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Education Social Studies


Submitted By deedee1411
Words 3290
Pages 14

Subjects /Strands: Social Studies : Heritage & Identity: Our Changing Roles and Responsibilities Grade(s): 1

Dates of possible implementation: ________________________ Culminating task due date: ________________

| |What is important for students to know? What are the enduring understandings? What is the big open question to inform learning and link curricula? (consider |
|A. BIG IDEA FOR THIS UNIT |starting with big ideas in Science or Social Studies) |
| | |
| |BIG IDEAS: A person’s roles, responsibilities, and relationships change over time and in different situations. |
| |Their own roles, responsibilities, and relationships play a role in developing their identity |
| |All people are worthy of respect, regardless of their roles, relationships, and responsibilities. |
| |How and why do people’s roles and responsibilities change as they encounter new situations and develop relationships with different people? |
| |How do people’s various roles and responsibilities help shape who they are? |
| |Why is it important to respect others? How do we show respect for others? |
| CULMINATING TASK |Complete explanation of what students will do/write/say to demonstrate their understanding of the big idea. Will it be individual/group work? How will the task|
|Rich Performance Assessment Task –|be assessed (mode, tool, strategy)? Is it differentiated? What Achievement Chart Categories will be addressed? |
|pg. 69 Drake Text | |
| |For the culminating task the students will be asked to create a personal timeline about important events in their lives and how their roles and responsibilities|
| |have changed over time. Students will construct their timelines based on pictures and small pieces of writing to accompany their timeline. |

|B OVERALL EXPECTATION(S) |What will students learn? Select expectations from each curriculum document (may use more than one subject document) that unit will address. |
| | |
| |A1. Application: describe some of the ways in which people’s roles, relationships, and responsibilities relate to who they are and what their situation is, and |
| |how and why changes in circumstances might affect people’s roles, relationships, and responsibilities as well as their sense of self (FOCUS ON: Continuity and |
| |Change) |
| | |
| |A2. Inquiry: use the social studies inquiry process to investigate some aspects of the interrelationship between their identity/sense of self, their different |
| |roles, relationships, and responsibilities, and various situations in their daily lives (FOCUS ON: Interrelationships) |
|SPECIFIC EXPECATIONS (S) |What specific expectations from the curriculum documents (may use more than one subject) will be addressed throughout the lessons? |
| | |
| |A1.1 describe how and why a person’s roles, relationships, and responsibilities may change in different places or situations and at different times |
| | |
| |A1.2 describe how some significant events in their lives (e.g., the birth of a sibling, starting school, moving to a new home, getting a pet) led to changes in |
| |their roles, relationships, and/or responsibilities |
| | |
| |A1.3 compare some of the significant events in their own lives and/or the lives of their family members with those in the lives of their peers |
| | |
| |A1.4 describe the impact that people can have on each other in some different situations (e.g., when a person helps a child who is lost, when a child bullies |
| |another child, when a teacher helps a student find the answer to a problem, when schoolmates share toys or art supplies) and some of the ways in which |
| |interactions between people can affecta person’s sense of self |
| | |
| |A2.1 formulate questions to guide investigations into some aspects of the interrelationship between events, people, and/or places in their lives and their own |
| |roles, relationships, responsibilities, and identity/sense of self (e.g., brainstorm with their peers to formulate simple questions related to an event that has|
| |affected their self-concept, to changes in their responsibilities since they started school, or to how they behave in different places) |
| | |
| |A2.2 gather and organize information on significant events, people, and/or places in their lives that contribute or have contributed to the development of their|
| |roles, relationships, responsibilities, and identity/sense of self (e.g., a birth or death in the family, their first day at school, a friend getting hurt at |
| |the park, getting lost in a shopping mall, their family’s place of worship), using primary and/or secondary sources that they have located themselves or that |
| |have been provided to them (e.g., photographs, family and other stories, interviews, artefacts, newspapers and magazines) |
|LEARNING GOAL(S) |Clearly identify what students are expected to know & able to do in language they can understand. What is the strategy/task that will provide information for |
| |assessment? |
| |What are the questions that the students will be able to answer at the conclusion of the unit of study? |
| | |
| |At the end of this unit students will be able to answer the question what is a community? What are different roles of people in my community? What are their |
| |responsibilities? |

