...Vulnerable Populations: Reflection on Proximal and Distal Causes. Annals of Family Medicine 5(6):547–556. Carrion, Iraida V., Heide Casta˜neda, Dinorah Martinez–Tyson, and Nolan Kline 2011 Barriers Impeding Access to Primary Oral Health Care Among Farmworker Families in Central Florida. Chaffin, Jeffrey G., Satish Chandra, S. Pai, and Robert A. Bagramian 2003 Caries Prevalence in Northwest Michigan Migrant Children. Journal of Dentistry for Children 70(2):124–129. Connecticut Department of Public Health Oral Health Reports 2007 and 2013 Exley, Catherine 2009 Bridging a Gap: The (Lack of a) Sociology of Oral Health and Healthcare. Sociology of Health & Illness 31(7):1093–1108. Heide,...
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...Community Level and; • Policy Level. I love the categorization given to the ecological factors influencing health by CDC (The Social-Ecological Model: A Framework for Prevention, 2013). According to WHO(1948) definition of health which says “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. I had a previous notion that when I feel fine, strong, eat well, sleep well, no pain or weakness then I am healthy. It brought about a sense of clarity to me that I was influenced by my environment, My...
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...How Does Cost Affect the HealthCare Delivery System? An In-Depth Look at the Health Care Delivery System and Cost. | | Princess L. Brigham | 11/23/2010 | HSA 6414: Social Dimensions and Issues in Health Care | ABSTRACT How does cost affect the health care delivery system? This research focuses on the cost of the health care delivery system and how it affects today’s society. High costs, gap-ridden coverage, and sporadic quality are the health care problems that most concern Americans. Yet most of the policy discussion is focused on the issue of coverage. Health care is expensive because of the pervasive entitlement attitude held by literally everyone in the system: patients, providers, suppliers, insurers. Government insurance (Medicare, Medicaid, veterans, Department of Defense) covers 87 million; tax breaks subsidize 176 million in employer coverage; insurers and other third-party payers take care of the bills for 85 percent of Americans. There is little awareness of the full cost or value of medical treatment on the part of consumers or providers, and little opportunity for individuals to choose their own coverage or make informed decisions with their doctors about treatment. Health care costs are far higher in the United States than in any other advanced nation, whether measured in total dollars spent, as a percentage of the economy, or on a per capita basis. And health costs here have been rising significantly faster than the overall economy or personal incomes...
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...Highland for New Staff Members National Health Service Highland (NHS Highland) is a public sector organisation and is classed as being in the Tertiary Sector as it provides a service to the public rather than producing a tangible product. NHS Highland serves a population of approximately 310,000 residents and provides a wide range of services across the largest land area (~40%) of any health authority in Scotland. NHS Highland is managed by a Board of Executive and Non-Executive Directors and is accountable to the Scottish Government through the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing. The main services provided by NHS Highland are: Healthcare, in the form of General Practitioner Surgeries, Hospital services, Adult Social Care and Dentistry. The main customers (patients/service users) are the general public within the Highland Region and also to provide services to visitors to the region too. Additionally, NHS highland have internal customers to whom we provide services. NHS Highland’s purpose and goals are to place quality first to deliver better health, better care and better value. They have “The Blue Triangle” (see fig 1.) which captures the key elements of the Highland Quality Approach (HQA). “The Highland Quality Approach captures the spirit of how NHS Highland is working to improve care and outcomes for people in Highland Region. It describes ways of working, values and behaviour. It recognises how important it is to improve the health of the population...
