...in a supply chain for the supplier‘s performance Bachelor thesis: Organization studies, 2nd semester, academic year 2011-2012 Thesis Circle: Time will tell…. A processes perspective on inter-organizational collaboration Name: PC Jansen ANR: 770926 E-mail: P.C.Jansen@uvt.nl The importance of information sharing in a supply chain for the supplier‘s performance Abstract This literature review investigates the effect of information sharing from a buyer to a supplier in a supply chain on the performance of that supplier, with taking in mind that the supplier has to combat the bullwhip effect. With the existence of the bullwhip effect, a supplier cannot make right forecasts and therefore has difficulties in planning its production and/or inventory control. This research shows that information sharing is the key solution to reduce or avoid the bullwhip effect and, by that, it positively influences the performance of the supplier in the chain. Keywords: Bullwhip, supply chain, information sharing, supplier performance, inventory control, single-echelon, multi-echelon Thesis Circle: Time will tell…. A processes perspective on inter-organizational collaboration Supervisor: Remco Mannak Supervisor 2: Annemieke Stoppelenburg Name: PC Jansen ANR: 770926 E-mail: P.C.Jansen@uvt.nl 2 Table of contents Table of contents 3 1. Introduction 4 2. Theoretical Framework 7 2.1 Bullwhip effect 7 ...
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...INSE 6290 Quality in Supply Chain Design DISTRIBUTED COORDINATION IN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY November 5, 2013 Montreal, Canada 1. INTRODUCTION A supply chain refers to the production and distribution process from raw materials to finished goods. Members of the supply chain are dependent on each other to reduce overall cost and maximize their profit. This dependency, resulting in risk and uncertainty along with benefit, has recently been increasing due to the rapid innovation of information technology, globalization, and outsourcing. A need for coordination mechanism arises from interdependencies between the activities of supply chain members and this need differs depending on sources of complexity and uncertainty. Supply chain coordination is ``a term encompassing cooperation (joining operation), collaboration (working jointly), and integration (combining into an integral whole). It also involves information system alignment (jointly expanding the information structure beyond the boundaries of each supply-chain member). These elements constitute coordination mechanisms to manage independencies among supply chain members`` (Botta-Genoulaz 2010). Below is the conception model of supply chain coordination (Arshinder 2011). [pic] A literature review is presented in this paper to highlight the importance of supply chain coordination. The objective...
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...Distortion in Supply Chain: A Simulation Approach to Quantifying the Bullwhip Effect 1 1 Oyatoye, E.O and 2Fabson, T.V.O Department of Business Administration University of Lagos, Akoka-Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria 2 Telsy Value Consult, Onike Road, Iwaya, Lagos, Nigeria Corresponding Author: Oyatoye, E.O ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________ Abstract Supply chain exists due to the fact that it is difficult for any company to provide all that is required from raw materials to final products and at the same time get the products to the end users. Successful supply chain management requires a change from managing individual functions to integrating activities into key supply chain process; hence, accurate information is of essence. One of the key factors that can adversely affect effective and efficient supply chain process is information distortion. Demand forecasting and ordering policies have been recognized as two key causes of bullwhip effect in supply chain management. This study explored the simulation approach in quantifying the effect of bullwhip in supply chain, using various forecasting methods. ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________ Keywords: information distortion, supply chain, simulation, quantifying bullwhip effect, forecasting methods ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________ I TRODUCTIO Supply chain is the...
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...analysis of Supply Chain Collaboration Techniques By Arun Table of Contents Introduction 3 Supply chain Management and Drivers of supply chain performance 3 Retail Industry supply chain overview 4 Bullwhip Effect 5 Reducing the “Bullwhip Effect” 6 Mitigating Bullwhip Effect by Improving Information Accuracy 7 Collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment (CPFR) 8 Drawbacks of CPFR 9 Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) 9 Drawbacks of VMI 10 Mitigating Bullwhip Effect by Improving Operational Performance 10 Vendor consolidation 11 Risk in using 3PL for vendor consolidation 13 Reducing Replenishment Lead time using Cross docking 14 Supplier selection for cross-docking 15 Benefits of Cross-docking 16 Disadvantages of Cross-docking 17 Conclusion 18 Appendix 19 Appendix A 19 Products suitable for cross-docking 19 Types of cross-docking 19 References 21 Introduction A Supply chain consists of all the participants and processes which are involved in satisfying the customer demand. The large amount of participants, variety of processes, dynamics and uncertainty in materials and information flow prove that the supply chain as a complex system in which coordination is considered as a key element for success. The lack of supply chain coordination between the participants results in a “Bullwhip Effect”. This report analyzes different techniques followed by Wal-Mart to improve coordination for reducing the bullwhip effect. Wal-Mart’s...