|C SUCCESS CRITERIA |How will students demonstrate what they will learn? What will successful acquisition of the learning goals look like and sound like? |
| |How will we know they have learned it? How will they demonstrate their learning? |
| | |
| |Students will be able to demonstrate their learning by describing through images (drawn, painted, or a video) a role in the community that they would like |
| |when they grow up or that they relate to. They will be able to discuss the responsibilities someone with this role would have. |
| | |
| | |
|ASSESSMENT TASKS/STRATEGIES |Assessment “of” Learning: What will students say/write/do to demonstrate their learning of the specific expectations at the end of the unit of study? Does it |
| |reflect all or most of the Achievement Categories? Is it “balanced” (say, do, perform)? Know, do, be? |
| | |
| |For the assessment OF learning students can draw, paint, or do their own video with the Ipad to show people in their community that relate to them or a role |
| |they would like in the future. As an expansion students can write a sentence or spoken video about why this role and responsibility is important to the |
| |community. |
| | |
| |Checklist |
|What recording strategies will |Rating Scale |
|teachers use? |Anecdotal Comments |
| |Feedback Form |
| |Self/Peer AaL/AfL |
| |Other |
| |Teacher Conference Observation checklist Spot Check Teacher Edit |
| |Exit Card Interview Quiz Checklist |
| |Self Assessment Checklist Performance Checklist Question and Answer Discussion |
| |Concept Attainment, Mind Map, Concept Map Self Assessment Response Form |
| |Select Response Peer Edit Demonstration 3-2-1 |
| |Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Other |

