...and Apply Knowledge of Basic Skills “This year you will be doing a lot of creative writing.” Mrs. Phelps introduced her class with at the start of my junior year. I had always been keen to free writing for the single reason that it was easy to fluff up and fabricate. As long as it was in MLA format and grammar was correct, I could not lose. I had discovered early on in my academic career that I was a decent writer; I could establish main points and a theme as well as apply proper grammar. It speaks for my writing that I was agitable to misusers of “there, their, and they’re” to say the least. The only criticism on writing prompts I would get were technical ones, like using apostrophes incorrectly or writing the number rather than spelling it. Yet, marked in red at the top of my first paper junior year was something I had not expected, nor seen before-- “Where is your voice?” My voice? I was not mute, so what kind of question was that? I thought about it all class period and looked for the flaw within the paper. All i had to work with was that obscure note and I thought about the question again and again-- I even began...
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...English Overseas English zwwx@overseaen.com 2011 8 http://www.overseaen.com Tel:+86-551-5690811 5690812 Narrative Patterns Research in O Henry's Novels · , ( , 332000 ) Abstract:O· Henry is living in the time when novelists are in the great pursuit of narrative pattern research. Hence his works is inevitably Henry's novels in my opinion is also marvelous for his outinfluenced. Beside his humorous language, surprising ends and expressions, O· standing narrative patterns arrangement. In this article, a research will be conducted onto his narrative pattern in the aspects of narrative perspectives, narrative space and narrative time. By this research, more information and references is intended to obtain for the further study on this area. Key words: Narrative Pattern; Narrative Perspective; Narrative Space; Narrative Time : I02 :A :1009-5039(2011)08-0350-03 1 Introduction · O Henry (1862-1910), as one of the most famous writers of short story in American literature history, or even around the whole world. Plus his contribution in narrative patterns research, he is also honored as the one of the founders of American short story history. Great praises, as well as critics are raised from the world onto his short novels which are well known for the humor, vivid spots description, surprising endings. However, in this article we will pay attention to the narrative patterns in O· Henry's novels, the area of which seldom calls focus and research from the American literature...
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...STUDIES IN PROFESSIONAL LIFE AND WORK Mike Hayler University of Brighton, UK Autoethnography, Self-Narrative and Teacher Education examines the professional life and work of teacher educators. In adopting an autoethnographic and life-history approach, Mike Hayler develops a theoretically informed discussion of how the professional identity of teacher educators is both formed and represented by narratives of experience. The book draws upon analytic autoethnography and life-history methods to explore the ways in which teacher educators construct and develop their conceptions and practice by engaging with memory through narrative, in order to negotiate some of the ambivalences and uncertainties of their work. The author’s own story of learning, embedded within the text, was shared with other teacher-educators, who following interviews wrote self-narratives around themes which emerged from discussion. The focus for analysis develops from how professional identity and pedagogy are influenced by changing perceptions and self-narratives of life and work experiences, and how this may influence professional culture, content and practice in this area. Autoethnography, Self-Narrative and Teacher Education Autoethnography, Self-Narrative and Teacher Education STUDIES IN PROFESSIONAL LIFE AND WORK The book includes an evaluation of how using this approach has allowed the author to investigate both the subject and method of the research with implications for ...
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...ITT TECHNICAL INSTITUTE EN3220 Written Analysis Onsite Course GRADED ASSIGNMENTS Table of Contents Graded Assignments 4 Unit 1 Journal 1: Personal Narrative 4 Unit 1 Journal 1: Personal Narrative Handout 6 Unit 1 Journal 2: Civic Narrative 9 Unit 1 Journal 2: Civic Narrative Handout 11 Unit 1 Assignment 1: What Would You Do? 12 Unit 2 Journal 1: Personal Narrative 13 Unit 2 Journal 1: Personal Narrative Handout 15 Unit 2 Journal 2: Civic Narrative 19 Unit 2 Journal 2: Civic Narrative Handout 20 Unit 2 Journal 3: Article Response 22 Unit 2 Assignment 1: What Would You Do? 23 Unit 2 Assignment 2: Declaration of Independence and Public Safety 25 Unit 3 Journal 1: Car Commercials 26 Unit 3 Journal 2: Personal Narrative 27 Unit 3 Journal 2: Personal Narrative Handout 28 Unit 3 Journal 3: Civic Narrative 31 Unit 3 Journal 3: Civic Narrative Handout 32 Unit 3 Journal 4: Taste vs. Judgment 34 Unit 3 Presentation 1: What Would You Do? 35 Unit 3 Assignment 1: Habits That Hinder Thinking 36 Unit 4 Journal 1: Invention Exercise 37 Unit 4 Journal 1: SWOT Analysis Template 38 Unit 4 Journal 2: Personal Narrative 39 Unit 4 Journal 2: Personal Narrative Handout 41 Unit 4 Journal 3: Civic Narrative 43 Unit 4 Journal 3: Civic Narrative Handout 44 Unit 4 Assignment 1: What Would You Do? 46 Unit 4 Assignment 2: Invention White Paper 47 Unit 5 Journal 1: Personal Narrative 48 Unit 5 Journal 1: Personal Narrative Handout 49 Unit...
