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John D Rockefeller Research Paper

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1. Introduction: Biography of John Davison Rockefeller
John Davison Rockefeller was born in a small village in the northeastern United States, his family was poor. 1830s, the town of Richford, New York was still a sparsely populated, dilapidated small town, farming is the main means of livehood of local people. However John’s father William Avery Rockefeller who was called “Big Bill” was quite an exception. He was a traveling doctor and always tricked in other places, selling counterfeit pills and groceries on the streets. Even his first son’s birth in 1839 couldn’t change his unconventional disposition ending his unsettled life. But what he did made his wife Eliza harder.John’s mother, who was quite the opposite of his father, was a housewife …show more content…
Rockefeller in the educational field. And it can not be ignored that he was also a benefactor of medical science. In 1901, he established the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research[91] in New York City. Then he founded the Rochefeller Sanitary Comission in 1909 which eliminated the hookworm disease at last[95]. And the Rockfeller Foundation established in 1913[96] was created to broaden business of Sanitary Commission. It’s purpose is to eliminate the disease, lliteracy and ignorance from all over the world. It helped built numerous medical establishment all around world, such as Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health, London School of Hygiene Tropical Medicine and Peking Union Medical College. And there were also countless single researchs achieving success under the fundation’s help. The invention of Penicillin was the most crucial and popular one among these achievments. The total of Rockefeller's lifetime donations had been estimated at approximately $550 million. It is no exaggeration to say that John D. Rockefeller was the pioneer of American charity and also one of the greatest philanthropists in the world’s history.
In 1937, John D. Rochfeller passed away at his 98[114]. But the fundation he created still made a contribution to the humanity. And his spirit of helping people, his attitude towards charity spread up to now. He also gave good example to today’s richest men like Bill Gates and Bill Buffett for

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