...Patrick Williams English 111 16 October 2014 Family Value and Truth Family in society is a social structure. Family plays a key role in human life because it can give people a sense of home, or a loving and supportive group. In most cases when people think of families they think of having a mom, dad, brother, sister. However, nothing in life is perfect. Today, we have separated , same sex, extended, and blended families. Society tries to explain these more contemporary families but has a harsh way of doing so. In the essay, Stone Soup, by Barbara Kingsolver, she discusses how society views families and in the essay, Family Values, by Richard Rodriguez, he talks about American family values. Both essays express the view that family should be valued regardless of differences. Kingsolver breaks down what it means to be a real family while Rodriguez emphasizes the value of family; both authors show the importance of having family. In the introduction of the Kingsolver essay, she talks about a young boy’s soccer game. She talks about how the young boy, whose name is Andy, has a blended family. Kingsolver writes, “He’s Andy, my best friend’s son. The cheering section includes his mother and her friends, his brother, his father, and stepmother, a stepbrother and stepsister, and a grandparent” (147). She uses her friend’s son as an real life example of what kind of family would be considered a broken family by society but is not. Andy’s family is supportive of him and loves him enough to come and cheer for him regardless of ...
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...15/3/2014Only $12.95 / Page!Order your custom written essay today for a half-price. Our best quality essays are available from $12.95 per page!More DetailsAnthropology Essays Biographies Business Essays Essays on Computers Economics Essays Education Essays English Essays Georgaphy Essays Marketing Essays Mythology Essays Philosophy Essays Psychology Essays Shakespeare Essays Essays on Social Issues Sociology Essays Essays on Theater Best free essay resources. Daniel Bagwell Ms. Waggoner English 111 15 November 2000 A View on Music and the Government The censorship of music and other forms of entertainment by the government have long been the topic of discussion among social and political circles. Some forms of censorship such as warning labels for parents can be helpful. However the censorship of music is just not right, and the government has no right to do so. All too often the government gets on a self righteous feeling and thinks that it is it’s right to control what goes in or out of this so called “free nation’s” minds. Censorship in music falls into one of those categories in which the American people and the American government, which is supposed to be a representation of the people, have extremely conflicting ideas on the subject. Some say that the government should regulate the music industry. They say that the American people don’t know what is best for them as a whole. Their proof is in the increase in violence, crime, Unadulterated...
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...Turner is most successful at analyzing American history through his essay, “The Significance of the Frontier in American History”. This piece examines how life was first created here in America, as well as how the first frontier set the stage for numerous civilization advancements that would occur in the near future. Many Americans today seem to forget about the first settlements that served as the basis for what the United States of America has become. This essay accomplishes the goal of reminding those people of how majorly important each step was on the American frontier centuries ago. What was once just an enormous area of free, unoccupied land, is now the home of billions of people as well as numerous buildings, businesses, and modes of transportation....
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...Valued Possessions vs. Insignificant Desires Anna Quindlen, a novelist, social critic, and journalist wrote an intriguing essay “Stuff is Not Salvation” about the addiction of Americans, who splurge on materialistic items that have no real meaning. The ability to obtain credit is one of the main reasons to blame for society’s consumption epidemic. However, Quindlen feels the economic decline due to credit card debt is insignificant compared to the underlying issues of American’s binging problems. Quindlen’s essay gives excellent points regarding the differences in America’s typical shopping habits. Additionally, she mentions how people acquire all this “stuff” but seem to never realize, “why did I get this?”(501). Quindlen makes her audience visualize a world where we acquire our needs versus our meaningless desires. Yet, she fails to mention people who could live a life of happiness through the possessions they acquire. In summary, Quindlen supports her point of view with examples of American spending habits in the past decades of depression compared to now. She mentions Black Friday and how people become enthralled by cheap bargains (Quindlen 500-501). In Quindlen’s essay, she refers to an accident in which a worker at Walmart was trampled to death by a mob of shoppers and despite the horrific incident people kept shopping (500). With the U.S. depression, Black Friday brings hopes of more money spent, therefore a rise in the markets. The dream of an uplifted economy became...