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...Grant Writing FOR DUMmIES 3RD ‰ EDITION by Dr. Beverly A. Browning, MPA, DBA Grant Writing For Dummies® 3rd Edition , Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc. 111 River St. Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774 www.wiley.com Copyright © 2009 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, 978-750-8400, fax 978-646-8600. Requests to the Publisher for permission should e addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, (201) 748-6011, fax (201)748-6008, or online at http:// www.wiley.com/go/permissions. Trademarks: Wiley, the Wiley Publishing logo, For Dummies, the Dummies Man logo, A Reference for the Rest of Us!, The Dummies Way, Dummies Daily, The Fun and Easy Way, Dummies.com, Making Everything Easier, and related trade dress are trademarks or registered trademarks of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. and/ or its affiliates in the United States and other countries, and...
Words: 113853 - Pages: 456
...No. | 5. 6. 7. 8. | Executive Summery Introduction Objective Methodology AnalyzeFindings and RecommendationConclusionReference | 12-3 4 45-6 789 | Acknowledgement: Alhamdulillah, first of all we would like to thank ALLAH as finally we were able to finish our assignment thenWe would like to express our special thanks of gratitude to our teacher prof.Dr.Abdul Hannan Mia who gave us the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic Career management. Without his guide our project cannot be done properly like this. He always give us supports and guide to us how to do our assignment properly. Secondly We would also like to expand our deepest gratitude to all those who have directly and indirectly guided us in writing this assignment within the limited time frame. Impartial fulfillment of the course HRM 5168 Submitted by Name: Lamia Nur Antora ID: 2016010004042 Name: Farzana Akber ID: 2016010004072 Submitted to Prof.Dr.Abdul Hannan Mia Executive summary: Teacher is an important role for our life and nation. Teaching is a noble and honorable profession because teachers can build up people, a society or a nation through teaching. Actually teachers are valuable assets in our country. The nation may expect to get an honest and sincere teacher. Teachers always try to teach the higher studies among all the students. They can help to awake their students. They also can make the students as an honest, ideal and sincere people...
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...Axia College Material Characteristics of the Expository Essay What Is an Essay? An essay, or personal-opinion paper, is an important part of your college experience because it requires critical thinking as well as organization and research. Essay is a broad term. Sometimes an essay is just a page long; sometimes, essays are five pages or longer. Essays, however, focus on a single subject and idea. They also have different purposes: to persuade, explain, or entertain. Consider the following essay titles: • “Why You Should Never Vote for a Democrat” • “My Friend Harry Reasoner” • “Cells Phones: Getting the Most for the Least” • “Gay Marriage Does Not Hurt Traditional Marriage” • “How to Write an Essay” How would you categorize the essays above based on the titles? Is “Why You Should Never Vote for a Democrat” a persuasive essay or an entertaining one? Does “How to Write an Essay” explain or persuade? Even within a classification, writers use different types of development and have multiple purposes for their essays. Essay Classifications Writers classify essays in different ways. The following table includes common types of essays as well as examples: |Type of Essay |Definition |Example | | | | ...
