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...Policies, Student Responsibilities and Support business.unsw.edu.au CRICOS Code 00098G Table of Contents PART A: COURSE-SPECIFIC INFORMATION 3 1 STAFF CONTACT DETAILS 3 2 COURSE DETAILS 3 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Teaching Times and Locations Units of Credit Summary of Course Course Aims and Relationship to Other Courses Student Learning Outcomes 3 LEARNING AND TEACHING ACTIVITIES 3 3 3 4 4 6 3.1 Approach to Learning and Teaching in the Course 3.2 Learning Activities and Teaching Strategies 6 6 4 7 ASSESSMENT 4.1 Formal Requirements 4.2 Assessment Details INDIVIDUAL ASSESSMENTS 7 7 8 4.2.1 Individual Written Assignment (25%) 8 4.2.2. Quiz (total 20%) 9 4.2.3. Individual Participation (10%) 9 4.2.4. Peer Evaluation and Team Reflective Journal 10 Peer Evaluation (weighting marks on group assessments) 10 Team Reflective Journal (5%) 10 4.2.5. Team Case Analysis (15%) 11 4.2.6. Team Simulation Performance (25%) 12 4.3. Late Submission 14 14 5 COURSE RESOURCES 14 6 COURSE EVALUATION AND DEVELOPMENT 15 7 COURSE SCHEDULE 16 PART B: KEY POLICIES, STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES AND SUPPORT 17 8 PROGRAM LEARNING GOALS AND OUTCOMES 17 9 ACADEMIC HONESTY AND PLAGIARISM 18 10 STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES AND CONDUCT 18 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Workload Attendance General...
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...Policies, Student Responsibilities and Support business.unsw.edu.au CRICOS Code 00098G Table of Contents PART A: COURSE-SPECIFIC INFORMATION 3 1 STAFF CONTACT DETAILS 3 2 COURSE DETAILS 3 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Teaching Times and Locations Units of Credit Summary of Course Course Aims and Relationship to Other Courses Student Learning Outcomes 3 LEARNING AND TEACHING ACTIVITIES 3 3 3 4 4 6 3.1 Approach to Learning and Teaching in the Course 3.2 Learning Activities and Teaching Strategies 6 6 4 7 ASSESSMENT 4.1 Formal Requirements 4.2 Assessment Details INDIVIDUAL ASSESSMENTS 7 7 8 4.2.1 Individual Written Assignment (25%) 8 4.2.2. Quiz (total 20%) 9 4.2.3. Individual Participation (10%) 9 4.2.4. Peer Evaluation and Team Reflective Journal 10 Peer Evaluation (weighting marks on group assessments) 10 Team Reflective Journal (5%) 10 4.2.5. Team Case Analysis (15%) 11 4.2.6. Team Simulation Performance (25%) 12 4.3. Late Submission 14 14 5 COURSE RESOURCES 14 6 COURSE EVALUATION AND DEVELOPMENT 15 7 COURSE SCHEDULE 16 PART B: KEY POLICIES, STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES AND SUPPORT 17 8 PROGRAM LEARNING GOALS AND OUTCOMES 17 9 ACADEMIC HONESTY AND PLAGIARISM 18 10 STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES AND CONDUCT 18 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Workload Attendance General...
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...understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Bennett-Alexander, D. D., & Hartman, L. P. (2007). Employment law for business (5th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill. All electronic materials are available on the student website. |Week One: The Legal...
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... In particular, MOR 465 focuses on four main substantive areas of interest: Module 1: Basics of Corporate Strategy Module 2: Competitive Rivalries Module 3: Managing Strategic Change Module 4: Academic Research on Strategy Module 1: Basics of Corporate Strategy extends the frameworks and cases taught in BUAD 497 on “Corporate Strategy”, meaning issues that companies with multiple strategic business units face. We focus on the following issues in this module: 1. 2. 3. 4. The basic tenets of corporate strategy; Diversification and the notion of core competences; Vertical integration, Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) & the “make or buy decision”; and Corporate governance and “managing” the managers We examine these issues through both Harvard Business Review readings and Harvard and Stanford Business School cases. Module 2: Competitive Rivalries examines in more detail how firms compete with each-other in fast-moving markets. We read several chapters from the Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson (2005) book Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization (Concepts and Cases). By this stage of the course, we will also be immersed in the corporate simulation (see below for more information), and we will use the materials in Hitt, et al. book to help formulate corporate strategy for the simulation....
