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Fraction Game Report

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The fraction game is designed and used as a fun and interactive way to have students discover fractions in real life settings. First, the game will be displayed on any digital projection device like a white board or a projector where the teacher describes the settings and the rules. The story of the game is about a boy who lives in house next to a lake and wants to go play in the playground on the other side of the lake. He needs to form a bridge using blocks to pass the lake. The first screen starts with a display of a house on one side and playground on the other side where there is a lake in the middle and a boy standing next to the house. On the top of the screen, a beginning of a story will be displayed as “The boy wants to go play in …show more content…
The teacher will go over the rules of the game and share the file with every student. When the students open the file, they need to save their own copy to be able to share it with their teacher when they are done with the game. The students will start the game by dragging the fraction blocks and then dropping one by one next to each other to form the bridge. When the students is done with building they hit the “Build Bridge” button at the bottom of the screen, if the fraction blocks are ordered correctly, a bridge is built and the student can move on to the next screen that has a higher level with more building blocks. If an improper bridge is built then the boy falls in the lake and fails to step up. After three failed attempts, the game provides the player with lessons on fractions, the student can also view the “Fraction Chart” as a scaffold anytime by clicking on the “Help” button (refer to Figure

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