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Graffiti Wall In The Classroom Research

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Introduction Literacy is made up of five key components, and each component possesses its own unique characteristics and building blocks for literacy. One of the most important foundational principles that a child can learn is vocabulary. According to the Miriam Webster dictionary, vocabulary is defined as 1.) the words that make up a language, and 2.) all of the words known and used by a person. In light of the importance of learning vocabulary, teachers will use a variety of strategies geared towards promoting the use and growth of a large vocabulary. These strategies include using word walls and storybook or shared reading. For English Language Learners some different strategies may be applied, such as the use of various approaches that …show more content…
There are often words that are split into categories such as nouns, action words/verbs, adjectives, and feeling words. In one particular study that was done, a teacher came up with a Graffiti Wall idea for here classroom. Melissa Gallagher and Blythe Anderson wrote an article describing their experience and findings when using the Graffiti wall in their young elementary school class. When a new reading book or piece of text was introduced, the teacher would read aloud and invite the students to point out new words that they either had not heard before or did not know the meaning of. The teacher would then write them down and at the end the students were asked to partner up and choose a word from the list that they had made. With that word, the students would find the definition and antonyms, then they would write a sentence using the word. By the end, each student had been able to extend their individual vocabularies, they were engaged in the lesson, collaborative with other students, and creative in writing sentences. (Gallegher & Anderson, 2016) Word Walls tie directly into the concept of Shared reading because of the reading aloud

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