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...GMGT 530 GMGT530 Complete Course Click below link for Answer http://workbank247.com/q/gmgt-530-gmgt530-complete-course/28010 GMGT 530 Week 1 Organizational Behavior Issues Paper ABC, Inc. is a competitor of your organization headquartered in a different country on a different continent. ABC has just announced that its shareholders approved the acquisition of your company. As the CEO in the acquired company, you have been asked to start the process of creating the changes necessary to make the merger-acquisition successful. You are being held accountable for maintaining your organization’s performance measures while dealing with the human elements of this situation. Resources: University Library and textbook readings Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper describing the key challenges that will face the organizations as they merge. To accomplish this, you must complete the following: * State the assumptions you will use for your analysis; specifically, identify the industry for both companies and the country where each company is located. In addition, identify the specific organizations you will be discussing. Select a company, for example, that will be ABC, Inc. for your specific situation. * Identify the elements of your organization’s culture and your perceptions of the importance of each element for your organization to operate effectively. * Use the text reading and at least three peer-reviewed sources from the University Library resources to identify the key...
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...THE BULLWHIP-EFFECT IN A MULTI LEVEL SUPPLY CHAIN NETWORK Research in Progress Reisich, Friedrich, University of Duisburg-Essen, 2247800, Essen, Germany, friedrich.reisich@stud.uni-due.de Abstract Forrester discovered the amplification and oscillation of order information in supply chains about 55 years ago and called it the Bullwhip Effect. Since then researchers look for reasons and try to find countermeasures. Most of the countermeasures which were formulated in the last decades are based on experiments with simple linear supply chain models consisting of two to four serial levels. In reality supply chains are complex and dynamic systems. In this paper we developed a dynamic simulation model of a complex simulation network and statistically examine whether the countermeasures described in the scientific literature work or do not work. The preliminary results shows us that at least one countermeasure which works perfectly in linear supply chains is also suitable for complex supply chain networks. Keywords: Bullwhip Effect, Forrester Effect, Whiplash Effect, Supply Chain Networks.. IS Research Fundamentals 1 1 Introduction The Bullwhip Effect or Forrester Effect is a major problem in supply chains. It was first discovered by Forrester (1972) who realized that variations of demand increase up as one moves up the supply chain from the ultimate customer to the ultimate producer. This phenomenon is considered one of the main reasons for inefficiencies...
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...great technology investment demands on the industry for regulatory compliance. One single act of irresponsibility can cost businesses greatly or be forced to close (Business Regulation Simulation, 2009). It is important to identify, manage, and correct torts and regulatory risks for Alumina, Inc. so legal issues do not arise in the future. Alumina, Inc. is a $4 billion dollar USA-based industry leader in Aluminum making. They operated in eight countries around the world. The US accounts for seventy percent of its sales. Their business interests are in: automotive components, manufacturer of packaging materials, and aluminum smelting. Alumina falls under jurisdiction of Region 6 of the EPA. A tort is the French word for a “wrong.” The law provides remedies to persons and businesses that are injured by the tortuous actions of others (Cheesman, 2010). Kelly Bates claims Alumina did not comply with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) legal limit of producing PHA. The drinking water in Lake Dira was found to be unsafe, which caused leukemia in her 10 year old daughter. The plaintiff has filed a million dollar personal injury lawsuit against Alumina to recover punitive damages (Business Regulation Simulation, 2009). Two of the possible tort violations in this simulation are negligence and liability. The potential for negligence in this case must be proven to contain breach of duty and duty of care. The liability tort must prove failure to protect and failure...
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...Week Three Checkpoint 1 Week Three Checkpoint Brenda Mask Art 101 /Introduction to Art February 21, 2012 Tulasi Zimmer Week Three Checkpoint 2 Site Title: | MyArtsLab for A World of Art, 6e | Book Title: | A World of Art | Book Author: | Sayre | Location on Site: | Resources > Simulations > ELEMENTS OF FORM: TEST | Date/Time Submitted: | February 21, 2012 at 10:57 PM (UTC/GMT) | | Summary of Results | 100% Correct of 11 Scored items: 11 Correct: | 100% | 0 Incorrect: | 0% | | More information about scoring | | | | 1. | | The term Mass refers to: Your Answer: | form with three-dimensional volume | | | 2. | | Masses in a sculptural composition can be composed using: Your Answer: | linear principles | | | 3. | | The term contours refers to: Your Answer: | lines that show the outline of the edges or surfaces of a form | | | 4. | | Cross-contour is used to: Your Answer: | show mass by using line | | | 5. | | The character of a shape is most determined by Your Answer: | its outside contour | | | 6. | | Contour drawings: Your Answer: | feature simplified line | | | 7. | | Solidity in a cross-contour drawing is: Your Answer: | an illusion | | | 8. | | The character...
