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School Life Will Get Better Rhetorical Analysis

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Ha feels good that someone one knows that her school life will get better because the teacher is helping her, “Things will get better...feels good.(Lai, pg. 182).

“Dragonflies do summersaults in my stomach”(Lai, pg. 181). This metaphor means Ha is nervous.

“I’ll fix that”(Lai, pg. 181). This example of foreshadowing shows Ha’s day is going to get better.

Pam and Steven eat with Ha because they want to help and are friends that Miss Washington sent

“Things will get better”(Lai, pg. 182).

Ha makes friends to talk to and to eat with because all three kids are social outcasts “She says, Pam...He says, Steven”(Lai, pg. 184 and 185).

Pam is scared, so she grabs Ha’s hand for comfort “Pink boy will get me”(Lai, 188).

The poem “Hair” is

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