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Hip Replacement Research Paper

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Hip replacement is a kind of surgical procedure in which the damaged portion of the hip joint are removed and replaced with a new artificial parts made of biomaterials. These artificial parts which are used to treat damaged hip are called the prosthesis. Generally, the hip replacement surgery is done to improve the function of damaged hip joint, increase mobility and to relieve pain caused due to damaged hip. [1] Depending on the condition of the patients, hip replacement surgery can be hemi or half replacement or total replacement. There are various reasons behind conducting these surgeries which includes injury or fracture to the hip, wearing down of the joints over time or osteoarthritis and may be due to age-related joint disease which …show more content…
Osteoarthritis leads to pain, swelling and reduced motion in joints. Our daily activities can be affected due to osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis, septic arthritis, hip fracture, ankylosing spondylitis and disorders that cause unusual bone growth (bone dysplasia) are some of the other reasons for hip joint damage. When all other treatment options such as physical therapy, pain medicines and exercise fails to provide acceptable pain relief or improve mobility, then hip replacement is generally recommended. This procedure should relieve pain, improve walking and other movements and help to make hip joint work better. Hip dislocation is the most common problem associated after hip replacement surgery. Since the original joint is quite big compared to the artificial implants, so the ball can come out of its socket. The surgery is also responsible to cause blood clots and infections in implanted areas. …show more content…
The femoral stem of such implant is made up of metal which is usually a cobalt chrome alloy and the plastic generally polyethylene is used to form the concave cup liner. Ultra-Highly Cross-Linked Polyethylene (UHXLPE) or Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) are most commonly used plastic for hip implants due to its reliability and high stability. Due to this nature it has reduced risk for wear. It is also the least expensive bearing but shows good performance and durability. [6]
As the passage of time, some wear debris are produced by the implant which leads to infection at the site of implant. When this debris is produced our body starts to attack them, then osteolysis takes place in which the bone is dissolved. This condition makes the implant loose and may result in need to replace the implant which is also known as revision. But the technological advances have reduced the risk of wear in Metal-on-Polyethylene implants. The wear rate of these implant is about 0.1 millimeters each year.

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