...Three Major Sins of Professional Development How Can We Make It Better? .Authors:VARELA, ALEJANDRA M..Source:Education Digest, Dec2012, Vol. 78 Issue 4, p17-20, 4p.Document Type:Article.Subject Terms:TEACHERS -- In-service training -- United States TEACHER development -- Methodology PROFESSIONAL education -- United States CAREER development TEACHERS -- Training of -- United States CLASSROOM management -- Study & teaching TEACHER participation in curriculum planning.Geographic Terms:UNITED States.Abstract:The article addresses flaws with teachers' professional development and in-service training programs in the U.S., particularly noting the lack of teacher input in professional development and curricula planning. It discusses the lack of practical demonstrations of concepts taught in professional development courses. It comments on the issues with treating all teachers and subjects the same, isolating in-service training from daily classroom practices, and ignoring follow-up. It notes the benefits of utilizing research-driven practices in classroom management and teacher training..Lexile:1240.ISSN:0013127X.Accession Number:83883062.Database: MasterFILE Premier.... Translate Full Text:. Choose Languageالإنجليزية/العربيةанглийски език/български英语/简体中文英語/繁體中文angličtina/češtinaEngelsk/danskEngels/DuitsAnglais/FrançaisEnglisch/DeutschΑγγλικά/ΕλληνικάEnglish/Hausaאנגלית/עבריתअंग्रेज़ी/हिंदीangol/magyarInggris/bahasa IndonesiaInglesi/Italiano英語/日本語영어/한국어Engelsk/Norskانگل...
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...Reflective practice is communication, knowledge, skills, values and belief and reflection in the daily lives of individuals. Part of the goal of reflective practice is to serve the community, while demonstrating a passion for the environment. The skills individuals develop helps with reasoning, which advances the delivery of comprehending and understanding. According to Attard (2012) “reflection is very individual and personal, on the one hand, while on the other hand it is collective by nature” (p. 204). Action Research is a method of reflective practice that is encouraging and involves systematic change in teaching that allows the teacher to take the right direction to enhance student learning. According to Bevins et al. (2011) “action research develops through a self-reflective spiral of cycles, which include planning, implementing, observing, reflecting and re-implementing” (p.401). Action Research provides new learning techniques for teaching and provides knowledge for the rest of your life. In action research many believe that the term reflection can be misleading. According to Casey (2012) “insider action research is shown as a tool for positioning the practitioner in the ‘betweenness’ of theory and practice” (p.221). It is suggest that teaching is being altered and deemed to be more accurate. Engaging in action research can improve teaching practice and theory. Action Research involves the physical act of being involved and becoming hands-on. After steeping back...
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...Historically very few professions were given the status of being a professional. Those who were in the profession of law and medicine were perceived to be ‘elite’, receiving professional status. This was given due to the structure and depth of their specialised training and high level qualification. The knowledge gained and the ethical standards of those professionals in their practice. They were governed by professional bodies, adhering to high values and having professional autonomy. These professionals were held in high esteem by society as possessing specialised knowledge and skills, who were equipped to apply this knowledge and implement their skills in the interest of others. The concept of professionalism and having status of being a professional within the early year’s workforce has been a contentious issue. Early year workers were one of the many professions not recognised by society as being professional. Some say it is due to the lack of value society in general placed on the quality and standard of qualification they held in comparison to that of other professions working within early year’s settings; such as teachers or speech and language therapists who held degree led qualifications. Early year workers skills and knowledge were also undervalued which reflected in lower levels of pay with no prospect of moving up the career ladder. It could be said that low pay relates to poor quality of service, while others say it indicates the status of the job. Society portrayed...
Words: 2240 - Pages: 9
...Briefly describe the main aspects of the theme; f) Justify why you chose this theme; g) Provide a brief one paragraph outline for each of 6 readings or articles that are relevant to this theme (articles in the reader can be used); h) In the light of the theme develop either a booklet, or a policy relevant to your role as a leader The nurturing and development of teachers in Catholic Schools is a constant consideration for all educational leaders. A successful Catholic education facility needs to demonstrate consistent commitment to the ongoing development of the whole child. This development needs to reflect the Gospel teachings, while offering current theories and practices embedded in student learning opportunities. Professional development and mentoring of staff is a vital component in order for all staff to stay abreast of the latest pedagogy. Professional development should be purposeful, ongoing and reflective and it takes many forms depending on the individual needs and the needs that are influenced by the context of the school. Individual, target groups, whole staff, pedagogy and practice, content...
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...Tobago along with UNESCO supports these objectives and worked together to develop programs that would address these issues. The Education Policy Paper (1993 – 2003) states, “Every child has an inherent right to an education that will enhance the development of maximum capability regardless of gender, ethnic, economic, social or religious background.” One project that has been agreed upon is Education for All. Education for All has as one of its goals ‘improving all aspects of the quality of education and ensuring excellence of all so that recognized and measurable learning outcomes are achieved by all, especially in literacy, numeracy and essential life skills.” This goal can only be achieved through the ‘delivery of a systemof quality education to students at all levels of the education system.’ In order to provide quality education to students it is important that all stakeholders play an active role in the education process. Therefore it is important that teachers continually upgrade and develop their skills to be able to identify and properly meet the needs of students. The ministry and by extension administrators need to assist by providing teachers with opportunities to participate in ongoing professional development programs. No Name Primary School is a school of inclusion with an open door policy which seeks to meet the goals of Education for All. Parents are welcomed to visit and teachers are free to voice their opinions and concern. The mission of the school...