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...Addressing International Legal and Ethical Issues LAW/421 Contemporary Business Law October 4, 2014 Addressing International Legal and Ethical Issues In the “Addressing International Legal and Ethical Issues” simulation; a company named CadMex was in discussions to do international business with a company from Candore named Gentura. The issues that were involved in resolving legal disputes in international transactions are that the company from the United States, CadMex; had to be careful to make sure that they knew the laws of the country of Candore and abided by them. CadMex needed to be familiar with the culture and local government as well as to not get into any long legal disputes with the country of Candore. Considerations must be taken when taking legal action against a foreign business partner based in another country. Taking legal action in another country would severely impact any future investment and business relations in that country, but on the other hand depending on the situation action must be taken to protect the company. When CadMex considers their decision to grant sublicensing agreements; they must consider many factors. The factors would be that the sublicensed companies would need to meet the current quality standards and production requirements currently upheld by CadMex. CadMex must also consider the time that the sublicensing agreements will take to accomplish and the cost that the company will incur from these sublicensing agreements....
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...Business Regulation Simulation Alumina Inc. is an aluminum maker that operates in eight countries worldwide. Accounts in the United States make up 70% of the companies $4 billion worth. Located on Lake Dira, in the state of Erehwon, Alumina has business interests in automotive components, manufacturer of packaging materials, bauxite mining, aluminum refining, and aluminum smelting. Five years ago, Alumina was in violation of environmental discharge norms in a routine EPA compliance evaluation. PAH concentration in test samples was above the prescribed limit. A clean up was ordered, with which Alumina promptly complied. A follow up audit reported the violation as corrected. Other than this single isolated incident, Alumina has a good record of compliance before and after. Now, Kelly Bates, a 38-year-old single mother, accused Alumina of repeatedly contaminating the waters of Lake Dira with carcinogenic effluents, and has alleged that consumption of the contaminated water is the proximate cause of her 10-year-old daughter’s leukemia. Bates also alleges that her daughter’s condition may be as old as Alumina’s first instance of environmental law violation. The Key Facts, Regulations, and Legal Issues This section discusses the main themes of the simulation and why they are important aspects in the decision making process. The first key fact in this simulation is that five years ago Alumina Inc. in a routine EPA compliance evaluation was found to be in violation of environmental...
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...Report: Everest Simulation Table of Contents | Page # | 1. Executive Summary........................................................................................ | ..........3 | 2. Introduction..................................................................................................... | ..........4 | 3. Method & Results............................................................................................ | ..........4 | 4.1 Experimental Procedure | 4 | 3.2. Findings | 5 | 4. Discussion....................................................................................................... | ..........5 | 5.2 Communication | 5 | 4.2 Types of Leadership & Power | 6 | 4.3 Decision Making | 6 | 4.4 Conflict | 7 | 5. Conclusion..................................................................................................... | ..........8 | 6. References..................................................................................................... | ..........8 | 7. Appendices.................................................................................................... | ..........9 | I. Goals on Track | 9 | II. Team Contract | 10 | 1. Executive Summary During the semester, two Everest Simulation tasks were undertaken by a group of five people. This Everest Simulation was an online task which was to be completed as a team in order to determine...
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...PREFACE This simulation is a dynamic business exercise designed for students enrolled in courses that emphasize the importance of developing project management skills. Because the simulation is designed to offer instructors maximum flexibility, we have included scenarios that bring into clear focus project management challenges within a variety of professions, including new product development, process conversion, construction, event planning, and information technology development and implementation. As such, the simulation can be used in academic settings within schools of business, engineering, hospitality management, information and systems, and architecture. The simulation is designed to provide students with real-world experiences in managing the myriad variables that are routinely encountered in project management and decision making. Best and most important, the simulation environment offers students the unique opportunity to practice various components of project management – a hands-on, learning by doing approach that emphasizes active learning. The scenario and rules for the simulation can be learned in a short amount of time: perhaps two or three hours. Among the benefits for instructors are the randomization factors we have included that allow the instructor to customize the simulation each time it is used. These effects are important because they prevent past students from passing along “the key” to successfully winning the simulation. Each time you...
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...JCT2 - Supply Chain Management This course supports the assessment for JCT2. The course covers 10 competencies and represents 3 competency units. Introduction Overview In this course, you will be challenged with learning about the integration of activities that comprise a supply chain, from manufacturing goods through retailer sales. Understanding and proactive management of a supply chain is a key skill set for today's business executive. This course focuses on supply chain and distribution channel decisions within a global environment. The Marketplace Business Fundamentals simulation will provide you with the opportunity to apply, in a setting that simulates a real-world environment, a variety of business decisions that must be made when managing a business as a component of a supply chain. Watch the following video for an introduction to this course: Note: View the video in full screen at 720p for best results. Competencies This course provides guidance to help you demonstrate the following 10 competencies: * Competency 326.1.5: Budgets The graduate utilizes budgets and a variety of pro-forma statements for planning and control purposes including analyzing cash flows to assure adequacy of funds for capitalizing on business opportunities. * Competency 327.3.1: Continuous Improvement and Quality Management The graduate applies quality management methods for continuous improvement and proposes various quality improvements in an organization. * Competency...
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