|Briefly identify the topic, specific teaching/ learning activity, and specific expectation is for each lesson. Lessons flow together and scaffold student learning. What teaching skills/concepts |
|expectations are being introduced for completion of culminating task? Outline or sketch out each lesson in the unit |
| | | | | |
|Intro lesson |The teacher will tell the students |The students will start thinking about|Discussion |Book: Click, Clack, Moo |
|What are ROLES and RESPONSIBILITIES? |about their new unit about Roles and |roles and responsibilities - as well |Written: Students will work in groups |Smart Board |
| |Responsibilities in the Community. |as the word communities. |of three to formulate a list of what |Chart Paper |
| |The teacher will read aloud “Click |The students will start to brainstorm |their different responsibilities are |Markers |
| |Clack Moo”. Teacher will brainstorm |about responsibilities that farmers |at school. | |
| |ideas of what the responsibilities of |have. |Observation Sheet | |
| |a farmer are with the teacher. The |Students will discuss their new | | |
| |teacher will introduce students to |classroom responsibilities. | | |
| |their new classroom responsibilities. |Vocabulary | | |
| |Action: |Responsibilities: | | |
| |Ask students what their role is when |A responsibility is something that is | | |
| |they are at school? |your job to do something about, or to | | |
| |Ask students what some of the |think about. | | |
| |responsibilities they have when they |Role: | | |
| |are at school. |How you are supposed to act at a | | |
| |Demonstrate mind map concept on smart |certain place. At school your role is | | |
| |board. |a student. | | |
| | | | | |
| |Group students into groups of three | | | |
| |and have them create a mind map of |I can describe what responsible means | | |
| |what some of their responsibilities at|and how to show I am responsible by | | |
| |school are. |giving examples. | | |
| | | | | |
| |Consolidation: | | | |
| |Bring students back to the carpet and | | | |
| |review with students some of the | | | |
| |responsibilities that they listed. | | | |
| | | | | |
| |Ask students why they listed that as a| | | |
| |responsibility | | | |
|My Responsibilities at Home & School |Students will be working on describing|The students will reflect on prior |Oral: |Smart Board |
| |their roles and responsibilities in |knowledge. |Students will be assessed by doing a |“The Bernstein Bears- Little Bear, Big|
| |the home and in the classroom. Once | |think pair share activity. |Bear” or “Troubles at School” |
| |students have explored their own |The students will watch the video. |Think/pair/share | |
| |roles, we will be moving on to the |The students will discuss the video. | | |
| |roles of others we are close with |I can: describe what a role is and |Exit Ticket: | |
| |(mom, dad, teacher and siblings). |talk about how my role will change |Students will complete an exit ticket | |
| | | |listing on responsibility that they | |
| |Minds On: | |have both at school and at home. | |
| |Teacher will invite students to the | | | |
| |carpet and will begin by introducing | | | |
| |new words on our Social Studies board.| | | |
| | | | | |
| |Teacher will review what | | | |
| |responsibility means and what some of | | | |
| |our responsibilities are. It will be | | | |
| |extended to what roles mean and what | | | |
| |role we have at school and what ones | | | |
| |we have at home. | | | |
| | | | | |
| |Action: | | | |
| |Introduce the video, “The Berenstein | | | |
| |Bears- Little Bear, Big Bear” | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| |?v=xoJVPrHEwo8 | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| |Have students think about what the | | | |
| |bear is doing and how the bear roles | | | |
| |change. | | | |
| | | | | |
| |Consolidation: | | | |
| |Discuss with students some of the | | | |
| |roles that brother bear went through | | | |
| |and how his role changed because he | | | |
| |was given more responsibility. | | | |
|What is Community? |The teacher will ask the students in |The students will participate in |Assessment AS learning. |3 Parent volunteers to join in on the |
|What are some roles and |the community circle what they think |discussion at the community circle. |Teacher will be looking for good |walk |
|responsibilities in the community? |community is. |Students will discuss what the |looking and listening while on the | |
| |After this they will brainstorm and |behaviour expectations are for going |walk. As well, the teacher will be | |
| |come up with a list of different roles|on a community walk. |observing how the students participate| |
| |people might have in the community. | |in the discussion after the walk. | |
| |The teacher will take the students for|Students will receive checklists (if |This will be done with observation and| |
| |a walk around the neighbourhood |they need a visual cue or reminder for|anecdotal notes. | |
| |surrounding the school and they will |when they come back in the classroom).| | |
| |look at the community and notice that | | | |
| |it is a place to learn, work, play, | | | |
| |and live. |Students will look at the different | | |
| |When they come back in from the walk |things happening in the community on | | |
| |the teacher will ask the students if |the community walk. | | |
| |there is anything they would like to | | | |
| |change or add to the chart at the | | | |
| |front. | | | |
| |The teacher will also debrief and ask |Students will talk about the different| | |
| |the students about the different |things that they saw. They can | | |
| |things that they noticed on the walk. |reference their checklists if they | | |
| |(If someone was raking the leaves, |needed them. | | |
| |washing their car, driving their car, | | | |
| |and etc). | | | |
|Creating a Timeline |Minds On: |Students will join teacher on carpet |Written | |
|Introducing the Culminating Task |Teacher will invite students to the |and listen to instructions. |Students will be working on their own |Dictionary’s – word wall |
| |carpet. | |timeline of significant events. |Smart board |
| | |Students will work independently on |Rubric |Timeline template |
| |Teacher will review with students the |their timelines. | |Students photo’s – variety of photos |
| |timelines that they will be | | |for students who do not have pictures |
| |constructing using pictures that they |Students will discuss their personal | |Teachers example |
| |have brought in and pictures that have|timelines. | | |
| |been printed. Emphasize the order of | | | |
| |the photos. |I can: describe what a role is and | | |
| | |talk about how my role will change. | | |
| |Action: | | | |
| |Teacher will instruct students to go | | | |
| |to their tables and work independently| | | |
| |on the pictures they want to put on | | | |