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...org/stories/2013-06-21/free-time-the-forgotten-american-dream http://hedricksmith.com/books/who-stole-the-american-dream/ https://edgeofcivilization.wordpress.com/lost-in-the-american-dream-book/ http://uproxx.com/smokingsection/2015/03/j-cole-gomd-video-explanation/ http://uproxx.com/smokingsection/2015/03/j-cole-gomd-video-explanation/ http://www.vibe.com/2015/03/j-cole-gomd-kendrick-lamar/ https://youtu.be/H1FqxcfnWi0 One of the main reasons why I choose this subject of how the world is not encouraging economic growth, was because of urban rap artist J Cole. He is a perfect example that I can not only relate to but understand how he lived. J Cole (Jermaine Cole) any many of his interviews he talks about the exact type of equality of chance of growth I am introducing. By telling his personal story though his music and the interviews, gives me a greater insight on how I have been taught as a kid my whole life. As he also introduces the manner that the people of different business are being used as a slavery image, I can transverse that to fit my essay. Everything aspect that J Cole went through was a exact match to what my father warned me about this world before I had to experience it. J Cole offers the same mind set as well as, compatible to my design for this essay, to show proof that my raised ideas and J Coles ideas are all happening today in this economy. Through this essay I will also incorporate some of Paul Krugman’s, the positives, the things I agreed with as well as the things...
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...English 711 Auster’s “Immigration Threatens American Culture” After reading Auster’s essay critically, (1) outline his essay; and (2) answer the following questions: I. Outline 1. 1965 Immigration Act which opened US immigration. 2. There is no doubt that the cultural left hates American and wants to destroy it. 3. The patriotic and Christian Right supports exactly the same immigration policy that is supported by the anti-American. 4. American acknowledges abandoning American culture. II. Questions 1. What is the author’s main claim (thesis)? Where can you locate it? Is it clearly stated fairly early in the essay? Does it reflect the purpose of the essay? The main idea is immigration take influence to American culture. It’s clearly but it doesn’t reflect the purpose. 2. What are his subsidiary claims? In other words, what are the claims that he uses to support his main claim? Are they clear and valid? Are they related to the main claim? They are clear and valid and related to the main claim. 3. List the kind of evidence Auster uses for each claim/idea (e.g., reasoning, facts, statistics, examples, personal experience, expert testimony/authoritative statements, comparison, analogy). Remember to answer for EACH claim. Example, reasoning and comparison. 4. Discuss whether the evidence of EACH claim/idea is sufficient, specific, relevant, and convincing. I think each claim is specific and convincing. 5. List the opposing...
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...WRITING A SUMMARY-RESPONSE ESSAY In academic contexts, you are often asked to write response essays (sometimes called reaction papers) in which you select an aspect of a text that particularly interests you and respond to it in writing. That is, you will be asked to read something (a journal article, a chapter in a book, a technical report) and to write a summary and an analysis of what you read. The purpose of this type of assignment is to find out whether you understood what you read, what your response to the content of the text is, and whether you can express your response clearly. Generally, a response to written material consists of two basic parts: A. a summary of the written material B. an analysis of part of all of the material. Here is the typical format of a response essay: Introduction (The First Paragraph of your essay) 1. State the author’s name and surname 2. State the name of the article (For example: In “The Dangers of the Television” ) 3. Summarize the article and state the author’s main issues/thesis and key supporting points that the author discusses. Use an opening phrase such as: says, discusses, explains, argues, shows. (For example: In “The Dangers of the Television”, Fidler points out that. . .) 4. State your main idea / thesis in which you show your agreement or disagreement at the end of the introduction paragraph. That is your reaction. Body (The second paragraph) Your body paragraph or paragraphs should include: 1. major key supporting points...