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...and Interprofessional Team Development Natacha Joseph RN Western Governors University I am currently employed as a community health nurse by a Managed Long Term Health company, Elderserve Health in New York City. Elderserve Health is a subsidiary of The Hebrew Home at Riverdale. Elderserve Health offers a variety of services including Care Coordination, Nurse services in connection with home health care, Therapies, including physical, occupational and speech at your home and in other settings, Social Work Services, Personal Care, Nutritional Counseling, Respiratory Therapy, Durable Medical Equipment, Medical and Surgical Supplies, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Orthopedic Footwear, Enteral and Parenteral Supplements, Personal Emergency Response System, Non-Emergency Health-related Transportation, Adult Day Health Care, Social Day Care, Podiatry (Foot Care), Hearing Exams and Hearing Aids/Batteries, Dentistry, Eye Exams and Eyeglasses, Home-delivered and Congregate Meals, Social and Environmental Supports, and Nursing Home Care (Institutional Medicaid required). As said by Hebrew Home (n.d.) “Our goal is to provide care in a warm, homelike environment and in a manner, which preserves and enhances independence and dignity. Such care should be provided on the basis of a continuum of care in which older people can live, learn and flourish. In fulfilling its mission, The Hebrew Home believes in a person-centered philosophy of service, celebrating our residents as unique individuals...
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...| Medica tour Ltd | Business plan | | Zrinka Vrdoljak | 6/20/2012 | Table of Content: 1. Executive summary 2 2.1. Objectives 2 2.2. Mission 2 2. Company summary 3 3.3. Company ownership 3 3.4. Industrial overview 3 3.5. Start-up summary 4 3.6.1. Start-up funding 4 3.6.2. Start-up requirement 4 3. Marketing analyse summary 5 4.6. Marketing segmentation 5 4.7. Competition 6 4.8.3. Competitors strengths 6 4.8.4. Competitors weakness 7 4.8. Closely related competitor 7 4. Strategy 8 5.9. SWOT analyse 8 5.10. Marketing mix 8 5.11. Sales strategy 9 5.12.5. Sales forecast 9 5.12. Milestones 10 5.13. Technology 10 5. Financial plan 12 6.14. Pro forma cash flow 12 6.15. Pro forma profit & loss 13 Appendix 15 Reference 18 1. Executive summary The company Medica tours Ltd. was established for the performance of the organization of tourist visits for medical purposes. The main activity is providing services for travel, accommodation and activities related to health care. Services include: contact with selected health care organizations, organizing transport, accommodation and additional tourist activities. Their services exclusively performed in accordance with business partners such as dental clinics...
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...Running head: EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION TOWARD FELONS EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION TOWARD FELONS AMELIA WOODEN EVEREST ONLINE UNIVERSITY According to one estimate, there are currently over 12 million felons in the United States. The Civil Rights Act requires that, where an employment policy of a state, municipal, or private employer that discriminates against criminals will have a disparate racial impact, employers must show a business necessity before automatically disqualifying criminals. Employment Discrimination Toward Felons In today’s society we have over 12 million felons in our employment epidemic. Where do we draw the line when it comes to our economy, our fellow Americans living and job opportunities for those who have criminal backgrounds wanting to make positive changes in their lives? Do we continue to use a past life against the possibility of change and let them suffer because of the choices made or do we give that chance of a life time and let them transition into a more positive life? How do we determine who is fit for employment today?, we the people of today’s workforce should be helping those ex-felons or one’s with a criminal background to transition without judgment giving them a chance to make better choices without falling back into their old habits of criminal activities. According to one estimate there are currently 12 million felons in the United States, which cannot even apply for simple jobs nor certain licenses in many states, as of...
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...pharmaceutical market research, the U.S. market for dental implants is expected to regain double-digit growth by 2013, and will help drive the dental prosthetic market to reach over 82 million prosthetic placements by 2016.” (idata research.net, 2012) “Dental implants have earned the reputation of being the best aesthetic option for single-tooth replacement," said Dr. Kamran Zamanian, CEO of iData. "By 2016, over 20% of general practitioners are expected to place dental implants and their adoption of computer-guided-surgery will further the growth of this market." (idata research.net, 2012) In the past the treatment options were limited to extractions with no replacement teeth, dentures, or fixed bridges. All of these options were stop gap measures to maintain oral stability. The cost of progressively treating the loss of a tooth in one or more areas often involved multiple procedures and time, which made it very expensive. With implants replacing a tooth root, and giving the bone the support it needs in often one procedure, patients are seeing the permanent value implants give at a fixed cost. The consumer or dentist in our case is always looking to increase their margins, and lower their fixed operating costs. One of the most expensive costs is labor. With implants, the cost is fixed and a surgeon...