| |their timeline. They can put pictures | | | |
| |of important events in their life or | | | |
| |they can choose to draw pictures of | | | |
| |important things that have happened to| | | |
| |them and changed their role. | | | |
| |Consolidation: | | | |
| |Teacher will bring students back and | | | |
| |discuss some of the events they | | | |
| |decided to put on their timeline. | | | |
| | | | | |
| |*the students will be building their | | | |
| |timelines over the next few days | | | |
|People In My Community |The teacher will tell the students |The students will participate in a |Assessment AS learning. Teacher will |Different members of the community – |
| |that there will be a few guest |discussion about different questions |be looking for students participating |police officer, banker, nurse, town |
| |speakers in the classroom that day. |they would like to ask the guest |in discussion and also asking good |worker, volunteers etc. |
| |(they will go over the behaviour |speakers. |questions to the guest speakers. | |
| |contract/ expectations). They will | |This will be done with observation and| |
| |also come up with a list of questions | |anecdotal notes. | |
| |that they have for these different |The students will listen actively to |The teacher will also take time to | |
| |people. |the guest speakers and ask them |talk to a few students about what they| |
| |The teacher will have different people|questions about their roles and |are learning (what roles do they like | |
| |come in to talk about their roles and |responsibilities. |and why? What kinds of | |
| |responsibilities in the community. | |responsibilities do they/don’t they | |
| |Examples of people: The Mayor, A | |like with that role?) | |
| |Business Owner, A Doctor/Nurse, A | | | |
| |Firefighter, A Roads Associate, and |Afterwards the students will discuss | | |
| |etc. |with the teacher how these roles and | | |
| |The guests will speak to the class and|responsibilities are similar or | | |
| |accept questions. Afterwards they will|different to their own. | | |
| |add any words that they need to, to | | | |
| |the word wall and debrief on the | | | |
| |different roles and responsibilities. | | | |
| |How is it similar or different to | | | |
| |their own roles and responsibilities. | | | |
|My Future Roles | |The students will jopin the teacher on|Written: |Smart Board |
|***this lesson will happen after the |Minds On: |the carpet and listen to instructions.|Students will complete paper on what |List and examples of Future Roles and |
|guest speakers from the community come| | |they want to be when the grow up and |Responsibilities – brainstormed as a |
|in |Teacher will invite students to the |As a class the students will create |what their responsibilities will be |class in discussion |
|*** if the speakers need to be |carpet and review what a role and |success criteria. |for that job. | |
|rescheduled for any particular reason,|responsibility is. |The students will return to their |Checklist | |
|move onto the Pet Lesson | |seats and work on their future roles | | |
| |Teacher will talk about how their |independently. | | |
| |roles and responsibilities change as |The students will share their future | | |
| |they grow just like they have on their|roles and responsibilities depending | | |
| |timeline but now we are going to look |on their timeline chosen (adult, teen)| | |
| |at how they will change in the future.| | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| |Teacher will explain how when she was | | | |
| |in grade one they were different then | | | |
| |they are now. | | | |
| | | | | |
| |Action: | | | |
| |The teacher will have the students | | | |
| |review what some of our guest speakers| | | |
| |talked about regarding their roles and| | | |
| |responsibilities in the community, | | | |
| |keeping the community safe, healthy, | | | |
| |clean, organized etc. | | | |
| | | | | |
| |Students will think about what they | | | |
| |want to be when they grow up – what | | | |
| |will be your roles and | | | |
| |responsibilities? | | | |
| |The student can even share how their | | | |
| |roles will change in the next few | | | |
| |years – not only adult. | | | |
| | | | | |
| |Teacher will explain student’s | | | |
| |activity and success criteria. | | | |
| | | | | |
| |Teacher will dismiss students to work | | | |
| |independently. | | | |
| | | | | |
| |Consolidation: | | | |
| |Teacher will bring students back to | | | |
| |the carpet and have some share what | | | |
| |they chose and what their | | | |
| |responsibilities are. | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| |I can: describe what a role is and | | | |
| |talk about how my role will change. | | | |
| |I can: list my new responsibilities as| | | |
| |I grow up. | | | |
|Our Pets! |Ask the students if they own any pets.|The students will respond to questions|The teacher will do an assessment AS |C'Mere Boy - Sharon Jennings |
| |What are their responsibilities go |posed by the teacher. |learning for this class. She will use |Smart Board – Net Pets |
| |along with having this pet? Teacher | |anecdotal notes and observations to | |
| |will read the book C'Mere Boy OR | |see how the students are participating| |
| |Franklin Gets a Pet (recommended by |They will sit and listen to the book |in the discussion and building of the | |
| |the Ontario social studies). It looks |with the teacher on the carpet at the |chart together. | |
| |at the ways that owning a pet can |front. | | |
| |change their lives. |They will participate in discussion | | |
| |The teacher will read the book and and|with the teacher, responding to the | | |
| |ask students questions about it. For |questions she is posing - and if they | | |
| |example - why does the dog's mom not |have any questions. | | |
| |want him to adopt a boy? What types of| | | |
| |things does the Dog need to buy for | | | |
| |the dog? What are some of the rules of|After the students will create a chart| | |
| |the community? |with the teacher about the different | | |
| |Afterwards the teacher will ask the |roles and responsibilities that they | | |
| |students why they think the author |would have if they were to adopt a | | |
| |wrote the book from the perspective of|class pet. | | |
| |the dog - rather than the boy? | | | |
| |As a class create a NETPET account and|They will think about the different | | |
| |we can have a virtual class pet – if a|roles and responsibilities that were | | |
| |real one isn’t an option. | discussed in the book, and reflect on| | |
| |Together they will discuss and create |their past experiences with living | | |
| |a chart of roles and responsibilities |with a pet. | | |
| |that they would have if the class was | | | |
| |to adopt a class pet. | | | |
| | | | | |
| |Together they will build add any words| | | |
| |that they need to, to the word wall | | | |