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...“I want to be a poet—not a Negro poet” (Hughes 348). In his essay “The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain,” Langston Hughes covers many important points but his hook is one to mention. This hook focuses a lot on the main issue of the essay itself. The issue is that the negro poets want to write like the white poets implying that colored artists want to be white. This then leads to the fact that the white audiences turned to the artists of color and saw them as stereotypical entertainment mainly because these black artists were afraid of being themselves. Langston Hughes’s poem, “The Weary Blues” engages with themes of the Harlem Renaissance and the content of the poem expresses various issues Hughes discussed in “The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain.” The poem, “The Weary Blues” is a powerful poem because it highlights the cultural traditions of the African American descent during a time of the Harlem Renaissance. The audience is able to...
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...Personal Connections Essay part two Gerald Washington ENG496 /19/2014 Anegla Mullennix Personal Connections Essay part two The two themes that I chose was “Up from Slavery” by Booker T. Washington and The Souls of Blacks Folks” by W. E. B. DU Bois. In my essay I will tell how these two pieces talk to me and how these two pieces have an effect on the things that was going on during this era. In this essay I will analyze these two pieces and show their relation to the historical and societal context of the era in which they were written. In the first piece “Up from Slavery” by Booker T. Washington was the account of his life. This autobiography takes us through the traces of Washington life to find out where he came from and where he was born to an African American cook and having a white father. How this autobiography of Booker T Washington have effect on me is I could remember when I was a kid how my mother would tell me about her mother my grandmother the work that she had to do when they lived in Mississippi. How she did not finish school because she had to take care of her brothers and sisters and also work on the land. This story showed me how strong Washington was just like my mother and her mother was just living in Mississippi was hard enough. I can relate because this shows me Gerald Washington who I am the many things ancestors did for me to get to where I am at today. This piece in relation to the historical and societal context of the era is because it shows...
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...Alexie’s essay, “Superman and Me”, Alexie explains how his life is as an American Indian. He explains all of the consequences of being an American Indian and how most people considered them to be lower class and not as smart as others. During this time, American Indians were not taught how to read and write or really learn anything at all considering that they were identified as being “dumber” than the other kids by society. Sherman Alexie did not agree with being treated like this, he wanted to be smart, and he also wanted to learn. He taught himself how to read and write and when he got older he taught other kids how to read and write as well. In the essay titled “Superman and Me” it states, “I throw my weight against their locked...
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...These days many people want to feel like they belong to a community but many are pressured to accept their roles in society. The informative and narrative essay “Can You Tell the Truth in a Small Town” by Kathleen Norris focuses on a small town community in the Dakotas in order to explain a bigger picture on how American society does not want to highlight failures and mistakes from the past. Norris conveys many individuals apart of this community have been trying to remember things the way they want to than how things actually are in reality, and therefore the community masks the truth and hides their history. On the other side of the spectrum, the informative and revealing essay “A Secret Society of the Starving” by Mim Udovitch validates the way individuals, especially young girls, engage themselves in dangerous activities and behaviors because of the familiar environment they have with others who can relate to them. Specifically in Udovitch’s essay, she targets a population of young girls who have an eating disorder and seek an emotional understanding within others on websites that promote an eating disorder community by sharing their experiences. Norris and Udovitch present different issues regarding communities in their essays, but they both explain that acceptance in American society affects how people cope with their problems, how they tell the truth, and what crucial details of their stories they leave out for others to hear. In both essays, females are pushed to follow...