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...Mantesh TABLE OF CONTENTS Cure Tooth Decay Book Description Foreword By Timothy Gallagher D.D.S. President of the Holistic Dental Association Introduction 100% Real Dental Healing Testimonials Leroy from Utah Ms. Steuernol from Alberta , Canada Mike from Ashland , Oregon Pioneering Tooth Cavity Remineralization CHAPTER 1 DENTISTRY'S INABILITY TO CURE CAVITIES Reaffirm Your Choice to Cure Your Cavities The Real Cause of Cavities Remembering Your Connection Fear of the Dentist How Conventional Dentistry Works Micro-organisms Conventional Dentistry’s Losing Battle Against Bacteria The Failure of Conventional Dentistry Chapter 1 References CHAPTER 2 DENTIST WESTON PRICE DISCOVERS THE CURE Lack of Nutrition is the Cause of Physical Degeneration The Healthy People of the Loetschental Valley, Switzerland Modern Swiss were Losing Their Health The Healthy People of the Outer Hebrides Gaelics on Modern Foods are Losing Their Health Genetics and Tooth Decay Aborigines of Australia Nutritive Values of Diets Compared Fat-soluble Vitamins and Activators Mantesh Why Tooth Decay with Modern Civilization? Weston Price's Tooth Decay Curing Protocol Dr. Price's Protocol Summarized Chapter 2 References CHAPTER 3 MAKE YOUR TEETH STRONG WITH FAT-SOLUBLE VITAMINS How Teeth Remineralize 101 Hormones and Tooth Decay Cholesterol The Miracle of Vitamin D Vital Fat-Soluble Vitamin A Cod Liver Oil Heals Cavities Weston Price’s Activator X More Fat-Soluble...
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...Organizations, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Helsinki, Finland; Department of Social and Organizational Psychology, and Research Institute of Psychology & Health, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands Downloaded By: [University Library Utrecht] At: 08:58 19 September 2008 b By using a full panel design in a representative sample of Finnish dentists (N 02555), the present study aimed to test longitudinally the motivational and health impairment processes as proposed in the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model. The second aim was to investigate whether home resources and home demands have an additional influence on both processes over time. The hypotheses were tested with cross-lagged analyses based on two waves over a 3-year period. The results supported both the motivational process and the health impairment process. Job resources influenced future work engagement, which, in turn, predicted organizational commitment, whereas job demands predicted burnout over time, which, in turn, predicted future depression. In addition, job resources had a weak negative impact on burnout. Home demands and home resources did not influence the motivational or health impairment process over time. The results support the central role of work characteristics for health and well-being. By integrating both human thriving and ill-health in the same model, the JD-R model may help to bridge the gap between ‘‘negative’’ and ‘‘positive’’ psychology. Keywords: Job Demands-Resources...
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...Vol. 7, No. 2. ISSN: 1473-8376 www.heacademy.ac.uk/johlste ACADEMIC PAPER Perceptions of hospitality and tourism students towards study motivations and preferences: a study of Hong Kong students Myong Jae Lee (mjlee@csupomona.edu) The Collins College of Hospitality Management, California State Polytechnic University 3801 West Temple Avenue, Pomona, CA91768, USA Samuel Seongseop Kim (sskim@sejong.ac.kr) Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Sejong University, Seoul, Korea Ada Lo (hmada@polyu.edu.hk) School of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong DOI:10.3794/johlste.72.178 ©Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education Abstract This study identifies reasons why college students in Hong Kong want to study hospitality and tourism management (HTM) and why they want to pursue HTM degrees abroad. It also aims to identify students’ preferred HTM study areas. An empirical study of a cohort of 384 HTM students was conducted to determine their motives for their choice of HTM. The results indicate that there were five motivational factors among HTM students: self-actualisation, job opportunity, field attractiveness, ease of study, and scholastic achievement. Detailed information on the motivational factors along with preferred overseas study destinations and HTM study areas are discussed. Keywords: Hospitality and tourism management (HTM); Study motivations; Study preferences ...