|E. LEARNING EXPERIENCES AND |Consider differentiation of content/ instruction/demonstration of learning. Is there flexibility for student choice? |
|DIFFERENTIATION |How will the learning be sequenced and scaffolded to support a wide range of learners? |
| |Opportunities for flexible groupings. Are the learning tasks respectful? How are the students provided opportunities to share responsibility their |
| |learning? |
| | |
|LEARNING SKILLS AND WORK HABITS TO BE |Refer to Learning Skills and Work Habits in Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario Schools Pg. 10 |
| |Some of the LEARNING SKILLS & WORK HABITS discussed are: responsibility, organization, independent work, collaboration |
|VARIETYOF LEARNING EXPERIENCES |Ensure that there are a variety of learning experiences provided to match the class and individual learning profile that you have developed for this group |
| |of learners (see next page for listing) |

← Learning Experiences ← Inquiry Questions ← Anticipation Guide ← Brainstorming ← Case Study ← Choice Boards ← Class Discussion ← Computer Simulation. ← Concept Attainment 0Concept Formation ← Concept Creation ← Concept Mapping ← Critical Dialogue ← Cubing ← Debate (Formal) ← Debate (Informal) ← Examine Both Sides ← Four Corners ← Game ← Game Theory ← Graffiti ← Graphic Organizer ← Graph Creation ← Graphing ← Guest Speaker ← Inside/Outside Circle ← Inquiry ← Jigsaw ← Journal Writing ← KWL chart ← Learning Centres ← Learning Contracts ← Metaphors ← Movie Review/Analysis ← Mind Map ← Model Building ← Note Making (student generated) ← Note Making (teacher generated) ← Numbered Heads ← Jigsaw ← Panel Discussion ← Placemat ← P/M/I ← Problem Based Learning ← Puzzle Pieces ← RAFTS ← Research (Guided) ← Research (Independent) ← Report Writing ← Response Writing ← Response Journals ← Role Playing ← Round Robin ← Simulation ← Snowball ← Socratic Dialogue/ Rich Questioning ← Song Creation ← Teams Games Tournaments ← Three Way Debate ← Think Pair Share ← Think Pair Square (Graduated) ← Think Together – Think Apart ← Thinking Routines ← Tiering ← Values Line ← Venn Diagram ← Video Clip ← Word Wall ← Word Web ← Other __________________________

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...Impact of Social Media use on Academic Performance among university students: A Pilot Study Waleed Mugahed Al-Rahmi1 Mohd Shahizan Othman2 e-mail: e-mail: Author(s) Contact Details: 1,2 Faculty of Computing, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia Abstract — There is no doubt that Social media has gained wider acceptability and usability and is also becoming probably the most important communication tools among students especially at the higher level of educational pursuit. As much as social media is viewed as having bridged the gap in communication that existed. Within the social media Facebook, Twitter and others are now gaining more and more patronage. These websites and social forums are way of communicating directly with other people socially. Social media has the potentials of influencing decision-making in a very short time regardless of the distance. On the bases of its influence, benefits and demerits this study is carried out in order to highlight the potentials of social media in the academic setting by collaborative learning and improve the students' academic performance. The results show that collaborative learning positively and significantly with interactive with peers, interactive with teachers and engagement which impact the students’ academic performance. Keywords –social media usage, collaborative learning, higher education and students’ academic performance. 1. INTRODUCTION The social media has...