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...Measuring the Bullwhip Effect Termpaper for International Logistics WS14/15 Lecturer: Christian Deckert Johannes Wolff BA13, International Business , International Trade 1132214046 Table of Contents List of Figures ii 1. Introduction 1 2. The Bullwhip Effect as a Supply Chain Phenomenon 1 2.1. Managing the Supply Chain 1 2.2. The Bullwhip Effect as Supply Chain Dynamics 2 2.3. The Bullwhip Effect as an Inevitable Consequence of Supply Relations—The Beer Game 3 2.4. The Reasons for the Bullwhip Effect 3 2.5. Studying the Bullwhip Effect in Data 5 3. Formal Analysis of the Bullwhip Effect 7 3.1. Models Based on Serially Correlated Demand 7 3.2. Measuring the Effect of Transparency 8 4. Mitigating the Bullwhip Effect 8 4.1. Information Policy 8 4.2. Reducing Lead Time 8 4.3. Collaboration of Retailers 9 5. Summary 9 References 10 Appendix 12 List of Figures Figure 1: Order fluctuations in the beer supply chain 12 1. Introduction The US-American telecommunications company CISCO depreciated 2.25 million US dollars in the third quarter of 2001 due to excess stock (Beer, 2014, p. 1). According to Beer (2014, p. 3.) the bullwhip effect is the probably most important reason for this depreciation. The bullwhip effect affects production and leads to a shortage of stocks or excess stocks, drops in sales, increases inventory costs and instability of planning (Beer, 2014, p. 3). Productivity losses due to the bullwhip effect are between...
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...REVIEW OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS AND THE BULLWHIP EFFECT H.M. Lai1 1Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia. ahiu_mun@hotmail.com Keywords: Supply Chain Management, Bullwhip Effect, Inventory. Abstract. In recent years, the application of supply chain management in organization has become very popular. Business organizations today increasingly use the vital role of supply chain management to compete. This paper presents the basic concepts and literature review of supply chain management. The practice of supply chain management is guided by some basic underlying concepts that have not changed much over the centuries. This paper also discusses the common problem in supply chain management known as the bullwhip effect. 1. Introduction At present, the way the business is done has undergone radical transformation due to ever increasing expectations of consumers. The realization of importance of collaboration and integration among the partners has led to the idea of supply chain management. Organizations have realized the essentialness of an effective and efficient management of supply chain for present and future survival. Hence, the importance of supply chain management has grown over a period of time and plenty of planning models are now practiced by organizations across the globe. In adopting supply chain management, organizations must carry out a consistent set of management practices. 2. The Concept of Supply Chain Management...
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...“The bullwhip effect in supply chain: Reflections after a decade” . CELS 2008, Jönköping, Sweeden. (presented by EmreEryılmaz). Note: This is the final draft version of this paper. Please cite this paper (or this final draft) as above. You can download this final draft from http://research.sabanciuniv.edu. THE BULLWHIP EFFECT IN SUPPLY CHAIN Reflections after a Decade Gürdal Ertek, Emre Eryılmaz Sabancı University, Orhanlı, Tuzla, 34956, Turkey Abstract A decade has passed since the publication of the two seminal papers by Lee, Padmanabhan and Whang (1997) that describes the “bullwhip effect” in supply chains and characterizes its underlying causes. The bullwhip phenomenon is observed in supply chains where the decisions at the subsequent stages of the supply chain are made greedily based on local information, rather than through coordination based on global information on the state of the whole chain. The first consequence of this information distortion is higher variance in purchasing 1 quantities compared to sales quantities at a particular supply chain stage. The second consequence is increasingly higher variance in order quantities and inventory levels in the upstream stages compared to their downstream stages (buyers). In this paper, we survey a decade of literature on the bullwhip effect and present the key insights reported by researchers and practitioners. We also present our reflections and share our vision of possible future. Keywords: Bullwhip Effect...
