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Describe Arcadia University

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Arcadia, home of the knights, is a private university located in Glenside, Pennsylvania, on the outskirts of Philadelphia. The university encourages its students to explore the world and offers more than 100 study abroad programs. I want to be a part of the traveling class to experience education in different parts of the country. I want to get a glimpse of the importance of learning in various states. When I think of Arcadia University, I catch myself dreaming about the future that will one day become my reality. The reality that I wish to pursue. Glenside, Pennsylvania has a tropical climate with no dry season. Glenside is an exciting neighborhood for college students as they go out to the local restaurants and shopping centers nearby. Additionally, as an Arcadia Knight, the students attending the college will receive a Knight Card that provides discounts to local restaurants, shops, and services. Arcadia students are exposed to two parts of Pennsylvania, one being the small, compact community and the other being the urban city. In the light of, the high spirited University is just twenty-five minutes away from Philadelphia’s vibrant city. …show more content…
Once an online application has been submitted, the advisors automatically try to aid the students in finding them suitable scholarship opportunities. As a non-profit university, the College of Global Studies at Arcadia was recognized as one of the most extensive scholarship programs. In order to be accepted for potential scholarships, financial needs are looked into. However, Arcadia approximately accepts 70% of study abroad students who apply for aid to receive some form of a scholarship. By getting involved within the school, the chances of one receiving scholarships are greatly

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