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Describe The Relationship Between Telemachus And Odysseus

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When Telemachus comes back to the farm, Eumaeus suggests to take care of the stranger, but Telemachus declines but offers to give the “stranger” clothes and a sword. Odysseus steps in to say that he wishes he could help fight the suitors, he say if he was Odysseus, he would deserve death if he did not fight his enemies, and he would gladly die fighting them rather than stick their horrible behavior. Telemachus asks Eumaeus to go to the palace and tell Penelope that her son has returned home safely, but to tell no one else. Odysseus asks Telemachus to describe the suitors so that they can plan an attack. Odysseus tells him to go to the palace, talk and socialize with the crowd of suitors. Eumaeus will bring Odysseus, once again disguised

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