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Why Do We Need To Paycheck Essay

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Situations like these for single mothers are not easy. Living paycheck to paycheck is very difficult, especially when you have three kids that are depending on you. Katrina was a CNA at a nursing home living paycheck to paycheck due to her not so great pay per hour and never-ending bills. Making about eight hundred dollars a week and having to pay for daycare, gas, housing, and eventually groceries out of pocket is hard. It limits the things you can do for your children and for yourself. Every part of what you do is to make sure your kids are as stable as they can be.
For a good portion of the documentary the kids father, Jeremy, was living in another state actively seeking work. Him being in another state did not really do Katrina any good, it limited …show more content…
All these needs begin to put a lot of stress on an individual. As we saw Katrina had all types of medical issues the biggest two being migraines and a type of thyroid disease. These kind of things can get out of hand because you do not make enough to get sick. Meaning doctor visits and insurance many times are out of the picture unless you are in dire need. As for medications it becomes a pick and choose situation.
Research has shown that many of our low income families have about the same health as people in third world countries.
From what I personally picked up Katrina was a hustler. Even with the help she got she very much knew that if she was going to have to make it completely on her own she would.
She did what she had to for her family, even if that meant to sell the puppy. Her personal choices she made when younger I felt were made out of love. Sometimes being young and in love blinds you to real life issues. These were decisions she was working on fixing. School being her main focus to help move her ahead. Regardless of her being scared I think she could have made it through the radiology program. Many times she stated how she knew if she just stayed in

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