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European Imperialism

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As the European empire grew the hatred that most people had towards the empire grew with it. First the empire went into Asia and Indian and the only way to get to these countries was by water route around Africa. This led to Europe having curiosity about Africa and they slowly began to invade and spread. Europe had a difficult time because Africa was hard to infiltrate because of Malaria and the harsh weather conditions. With that being said, Europe brought its own sicknesses like gangrene that killed many people. The empire was slowly waning but people could not see that and George Orwell wrote an essay about a young police officer who worked for the empire and did not see the slow decline but was soon enlightened to it. (Sattler 111-114) …show more content…
He even calls it a tyranny and states he can not wait for the day he is able to get another job because of how badly he hates it. The man is secretly cheering for the Burmans and hopes they are able to get rid of their oppressors. The empire was in its downward slide but he did not know it just like his other fellow officers weren't aware of it either. For lack of better words he was stuck between a rock and a hard place between hating his job and hating the Burmans for making his job and life more difficult than it needed to be. As he states, “With one part of my mind I thought of the British Raj as an unbreakable tyranny...with another part I thought that the greatest joy in the world would be to drive a bayonet into a Buddhist priest's guts.” He explains that these are normal feelings of a British Raj and that if you talk to one that is the answer you are going to get. Then one day he claims that things looked up when he found a chance for the Burmans to look up to …show more content…
During this minor event he would soon learn and realize why imperialism is the way it is. As he walked down to the village the Indian officer and the people who lived there were waiting on him and he of course asked where the elephant had went and he got varying directions from everyone. He got discouraged and almost believed the whole thing had been made up until he spotted the dead man and then he went to find the beast. He traded out his rifle for an elephant killing one and once he traded it out the whole crowd became eager for him to kill the animal. He found the elephant eating grass being peaceful and he had no intention on killing it but with a crowd waiting in anticipation following him and urging him to kill it he felt as if he had no choice. The people did not like him and he knew that they would laugh at him if he did not shoot the animal and for once they were all behind him and watching what he was doing. He says, “For it is the condition of his rule that he shall spend his life in trying to impress the "natives," and so in every crisis he has got to do what the "natives" expect of him.” He claims that a white man's struggle in the East is to not be laughed at. So even though he did not want to shoot the animal because a living elephant is worth more and the owner would be furious at him, he shot it so he

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