Words: 6007 - Pages: 25

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Soc 100 Wk 3 Assignment 1 Part 1

...Hypothesis Consider a social issue in which you are interested. It could be human freedom, sexuality, deviance, crime, social mobility, poverty, education, aging, or another similar issue. Select a specific hypothesis that you will evaluate against the available evidence from your library / Internet research. Activity Mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of SOC 100 WK 3 Assignment 1 Part 1 in order to ace their studies. SOC 100 WK 3 ASSIGNMENT 1 PART 1 To purchase this visit here: Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM SOC 100 WK 3 ASSIGNMENT 1 PART 1 SOC 100 WK 3 Assignment 1 - Part 1 Identifying the Hypothesis Consider a social issue in which you are interested. It could be human freedom, sexuality, deviance, crime, social mobility, poverty, education, aging, or another similar issue. Select a specific hypothesis that you will evaluate against the available evidence from your library / Internet research. Activity Mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of SOC 100 WK 3 Assignment 1 Part 1 in order to ace their studies. SOC 100 WK 3 ASSIGNMENT 1 PART 1 To purchase this visit here: Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM SOC 100 WK 3 ASSIGNMENT 1 PART 1 SOC 100 WK 3 Assignment 1 - Part 1 Identifying the Hypothesis Consider a social issue in which you...

Words: 977 - Pages: 4

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Past Papers

...Higher Sociology Understanding Human Society 1 Acknowledgements SFEU (Scottish Further Education Unit) gratefully acknowledges the contribution made to this publication by Learning and Teaching Scotland who have granted permission to use material previously produced by Higher Still Development Unit. SFEU also thanks SQA for permission to reproduce parts of the Arrangement documents. Copyright statement Documents on NQ Online can be downloaded free. However, where the publications are the copyright of Learning and Teaching Scotland, educational establishments in Scotland may reproduce them in whole or in part provided that the source is acknowledged and that no profit accrues at any stage. Other users of these publications should contact Learning and Teaching Scotland before reproducing any of them. Please note all rights held by the former Higher Still Development Unit continue to be held by Learning and Teaching Scotland. Contents Statement of Standards 3 Guide to Learning and Teaching Pack 7 Introduction to the Unit and Learning and Teaching Approaches 8 Class stratification 9 Recommended reading and recommended websites for class stratification 10 Introduction to social stratification 11 Class stratification 15 Functionalist theory of class stratification 24 Summary of functionalism ...

Words: 19327 - Pages: 78

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Sociology a-Level

...AQA AS Sociology SCLY2: Education with Sociological Research Methods Student Guide Introduction According to sociologist Michael Rutter we spend 15000 hours in the education system. Consequently the schooling process has a large role in forming our personalities. For some, education also manages to act as a way of socialising people into the norms and values that are seen to be important for a particular society. For others it can be seen as a source of conflict particularly when issues surrounding gender, class and ethnicity are put under the sociologists, ‘microscope’. It also provides an excellent indicator of how political ideology affects social policy, with the changing of governments impacting on educational policy. Some questions sociologists are interested in about education are: * Why do some pupils achieve more than others? * What is the relationship between education and the economy? * What is the purpose of education? * Do pupil’s school experiences vary? Assessment The course will be assessed by examination only. The examination will consist of various short answer question and essay style questions. Date of Exam: June 2010 Duration: 2 hr The Unit 2 exam is worth 60% of your final AS level grade. There will be 90 marks available on the paper. You will answer one question on the chosen topic, one question on sociological research methods in context and one question on research methods. Assessment Objectives ...

Words: 1881 - Pages: 8

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Sociology and It's Relevance to Me

...Sociology can be seen as the scientific study of groups in the human society and social interactions which aims to understand social situations, which looks for repeating patterns in society. Sociology can be seen as a natural science because it consists of those disciples which apply systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses to the study of society. Sociology can be seen as one of the social sciences which had a late start; the subject of sociology fell on it way in the middle of the 1800. When the American society was in the middle of the Industrial Era. Sociology developed great recognition during this time with the great success of the French and American Revolution. The first and main contributor to sociology in the social world was Auguste Comte; his method of practice was called positivism which states that “the theory that knowledge can be acquired only through direct observation and experimentation, and not through metaphysics or theology.” Another major contributor to sociology was Herbert Spencer; he was credited in finding the Science as a field of study. Spencer came up with the idea of Social Darwinism which implies “people would gravitate to either the bottom or the top of society…the principle was termed “survival of the fittest.”” Karl Marx also played a huge part of early Sociology. Marx was a social activist who came up with the theory of class conflict, which says that; “the lower and...