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...Supply Chain in the Food Industry by Abdelrahman Ahmed El-Hefny Bachelor Thesis submitted to the Operations Department at the Faculty of Management & Technology German University in Cairo Student registration number: 16-1841 Date: 29th May 2012 Supervisor: Professor Dr. Ehab Yaseen Table of Contents Table of Contents ............................................................................................................. ii Table of Tables ................................................................................................................ iv Table of Figures ................................................................................................................ v Abbreviation List ............................................................................................................. vi 1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1 2 Literature Review ..................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Overview on the Supply Chain..................................................................... 3 2.1.1 Definition of the Supply Chain......................................................... 3 2.1.2 Types of Supply Chain ..................................................................... 4 2.1.3 Supply Chain Processes ..........................................
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...Supply Chain Management Assignment ON BULLWHIP EFFECT AND DELAYED DIFFERENTIATION Submitted to Prof Dr. P.R.S.Sarma Submitted by VENKATA RAJA GOPAL RACHERLA Regd. No.: 1226109236 SEC-B MBA (IB) - 2009-11 1 INDEX S No. I 1 2 3 Topic Bullwhip effect Introduction Explanation Causes of Bullwhip Effect Possible Remedies The Bullwhip effect in the electricity sector Conclusion Postponement or Delayed Differentiation Page no. 3 4 4 5 4 5 6 7 6 II 1 10 11 12 Introduction 2 Forecasting uncertainty 14 3 The long-term potential 16 2 THE BULLWHIP EFFECT 3 1. Introduction The bullwhip effect is the magnification of demand fluctuations, not the magnification of demand. The bullwhip effect is evident in a supply chain when demand increases and decreases. The effect is that these increases and decreases are exaggerated up the supply chain. The essence of the bullwhip effect is that orders to suppliers tend to have larger variance than sales to the buyer. The more chains in the supply chain the more complex this issue becomes. This distortion of demand is amplified the farther demand is passed up the supply chain. Proctor & Gamble coined the term “bullwhip effect” by studying the demand fluctuations for Pampers (disposable diapers). This is a classic example of a product with very little consumer demand fluctuation. P&G observed that distributor orders to the factory varied far more than the preceding retail demand...
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...their own supply chain in order to sort or produce goods. However, the company needs to manage supply chain to maximize its highest benefits. By having effective supply chain management, the company can ensure that the right product or service will be available at the time to the right place and at the right price (Kamal 2007). Amazon is one of the companies that have best supply chain practices in order to respond high level of responsiveness for the customers. Thereby, this paper explains about Amazon Company, analysis of Amazon’s supply chain, recommendations and barriers to implement will be discussed. Company background Amazon is an American commerce company based in Seattle, Washington, USA. The company used to be only a bookstore, but now it diversified into difference type of products. The goal of Amazon is to provide one stop shop experience where the customer can find everything on Amazon as earth’s biggest selection (Warman 2012). Amazon operates as a pure internet retailers that does not have retail store at all while the delivery will be done through Amazon’s networks of distribution centres. This operation makes the company is able to provide wider range of goods and lower cost of products with high quality. Moreover, it is also increase customer satisfaction as it supports customer convenience. An effective supply chain strategy makes the company is able to respond high level of responsiveness. Amazon balances between cost of distributions and level of services...
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...Commonalities and Differences between Service and Manufacturing Supply Chains: Combining Operations Management Studies with Supply Chain Management Ming Zhou • Taeho Park San Jose State University, San Jose, CA John Yi Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA The service sector of the US economy has been gaining importance. As the service sector evolves, the study of service supply chain starts to gain attention. In this study, we conduct an exploratory review on the studies of manufacturing and service supply chains. We focus on the studies that explore the differences and commonalities between manufacturing and service supply chains. We combine operations management literature with supply chain studies in order to provide an interdisciplinary framework that brings up both the operational and strategic views on the management commonalities and differences between the two types of supply chains. I. INTRODUCTION The study of services has lagged the study of manufacturing. When Fred Harvey proposed that services can be standardized and managed systematically, standardization and systematic management had been applied in the manufacturing sector by pioneers such as Eli Whitney and Frederick Taylor. The first business school course that focused on service management was not introduced until 1973 (Heineke and Davis, 2006). Despite the lag of academic attention, the service sector has been gaining importance as the US economy becomes more and more service-centric....
