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Freshman Composition Course Analysis

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Self – Reflection

As the curtains drop and the semester approaches its end, the opportunity of evaluating one’s self explicitly arises. I firmly believe in the notion, “Where there is a will, there is a way.” Throughout the course of this semester, I wrote three pieces of work, which contributed towards my development both as a writer and as a communicator. Writing in Freshman Composition gives me an opportunity to express myself through not only speech but also the power of words, thereby sparking a sense of inner confidence with regards to my growing proficiency in the subject matter. The Freshman Composition course consists of an explicit set of course – learning outcomes, with a special focus on developing strategies for reading, …show more content…
As has been noted above, the three different forms of writing styles allowed me to base my writing on different and interesting topics, providing valuable information to the audience. Furthermore, writing through specific stance helped me in setting the stage for the work. Not only, did it provide me a vital beginning, it helped me to explore and analyze, in writing and reading, a variety of genres and rhetorical situations. Furthermore, it also aided me to recognize and practice key rhetorical terms and strategies when engaged in writing …show more content…
It was the Researched Critical Analysis Essay. This essay required a broad range of sources (both statistics and opinions) to enhance my claim with regards to the topic. Although finding studies and credible sources were quite challenging, structuring the essay in the correct and desired order was the harder aspect of it. Throughout my draft, I was unable to structure the paper into a coherent one, hence, succumbing to organize it. Even though, the research essay seemed to me as the most challenging of all three, writing about a current and highly unstable issue such as the Kashmir conflict gave me this opportunity to climb up the ladder (in terms of writing). Not only, it provided me with an insight of my motherland’s history, it also ignited the sense of patriotism in me, in the same way, as it would engage an audience (particularly, the ones from India and Pakistan) on a wider spectrum. This benefitted me since I was able to understand and use print and digital technologies to address a range of audiences. Lastly, it helped me compose texts that integrate your stance with appropriate sources using strategies such as summary, critical analysis, interpretation, synthesis, and argumentation. Both pros and cons are two sides of the same coin. If a particular research paper seemed challenging, it needed to be organized and coherent for a smoother flow and better

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