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Do Most People Know What's in the Food They Eat?


Submitted By janelleguest
Words 908
Pages 4
Do most people know what is in the food that they eat? Very few people are aware of the dangers of consuming everyday food. Things such as chicken nuggets or hamburgers could be slowly killing someone these days. With so many things being added to foods, the human race must keep in mind the fact that said things are also being added to their bodies. Exposure to these particular additives could have a large impact on humans and more importantly, their children.
Perhaps we should first take a look at exactly what is in our food. Steroid hormones are chemicals that are produced naturally in the bodies of all animals, including humans. They are chemical messages that control important body functions such as growth, development and reproduction. Our bodies produce them naturally in very small amounts to maintain a delicate balance. There are six different kinds of steroid hormones that are currently approved by FDA for use in food production in the US: Estradiol, Progesterone, Testosterone, Zeranol, Trenbolone acetate, and Melengestrol acetate. Estradiol and progesterone are natural female sex hormones; testosterone is the natural male sex hormone; Zeranol, Trenbolone acetate and Melengesterol acetate are synthetic growth promoters (hormone-like chemicals that can make animals grow faster). Ingesting steroid hormones, either natural or synthetic can upset the natural balance in the body and lead to health problems. Studies have shown increased rates of cancer due to the ingestion of Estrogen’s found in our food supply, especially breast cancer (Wayne, 2009). Other studies are finding connections between steroid hormones and weight gain. This should not be surprising since increased growth that is one of the main reasons steroid hormones are used.
First of all, as mentioned before, the human body produces hormones in the amount needed to maintain a delicate balance and any additional hormones, natural or synthetic can throw off this balance and create health issues. Secondly, synthetic hormones (or synthetic anything for that matter!) are not metabolized in the body the same way their natural counterparts are. In fact, synthetic hormones act as toxins in the body and can be difficult to get out of your system. One of the main side effects of synthetic hormones is an increase in weight gain especially around the abdomen, hips and thighs.
Other major health risks of steroid hormones have been connected to the increased risk of many cancers, heart disease and strokes. There are many articles stating that not enough studies have been done to associate these risks with steroid hormones found in the average food supply, but common sense should tell humans otherwise. Given the information that has already been given in regards to hormones and synthetic hormones and the potential side effects and health risks, do you really need a study to prove the obvious? Studies take years and by the time enough studies have accumulated to prove what common sense already tells us, the damage has already been done. A great example: Hormone Replacement Therapy. After years of use scientist have found that the drug known as Premarin (conjugated estrogens) has been linked to ovarian cancer, lupus, scleroderma, gallbladder cancer and stroke.
Making a healthy choice does not always mean relying on a study to determine what is good or bad, healthy or unhealthy. As free thinking human beings, we were all born with a sense of what may or may not be good for us. We must take our power back and make decisions based on common sense and if still in doubt, get in and research both sides and then make our own decisions based on what has been learned. Simply choosing hormone-free and antibiotic- free meat and dairy products can assist in avoiding the numerous health risks associated with hormone treated foods including weight gain and obesity.
MATSUOKA, A., & SORENSON, J. (2013). Human Consequences of Animal Exploitation: Needs for Redefining Social Welfare. Journal Of Sociology & Social Welfare, 40(4), 7- 32.
This paper addresses an area which has not been given serious consideration in social welfare and social work literature, the instrumental use of nonhuman animals, in particular as food, and argues that the welfare of humans and other animals are intertwined. The paper examines the consequences of animal exploitation for humans in terms of health, well-being, environmental damage, and exploitation of vulnerable human groups. The paper concludes that a necessary redefinition of social welfare entails attention to these issues and the recognition that other animals have inherent value and their rights must be respected.

Petersen, M. (2012). As Beef Cattle Become Behemoths, Who Are Animal Scientists Serving?. Chronicle Of Higher Education, 58(33), B6.
In Melody Petersen’s new piece in The Chronicle Review entitled, "As Beef Cattle Become Behemoths, Who Are Animal Scientists Serving?," Petersen questions the influence of Big Pharmaceutical Companies in animal science labs whose clients are Big Agriculture

Wayne, Ph.D., Lac.Dr. Michael (2009), The Meat You Eat: Steroid Use in Livestock. The Low Density Lifestyle/Ebook and Special Reports, Diet And Nutrition, Meat
This is a book about many things-health, wellness, happiness, fulfillment, doing what you love, movement, being a creative thinker-but at the same time, it's about one thing: living to your maximum potential by living a Low Density Lifestyle. The goal with this book is to help you become a more complete human being. This book gives validation to the claims that additives in meat can seriously harm humans.

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