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Cocktail Sauce Research Paper

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Cocktail sauce adds a spicy touch to seafood - and it's de rigueur for shrimp cocktail. But have you ever wondered if cocktail sauce is good for you? When it comes to the nutritional benefits of this popular seafood party dip, there's good and bad. What's in Cocktail Sauce? The ingredients in cocktail sauce are ketchup, Tabasco sauce, horseradish, lemon juice, salt and sugar. Seafood Cocktail Sauce: What's Good about It? Ketchup is a good source of lycopenes, which are carotenoids that boost heart health and may reduce the risk of some types of cancer. Lycopenes are one of the most powerful antioxidants in the carotenoid family, which also includes beta-carotene, a carotenoid found in carrots. Tabasco sauce has health benefits too. It's …show more content…
The Bottom Line? Cocktail sauce is a good source of anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant compounds - and chemicals that fight off cancer due to the horseradish it contains. To limit the salt and sugar, make it at home by mixing low-sugar ketchup with lemon juice, fresh horseradish and a small amount of a natural, calorie-free sweetener like Stevia. Then go light on the salt. Don't just use it for seafood, dip raw vegetables into it too to give them more flavor. Cocktail sauce is versatile - and healthy as long as you make it yourself. References: World's Healthiest Foods website. "Nutrition Facts about Shrimp Cocktail Sauce"
The following are some great heart healthy habits. Some of these are obvious. Some we already know about but just don't do. You only hurt yourself by no following these easy habits. It may surprise you how simple changes like these can change the way you feel. Widen blood vessels with green tea. - Green tea opens up blood vessels to keep that blood pumping smoothly. Lower blood pressure with garlic. - Just two cloves a day can relax blood vessels by up to 72%. Eat more nuts and legumes than red …show more content…
This article is going to go over some of the most common health problems that cockatiels can go through. You're even going to learn how to prevent and treat the health problems listed below. If you all ready have a cockatiel in the family then you really can't afford to miss anything on this article, so be sure to read it entirely. If you're going to be buying one then you probably shouldn't miss it either! -Giardia: This nasty little infection is caused by protozoan. The scientific name is Giardia Psittaci. Giardia infections are also rather hard to be diagnosed by veterinarians, so avoiding it is highly suggested. -What to look for: There are several signs to look for if you think your bird has contracted Giardia. They include pulling out feathers (usually under the wings), depression, loss of appetite, weight loss, and loose droppings. Even worse, if you leave it untreated it can really do some damage to your bird like weak jaw muscles, poor digestion and even decrease the fertility of your poor little cockatiel! -Preventing Giardia: Preventing Giardia is actually pretty simple. You see, a bird catches this nasty little infection by ingesting contaminated foods and water. -How to treat: When a veterinarian diagnoses a bird with Giardia, it is put on a antiprotozoal therapy treatment along with supplemental vitamins which

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