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...denominator; an efficient supply chain in place which coordinates its independent parts so that they work together as a cohesive unit to produce the desired product for a profit. Altius Directory (2006-2013), “The ultimate purpose of supply chain management is to have a steady flow of inputs into the production unit, reduce the problem of excess inventories and reduce the cost of production errors (Supply Chain Logistics Management, Current Trends section). However, prior to implementing a successful supply chain, it is necessary to determine which strategy is best for your particular industry. A. Recommend with sufficient support, one of the following strategies: a Keiretsu network, a virtual company, a vertical integration, or a different supply chain strategy A Keiretsu network is a Japanese strategy where a group of members in the chain work together to ensure the success of all of its parts. This strategy relies on collaboration from its members to make a long term commitment to its members. The suppliers and manufacturers form a type of partnership where they work together to gain advantages and a competitive edge in the market. The underlying agreement is that the suppliers are willing to form a longterm relationship with each other. The keiretsu network is integrated horizontally and vertically. They are organized around their own banks and trading companies. In some instances, they are capable of controlling nearly every step of the economic chain in a variety of industrial...
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...differences between service and manufacturing supply chains: Combining operations management studies with supply chain management Ming Zhou San Jose State University, ming.zhou@sjsu.edu J. Yi. Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA T. Park San Jose State University Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/org_mgmt_pub Part of the Business Administration, Management, and Operations Commons, and the Organizational Behavior and Theory Commons Recommended Citation Ming Zhou, J. Yi., and T. Park. "Commonalities and differences between service and manufacturing supply chains: Combining operations management studies with supply chain management" California Journal of Operations Management (2009): 136-143. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Management School at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty Publications by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact scholarworks@sjsu.edu. Commonalities and Differences between Service and Manufacturing Supply Chains: Combining Operations Management Studies with Supply Chain Management Ming Zhou • Taeho Park San Jose State University, San Jose, CA John Yi Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA The service sector of the US economy has been gaining importance. As the service sector evolves, the study of service supply chain starts to gain attention. In this study, we conduct...
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...Article Title Page The moderating role of supply network structure on the customer integration–efficiency relationship Author Details Prof. Pamela Danese Department of Management and Engineering, University of Padova, Vicenza, Italy. Prof. Pietro Romano Department of Electrical, Managerial and Mechanical Engineering, University of Udine, Udine, Italy Corresponding author: Pietro Romano Corresponding Author’s Email: pietro.romano@uniud.it Structured Abstract: Purpose: To study whether a fast supply network structure interacts with Customer Integration (CI) by positively moderating the relationship between CI and efficiency performance. Design/methodology/approach: Two hypotheses are developed, incorporating dimensions of Customer Integration, Fast Supply Network Structure and Efficiency performance. The hypotheses are tested through a hierarchical regression analysis using data from a sample of 200 manufacturing plants. Findings: CI alone is not enough to guarantee cost reductions because a fast supply network structure acts as a moderator of the CI-efficiency relationship. The role of this moderator is twofold. On the one hand, it interacts with CI, strengthening the positive impact of CI on efficiency through a positive complementary effect. On the other hand, if the supply network structure is not intended to support fast lead times, the impact of CI on efficiency can be hindered and, in extreme cases, CI can even make efficiency worse. Practical implications: Efficiency maximization...
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...OF A LEAN SUPPLY CHAIN | 4 | | | 3 PRACTICAL STEPS FOR BARILLA SPA | 5 | | | 4 CONCLUSION | 6 | | | * 5 BIBLIOGRAPHY | 7 | | | * | | | | ------------------------------------------------- Executive Summary Barilla SpA is the largest pasta manufacturer in the world, as a food manufacturer they sells to a wide range of retailers through a distribution network. An analysis of the demand for dry food pasta at Barilla SpA’s distribution centers and factories revealed extremely high variation in demand. The variation in demand observed was all the more remarkable considering that the underlying demand for pasta in Italy is fairly level. Currently, Barilla SpA is experiencing a full development burden of increasing production costs, inventory levels and inefficiencies in manufacturing and dissemination system due to huge fluctuations on demand and varied accuracy of forecasting knowledge. In order to combat this problem, we would like to realize and employ a Just-in-time scattering system (JITD) to enable information sharing along supply chain, improve production and distribution forecasts and reduce costs associate with inventories and inefficiency at the company level. However, the carrying into action plan is engaging troubles with resistances from both internal and external sides. Barilla thus controls the flow of goods through the supply chain based on...
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