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Louisiana Oil Spill Research Paper

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The explosion of the oil rig Deep Water Horizon concurred on April 20, 2010 42 miles off the coast of Louisiana and is the worst environmental disaster in US history. The explosion killed eleven workers and injured seventeen others. The rig was leased by BP from Transocean who was contracted to drill the well. The oil spill affected people, beaches, fish, and birds in many ways and the long-term issues continue currently. The amount of oil spilled in the Gulf was around 100,000 barrels daily. The long-term damage is yet to be known. The lives of the workers on the rigs have changed and some no longer work on the rigs and others must have the fear in the back of their mind. Additional safety measures have been developed since the disaster …show more content…
Over 21 different species of dolphins and whales that live in the Gulf of Mexico have visible injuries. From mid-January to March 2011, there were 200 dead dolphins in the Gulf, with another 90 in 2010. Also, there were around 167,000 sea turtles killed and oil is toxic to fish which caused them to die or be deformed. Fish will die from cardiac arrest from the toxins released from oil. The red snapper caught after the oil spill had odd lesions, rotting skin, and oil in their livers. Other species of fish affected are flounder, redfish, and killifish. Birds also suffered from the spill they are brown and white pelicans, laughing gulls, gannets, common loons, and several others. The bottom of the ocean floor was also severely damaged and will take several decades to recover. A huge amount of the gulf floor was contaminated. A study showed 770 square miles around the well and an additional 1,200 square miles. The coast areas in Louisiana were eroded and billions of oysters were also killed. The clean-up workers and fishermen were also affected causing long term chromic health issues. The odor from crude oil is an irritant to some people, and evaporation of the oil depletes air quality. The adverse effects may result in nausea, vomiting, and headache. Some people developed chronic respiratory diseases from breathing in the oil and dispersants. Also, the income of …show more content…
There were large amounts of fish killed due to the oil. The widespread pollution from the BP oil spill caused fish closings across 88,500 square miles. The Gulf of Mexico is home to more than 500 fish species, with new species continuing to be discovered. Oil and dispersed oil are toxic to all life stages of fish, and oil spills affect fish reproduction for at least decades. When marine mammals and sea turtles come to the water’s surface to breathe and if they come to the surface where oil is present they inhale the oil and their respiratory and digestive systems are damaged if they swallow the oil. There were tar balls all over the beaches as well. Around 1,300 miles of coastline have eroded from the disaster. A study of the sands of the contaminated beaches and marshes showed that the variety of organisms, one of the lowest links in the food chain, have dropped significantly since the spill. Tar balls are soft clumps of weathered oil mingled with sand, shells, and other beach material. They ranged in size from a pinhead to larger chunks, about the size of a

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