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...N I N G O B J E C T I V E S 10 1. Identify the purpose and structure of narrative writing. 2. Recognize how to write a narrative essay. Rhetorical modes simply mean the ways in which we can effectively communicate through language. This chapter covers nine common rhetorical modes. As you read about these nine modes, keep in mind that the rhetorical mode a writer chooses depends on his or her purpose for writing. Sometimes writers incorporate a variety of modes in one essay. In covering the nine rhetorical modes, this chapter also emphasizes these as a set of tools that will allow you greater flexibility and effectiveness in communicating with your audience and expressing your ideas. rhetorical modes The ways in which we effectively communicate through language. 1.1 The Purpose of Narrative Writing Narration means the art of storytelling, and the purpose of narrative writing is to tell stories. Any time you tell a story to a friend or family member about an event or incident in your day, you engage in a form of narration. In addition, a narrative can be factual or fictional. A factual story is one that is based on, and tries to be faithful to, actual events as they unfolded in real life. A fictional story is a made-up, or imagined, story; the writer of a fictional story can create characters and events as he or she sees fit. However, the big distinction between factual and fictional narratives is based on a writer’s purpose. The writers of factual stories try to recount...
Words: 14947 - Pages: 60
...may re-use this information (excluding logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence. To view this licence, visit http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/ or e-mail: psi@nationalarchives.gsi.gov.uk. Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. Any enquiries regarding this document/publication should be sent to us at enquiries@educationscotland.gov.uk. This document is also available from our website at www.educationscotland.gov.uk. Contents Mind map of educational relevance 4 Exploring stimuli 5 Discovering your theme 12 Applying knowledge of technical skills and choreographic principles 13 Appreciating safe dance practice 15 Engaging with theatre arts and technology 16 A choreographic plan 23 Evaluation...
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... very few people would take care to listen to the internal themes of such a music piece played right after arriving. Moreover, the melody and the tune radiate a ghost of sadness and mope which brought audience into a sentimental mood. The intro would have been a bit more uplifting if she were to play a delightful piece at prime tense to prepare the audiences enters into a fine musical fettle! The second piece of the evening, Domenico Scarlatti’s Sonata in G major along with Domenico Scarlatti’s Sonata in G minor, Domenico Scarlatti’s Sonata in E minor and Domenico Scarlatti’s Sonata in F major were rewarding. Scarlatti’s Sonata works are known as little entertaining pieces for the aristocrats as well as requiring outstanding keyboard skills. When watching Valerie Tryon playing these sonatas, there would be difficulty to argue Valerie's fabulous techniques. Valerie really scores by interpreting these pieces with great feelings and marvelous technique, and her performance was an excellent transference of...
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...Authors (Revised February 2013) All correspondence and submissions should be directed to: JSE Managing Editor, EricksonEditorial@gmail.com, 151 Petaluma Blvd. So., #227, Petaluma CA 94952 USA, (1) 415/435-1604, fax (1) 707/559-5030 Please submit all manuscripts at http://journalofscientificexploration.org/index.php/jse/login (please note that “www” is NOT used in this address). This website provides directions for author registration and online submission of manuscripts. Full Author Instructions are posted on the Society for Scientific Exploration’s website at http://www.scientificexploration.org/documents/instructions_for_authors.pdf for submission of items for publication in the Journal of Scientific Exploration (including “Writing the Empirical Journal Article.” Before you submit a paper, please familiarize yourself with the Journal by reading JSE articles. (Back issues can be browsed in electronic form with SSE membership login at http://journalofscientificexploration.org, click on Archive link; issues before 2008 are freely accessible at http://www.scientificexploration.org/journal/articles.html) Electronic files of text, tables, and figures at resolution of a minimum of 300 dpi (TIF or PDF preferred) will be required for online submission. You will also need to attest to a statement online that the article has not been previously published and is not submitted elsewhere. AIMS AND SCOPE: The Journal of Scientific Exploration publishes material consistent with...
Words: 16523 - Pages: 67
...Investigation Criteria for Full Markings (Syllabus Excerpt) • Analyses and compares perceptively art from different cultures and times, and considers it thoughtfully for its function and significance. • Demonstrates the development of an appropriate range of effective skills, techniques and processes when making and analysing images and artifacts. • Demonstrates coherent, focused and individual investigative strategies into visual qualities, ideas and their contexts, an appropriate range of different approaches towards their study, and some fresh connections between them. • Demonstrates considerable depth and breadth through the successful development and synthesis of ideas and thoroughly explained connections between the work and that of others. • Demonstrates effective and accurate use of the specialist vocabulary of visual arts. • Uses an appropriate range of sources and acknowledges them properly. • Presents the work effectively and creatively and demonstrates effective critical observation, reflection and discrimination. • Presents a close relationship between investigation and studio. Outline and Explanation: • Introduction Page- introduce the studio work you plan on investigation, brainstorming and creating. Explain why you are interested in that specific studio work creation. Give a few minor sketches of how you visualize the project. • Brainstorming Page- brainstorm your ideas. The brainstorming page may turn...
