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Madrid Bombing Case Study

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1. What happened in the investigation of the Madrid bombings with the fingerprint evidence? The investigation in the Madrid bombings with the fingerprint evidence was based off of ineffective practices. The fingerprint examiner that led them to a match in Portland, Oregon believed it to be a man names Brandon Mayfield. In addition four other examiners agreed that he was the criminal. However, before he could stand before the judge, the spanish police using video surveillance identified the correct person.

2. What assumptions have been made about fingerprints? What are the problems with these assumptions? Fingerprint identification is suppose to be “infallible”. Examiners are taught that there is no two people that have the same fingerprints. …show more content…
Those are compared with known prints and once the examiner believes there's enough points of similarity, he declares it a match. Examiners working with any finger print are known to make a leap of faith after fifteen or less similar points are found.

4. How does the fingerprint analysis different on television versus reality? What role does the examiner play in real life? What problems are there with this? Fingerprint analysis in reality is rarely as simple as television makes it. Machines used in television do not make a match. In real life, the people do. The examiner is the only analysis that has any judgement regarding the fingerprints match. Many people believe the examiner can have unconscious bias. In fact, four out of five examiners that looked over fingerprints they once said were a match, changed their minds without knowing they already looked at them.

5. How is fingerprint evidence used differently since the Mayfield case? In the Mayfield case, the weak link in fingerprint identification was found. Today, only some examiners who testit will say that the match is not one hundred percent certain. Most examiners, however, will say that the few cases that prosecuted the wrong person should not be the basis of whether the technique is correct because every method has its

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