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...Thi si my essay yeah I have to write 250 words in order to get on this website so this is it it is pretty boring to do this I wish I didn’t have to because . my essay is going to be about hoe people in America are letting the government take control of them. Not only do we give the government about 30% of our paychecks but we have to listen to all there stupid rules too I mean we are the ones that are financing this company and all their salaries so we should be able to do what we want. And most of the time these govermnet officials are all crooked. They have all these millions of dollars and barley have to pay taxes because they find llopholes to get out of payin all their taxes. It is complete bullshit and I believe that as Americans we need to do something about this, but its hard because we all cant stand together and get along. Well that concludes my essay so basically the government sucks balls! Actually im not done I still have about 70 words to do but I don’t really know what to talk about. I think for president we need trump because he is actually the only one trying to lok out for us Americans. Everyone else wants to help foreign countries with all this shit bu I mean we got to help ourselves first right??? Well this is the conclusion of my essay and I hope you guys enjoyed...
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...to live in America for working privileges. Their real desire is to become something that depicts pride and honor, an American. Being an American in a country as diverse as ours means more than just living on American soil, it has endless benefits that allows one to feel free. Unfortunately, the rapid flow of immigrants into America has led to many issues. One of the main ones is the concept of assimilation, which has been disputed for years due to the capacity of the incoming immigrants. Jay Nordlinger, in his essay “Bassackwards: Construction Spanish and Other Signs of the Times” notes that not “everyone who comes to America is dying to melt into the pot”. Yet he stresses, as does Linda Chavez in her essay “Supporting Family Values”, the need for immigrants to assimilate to American culture. These two concepts have been floating around America since the first illegal immigrants started to show up and they’ve been controversial ever since. Everyone is looking for a happy medium for the issue but can’t seem to find it. Recent immigrants are being expected to trade their ethnic and national identities for new American identities, and the concept of ‘Americanization’ commences. Is the idea of American culture as a “melting pot” still valid, or are immigrants becoming ‘Americanized’? Being an American means to live on American soil. But more than that, to be American is to...
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...Garett Reppenhagen the writer of the essay titled, “I was an American sniper and Chris Kyle’s war was not my war,” is trying to make a point to his audience. Garett’s purpose is to ensure that no one makes the mistake of thinking the hit movie The American Sniper depicts what Iraq and the war are all about. This article was first published on Salon, a website that has an audience favoring liberals more than conservatives. This article also has an audience of a younger generation that follows hit movies. Garett Reppenhagen served as a Cavalry Scout Sniper with the 1st Infantry Division in the US Army, and is also a veteran advocate and social justice organizer. Garett’s background has a lot of relevance to this topic. I would say he is credible towards this whole subject. He is qualified to make judgment and criticize the way this movie is trying to depict Iraq. Garett’s extrinsic ethos is that he has served in the military. He has made a profession of being a real life sniper so he knows most of the scenarios that go on in the movie. He could also describe what goes on as you enter a war zone and how each and every person reacts. Garett states, "But viewing the war only through his eyes gives us too narrow frame." I believe this quote shows he cares about the audience because he wants to share that the frame of Iraq is not narrow, in fact it is on the contrary. Iraq is full of hospitality, proud history, and old-soul wisdom. This quote also shows virtue and goodness because he...
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...In Gary Soto’s essay, “Looking for Work” he explains his fascination with the “perfect family” as a child. He watches television shows and wants his lower-class Mexican-American family to be a typical middle-class “white” family. In order for his family to achieve this he believes that money and wealth are the answer. Gary then goes around the block to find little jobs he can do. He gets some money and then meets up with his best friend Little John who wants to look for work too. Gary then recalls how Little John’s mother got angry about how her son was asking for work. Dinner time rolls around and he thinks about one television show comparing it to his family. He suggests to his mother about serving some more expensive food and dressing up for dinner from now on. Gary’s ideas being ignored he is sent outside with his siblings and looks for work trying so hard to become wealthy. This essay portrays how many first generation Americans feel about society. They believe that in order to succeed in America it is important to leave your heritage behind to become “white” and blend in. As if your heritage was a handicap and that you constantly have to try harder than everyone else to prove something. Being Filipino-American I am not exempt from this feeling. The media has played a big part in what I deemed normal as a child. I watched many television shows where families ate bread and dressed nice to dinner. Unlike my family which ate rice every night and wore slippers to the table...
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