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...Indian Health Services System Overview of Indian Health Service The Indian Health Service (IHS), a federal health system, cares for 2 million of the country's 5.2 million American Indian and Alaska Native people. This system has increasingly focused on innovative uses of health information technology and telemedicine, as well as comprehensive, locally tailored prevention and disease management programs, to promote health equity in a population facing multiple health disparities. Important recent achievements include a reduction in the life-expectancy gap between American Indian and Alaska Native people and whites (from eight years to five years) and improved measures of diabetes control (including 20 percent and 10 percent reductions in the levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and hemoglobin A1C, respectively). However, disparities persist between American Indian and Alaska Native people and the overall US population. Continued innovation and increased funding are required to further improve health and achieve equity (Trujillo, 2002). In the 2010 census, 5.2 million people identified themselves as American Indian or Alaska Native, representing 1.7 percent of the US population. American Indian and Alaska Native people experience poor health outcomes and have an average life expectancy that is more than five years shorter than that of the overall US population. The causes of this disparity span the life spectrum, beginning with high infant mortality rates, and include...
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...The Impact of the 2010 IOM Report on The Future of Nursing Robert Loperfido Felician Health Policy and Politics NURS 385 Helena Correia RNC, MSN August 18, 2014 The Impact of the 2010 IOM Report on The Future of Nursing The United States is at a significant junction. Health care reforms are being carried out and the system is beginning to change. The largest component of the health care workforce is nurses and the needs to strengthen this group will only improve the delivery of care and the health care system. The IOM and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation established that accessible, high quality care cannot be achieved without extraordinary nursing care and leadership (American Nurses Association, 2014, p. 1). The report calls on nurses individually and as a profession to embrace changes needed to promote health, prevent illness and care for people across the lifespan. The report also calls for support from interprofessional collaborations from physicians, dieticians, physical therapist and other multisector professions to work with nurses to make the changes necessary for a more accessible, cost efficient and high quality health care system. This report expands on the theme that high quality, safe, evidence based patient centered care is a critical role of nursing and that to have a successful health care system rests on the future of nursing (Institute of Medicine, 2010). In 2010 the President signed into law and Congress approved health care legislation...
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...Today’s Physical Therapist: A Comprehensive Review of a 21st-Century Health Care Profession Prepared by the American Physical Therapy Association January 2011 Foreword The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) created Today’s Physical Therapist: A Comprehensive Review of a 21st-Century Health Care Profession to provide accurate information for government entities and the public about the history, role, educational preparation, laws governing practice, standards of practice, evidence base of the profession, payment for physical therapy services, and workforce issues unique to the physical therapy profession. As government, private health care entities, and provider groups pursue solutions to the considerable health care provision challenges the United States faces, it is imperative that accurate information about the qualifications and roles of specific providers, in this case physical therapists, be available to inform all entities as they engage in these discussions. APTA is the national professional association representing more than 77,000 physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, and students nationwide. The association acknowledges and thanks the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy, the national organization representing 51 boards of physical therapy licensure, for input and assistance with this document. © 2011 American Physical Therapy Association. All rights reserved. i | American Physical Therapy Association Table of Contents ...
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...ASSIGNMENT Course Code : MS - 65 Course Title : Marketing of Services Assignment Code : MS-65/TMA/SEM – I/2014 Coverage : All Blocks Note : Attempt any six questions and submit your assignment on or before 30th April, 2014 to the coordinator of your study centre. 1. What are the implications of the services marketing triangle? Explain giving suitable examples. 2. Give some examples of services that are high in credence qualities. How do high credence qualities affect consumer behavior for these services? Discuss. 3. Describe the non-monetary costs involved in the following services: a) Health services b) Home loans 4. Select a service organization of your choice a) Identify its patterns of demand. Do demand levels following a predictable cycle or change randomly? What are the underlying causes of these variations? b) What is the nature of this service organization’s approach to capacity and demand management? c) What changes would you recommend in relation to its management of capacity and demand? Why? 5. Why do customers switch service providers? Can you do anything as a marketer to prevent the customers from switching? Discuss. 6. (a) Explain the importance of branding of financial services giving suitable examples. (b) Explain the importance of physical evidence for an educational institute. 7. The GATS conceives of services as being traded internationally through four modes....
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