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Inequality of Higher Education in Ghana-the Challenges and Wayforward

...EDUCATIONAL PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION M.ED. (ADMIN. IN HIGHER EDUCATION)-DISTANCE RESEARCH PAPER INEQUALITY IN ACCESSING HIGHER EDUCATION IN GHANA: THE CHALLENGES AND WAYFORWARD AKPLOME PRECIOUS INTRODUCTION Globally, education remains the fulcrum for the achievement of higher economic, social, technological standards and development. Education continues to receive wide attention amongst most developed nations’ governments and policy due to the remarkable contributions that it brings to the nation. In Africa even though there seems to be a concerted effort by various governments to improve on education at all levels, there is gender inequality in access to education at all levels of the academic ladder. Gender inequality in access to education continues to receive considerable attention worldwide and many developing counties. Ghana is no exception and the situation affects national development and also limits opportunities for women especially in enjoying higher job prospects in the country. At the 1990 World Conference on Education for All in Jomtien, Thailand, particular emphasis was placed on female education not only as a fundamental right, but also as an important means for economic and social development (UNESCO, 2003). Undeniably, education has been viewed by many as central to the achievement of greater equality in society, including between men and women. This notwithstanding, the lack of education has been viewed as a major obstacle to women employment and...

Words: 3422 - Pages: 14

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Effects of “One Giant Step to Humankind” Outreach Project in the Level of Social Consciousness of the Grade Vi Students

...Effects of “One Giant Step to Humankind” Outreach Project in the Level of Social Consciousness Of the Grade VI Students Is presented to Dr. Nicasio A. Manatan As partial fulfillment to the requirements of Philosophy of Education in Master of Education in Child Study Philippine Normal University By Cheryll S. Leus March 2012 Introduction One of the principles in learning is that “students learn by doing.” Once they are interested in something, they are focused and can easily absorb everything. According to Birkenholz, learning is often defined as a change in behavior. Learning occurs when people take new found information and incorporate it into their life ( In this light that the teacher in Social Studies VI asked the students to conceptualize and put into action a project that can contribute in eradicating poverty in the Philippines. The teacher believes that once a person knows something about the problem, he/she has responsibility to help solve it. Engaging the pupils in solving it will eventually develop a socially oriented individual who is critically aware to what is happening in his/her surrounding. And will soon be an effective agent of change in our society. Not everything is learned within the four walls of the classroom. Students may learn things necessary to life but not everything about life. It is important to expose them to the real world outside the school...

Words: 4012 - Pages: 17

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...American International Journal of Contemporary Research Vol. 2 No. 3; March 2012 Corporate Social Responsibility in Higher Education Institutions: Istanbul Bilgi University Case Gresi Sanje Dahan, PhD Assistant Professor Istanbul Bilgi University Advertising Department Kazım Karabekir Cad. No:1 34060 Eyup Istanbul, Turkey Isil Senol, PhD Teaching Assistant Istanbul Bilgi University Advertising Department Kazım Karabekir Cad. No:1 34060 Eyup Istanbul, Turkey Abstract Universities, especially private ones are in need of strong corporate strategies in order to be successful in the highly competitive education industry. In this respect, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) becomes one of the highly preferred strategies by higher education institutions for gaining a good reputation and a competitive advantage. This study aims to analyze Istanbul Bilgi University, in the context of social responsibility practices. The major finding of the study is that in order for an institution to be successful in CSR strategy, CSR actions has to be internalized and must be supported by the management. Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, higher education, competitive advantage, reputation. 1. Introduction Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is defined through the ethical relationship and transparency of the company with all its stakeholders that has a relationship as well as with the establishment of corporate goals that are compatible with the sustainable development of society...

Words: 6585 - Pages: 27