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What Does It Mean To Say That Women Are Better Writers Than Women

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Moving forward, to go along with the view that women occupy low-status occupations, an idea exists called the glass ceiling. The glass ceiling, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is a policy quietly established by companies to limit the promotion of women to higher-status jobs. Gender role expectations profoundly influence the ability of a woman to occupy a high-status job because women do not have male characteristics suitable for managing people (Crawford 3). It is assumed that females cannot live up to male standards, whether it is in the workforce or even writing in Literature. Helene Cixous argues in her story called The Laugh of the Medusa, that it is important for women to write because it is the first part of the steps to coming into this "man's" world. Women writing Literature was hard for …show more content…
Now how does this make sense? What makes men better writers than women? Cixous explained how the male gender has practically brainwashed the female sex into believing that everything men say, is correct. Although it took some time for the female gender to come together to change this "man's" world into a world, the female sex indeed made this possible by writing Literature. Many believe that if a woman has a family of her own, she will be incapable of maintaining a career while simultaneously taking care of her family. Statistics show that as of 2014, only 14.6% of women are executive officers, only 8.1% are top earners, and women of color only occupy 11.9% of managerial positions (Warner 1-3). Furthermore, only a third of

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