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...novelJournal of Education and Practice ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online) Vol 2, No 4, 2011 www.iiste.org A Study on Gender Consciousness in Nigerian Autobiographical Narratives and Power of the Interview Ogunyemi, Christopher Babatunde Department of English, College of Humanities, Joseph Ayo Babalola University PMB 5006 Ilesa 233001 Osun State, Nigeria. bbcoguns2@yahoo.se Akindutire, Isaac Olusola Department of Physical and Health Education, Faculty of Education University of Ado Ekiti Ado Ekiti. Ekiti State, Nigeria ioakindutire@yahoo.com Adelakun, Ojo Johnson Department of Economics, Joseph Ayo Babalola University, PMB 5006 Ilesa 233001, Osun State, Nigeria joadelakun@yahoo.co.uk Abstract The study explores some self-created metaphors in male autobiographical writings in Nigeria. It visualizes the negation of female gender in art. The paper investigates the dichotomy of language, the use of irony and situational metaphors to displace conventional ones; it blends theories with critical evaluation of discourse. The research uses empirical methods in solving hypothetical questions with the use of extensive and relatively unstructured interviews. It examines the interviews of twenty five people independently, these people include: University lecturers, students, administrative and technical staff. The work analyzes concurrently their interview testimonies to search for congruence. Data analysis begins with a detailed microanalysis in which emergent concepts were defined...
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...THE IMPORTANCE OF TEACHING HUMANITIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS: IN DEFENSE OF LIBERAL ARTS EDUCATION A Thesis Presented by Victoria Pleshakova to The Faculty of the Graduate College of The University of Vermont In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Education Specializing in Interdisciplinary Studies May, 2009 Accepted by the Faculty of the Graduate College, The University of Vermont, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of niIaster of Education, specializing in Interdisciplinary Studies. Thesis Examination Committee: . 2 M d Johnson, 111, D.P.A. ,G!krMb. %.&I;-; Patricia A. Stokowski, Ph. D Interim Dean, Graduate College Date: March 4,2009 ABSTRACT The humanities have always been under attack in the higher education of the United States of America. Corporate culture of the university requires the most money distributed towards research and specialization, while making employability of the graduates the main goal of education. With two thirds of all majors being in business and finance, humanities don’t seem to play a big role in higher education overall. This work makes an attempt in defense of liberal arts education to our students, and the importance of teaching the subjects like English, Literature and Philosophy independent of a student’s major concentration. Even in our age of specialized and corporatized education, these courses are of great importance. These subjects can help...
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...Arts and the Education of Artists: Art and Story CONTENTS SECTION ONE: Marcel’s Studio Visit with Elstir……………………………………………………….. David Carrier SECTION TWO: Film and Video Narrative Brief Narrative on Film-The Case of John Updike……………………………………. Thomas P. Adler With a Pen of Light …………………………………………………………………… Michael Fink Media and the Message: Does Media Shape or Serve the Story: Visual Storytelling and New Media ……………………………………………………. June Bisantz Evans Visual Literacy: The Language of Cultural Signifiers…………………………………. Tammy Knipp SECTION THREE: Narrative and Fine Art Beyond Illustration: Visual Narrative Strategies in Picasso’s Celestina Prints………… Susan J. Baker and William Novak Narrative, Allegory, and Commentary in Emil Nolde’s Legend: St. Mary of Egypt…… William B. Sieger A Narrative of Belonging: The Art of Beauford Delaney and Glenn Ligon…………… Catherine St. John Art and Narrative Under the Third Reich ……………………………………………… Ashley Labrie 28 15 1 22 25 27 36 43 51 Hopper Stories in an Imaginary Museum……………………………………………. Joseph Stanton SECTION FOUR: Photography and Narrative Black & White: Two Worlds/Two Distinct Stories……………………………………….. Elaine A. King Relinquishing His Own Story: Abandonment and Appropriation in the Edward Weston Narrative………………………………………………………………………….. David Peeler Narrative Stretegies in the Worlds of Jean Le Gac and Sophe Calle…………………….. Stefanie Rentsch SECTION FIVE: Memory Does The History of Western Art Tell a Grand Story?……………………………………...
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