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Describe and Evaluate Carl Jung’s Theory Concerning Personality Types and Show How They Might Usefully Help a Therapist to Determine Therapeutic Goals


Submitted By pjwtherapy
Words 2784
Pages 12
Describe and evaluate Carl Jung’s theory concerning personality types and show how they might usefully help a therapist to determine therapeutic goals
Carl Jung was close friends with Freud having met in 1907 and for some time worked alongside him in collaboration developing the psychoanalytical movement. However approximately seven years later Jung ended the collaboration, as he had started to move away from Feud’s theories and disagreed with some vital areas, including the nature of libidinal energy, which Freud saw as mostly sexual and Jung saw as mostly spiritual and infantile sexuality as a cause of neurosis.
There was also disagreement as to the importance of the libidinal energy, as Freud saw it as pivotal and the primary motivating force, while Jung saw it as one of several forces with equal importance.
This led to Jung discarding Freud’s importance of the development of the child, as Jung was concerned with the development of the person across the life-span. From this point on he worked at developing his theory based on personality types.
Here in is the beginning of Carl Jung’s theory of Personality Types, which I will now attempt to explain in my own words, but before I do I would like to use one of the infamous quotes from Carl Yung himself…
"We need more understanding of human nature, because the only real danger that exists is man himself . . . We know nothing of man, far too little. His psyche should be studied because we are the origin of all coming evil."
—BBC interview, 1959
Contrary to previous observations based on temperamental or emotional behaviour patterns, Jung was amongst the first to look at the psychic energy and ‘the way in which one habitually or preferentially orients oneself in the world.’ (Personality Types, page 12, para 2)
Jung broke down his model into

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