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...Instructional Leadership Saint Leo University Standards and Instruction Workshop Teachers in Florida are required to complete professional development in order to renew their teaching certificates. School districts have developed professional development systems that provide teachers with opportunities to complete these recertification requirements through inservice trainings, also called continued education (Council, 2008). A principal on the other hand not only has to keep up with their professional development, but is also required to provide continuing education opportunities for the teachers on the staff at their school. At the start of the 2014 school year Florida is required to fully implement the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), a state-led effort to establish a common set of expectations across states for what K-12 students are expected to know and be able to do in English language arts and math (Anderson, Harrison, & Lewis, 2012). School leaders can facilitate a smooth CCSS transition through professional development opportunities. When exploring professional development options a principal should focus on three important areas. These areas are a knowledgeable presenter, student achievement outcomes, as well as best practices (Educational Training Specialists, 2010). Knowledgeable Presenter Quality professional development that leads to school improvement is one of the most important influences on student achievement that occurs in school districts....
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...Chapter 5 Summary There is wide spread agreement in education regarding the purpose of ongoing teacher professional development. It intends to qualitatively and quantitatively extend an educators’ skill set so that they are continually effective in the classroom. Like any other profession teachers must keep their skills sharp and updated as the educational system is only as good as its players. The key to this quality education for all students is the classroom teacher, but not just any classroom teacher (Killion & Harrison, 2006). Students must have skillful, highly effective teachers who have consistent access to ongoing professional development (Sparks & Hirsch, 2000; Guskey, 1997; Guskey, 1998; Maldonado, 2002). NCLB offers broad guidelines for effective professional development acknowledging the integral nature of ongoing professional development that seeks to insure teachers continually possess the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully perform their duties (Lauer & Dean 2004). NCLB requires all 50 states to provide “high-quality” professional development that will ensure every teacher is both highly qualified and highly effective. The federal government’s definition of high-quality professional development includes activities that improve and increase teachers’ academic knowledge, are part of school and district improvement plans, provide teachers the knowledge to meet state content standards, are sustained, intensive and classroom focused, support...
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...Characteristics of professional development linked to enhanced pedagogy and children’s learning in early childhood settings: Best Evidence Synthesis July 2003 Characteristics of professional development linked to enhanced pedagogy and children’s learning in early childhood settings: Best Evidence Synthesis October 2003 This report is one of a series of best evidence syntheses commissioned by the Ministry of Education. It is part of a commitment to strengthen the evidence base that informs education policy and practice in New Zealand. It aims to contribute to an ongoing evidence-based discourse amongst policy makers, educators and researchers. The best evidence synthesis approach is being developed in collaboration with researchers. It draws together in a systematic way the available evidence about what works to improve education outcomes, and what can make a bigger difference for the education of all our children and young people. Prepared for the Ministry of Education Authors Linda Mitchell and Pam Cubey Copyright © Ministry of Education PO Box 1666 Wellington ISBN 0-478-18773-4 Web ISBN ISBN 0-478-18774-2 www.minedu.govt.nz Characteristics of professional development linked to enhanced pedagogy and children’s learning in early childhood settings Best Evidence Synthesis Report prepared for the New Zealand Ministry of Education Linda Mitchell and Pam Cubey July 2003 New Zealand Council for Educational Research P O Box 3237 ...
Words: 59345 - Pages: 238
...Professional Accountability, Standards of Practice, Professional Development. Introduction Standards of practice and professional accountability are inextricably woven together. Standards describe the "what and how" of delivering nursing care. Professional accountability is creating the standards, meeting those standards, holding peers to the standards, and revising the standards when needed. As your e-text describes "Standards of practice are the "what" and describe a competent level of nursing care. Standards ofprofessional performance are the "how" of nursing (Cresaia & Friberg, 2010). The ANA's Scope and Standards of Clinical Nursing Practice (2004) describe both the "what" and "how" of professional nursing. This document outlines nine specific standards that describe the level of competence required in the role of the professional nurse (American Nurses Association, 2004). The model in your e-text that depicts professionalism provides a graphic display of all the essential elements which nurses need to include in their practice to support professional development. The ANA's Code of Ethics for Nurses (2001) makes it clear that nurses are accountable for their judgments and actions independent of hospitals, physicians, or other health care organizations. Nurses are accountable for themselves to the patient, the public, other health care team members, and members of the nursing profession. Standards of practice are developed and found in professional specialty nursing...
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...UNIT 6 PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE Unit abstract The aim of this unit is to act as a focal point for all other units in the programme and embed the vocational nature of the qualification. In addition to the requirement for work experience and the opportunity to relate theory to practice, the unit will enable you to bring together your learning from other units. You will initially explore factors that affect learning, then plan and monitor your own personal and professional development and reflect on it. You will also gain key understanding of the health and social care sectors, including aspects of service delivery, and the fundamentals of research methodology. This unit explores the different ways in which learning can take place and how learning from individual experience can be used to enhance the quality of knowledge, skills and practice. You will initially explore your own knowledge, skills, practice, values and beliefs in relation to working in health and social care. You will then draw up a personal plan for self-development over the duration of the programme. The unit also introduces you to health and social care service provision. A minimum of 100 hours work experience is required for successful completion of this unit. Learning Outcomes On completion of this unit you should: 1. Understand the learning process 2. Be able to plan for, monitor and reflect on own development 3. Understand service...
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...Will Human Resource Development Survive? Darren C. Short, John W. Bing, and Marijke Thamm Kehrhahn We, the authors, experience human resource development (HRD) as a paradox. This is a time when HRD appears to be at its strongest in terms of publications and research outputs and when the environment appears right for HRD to demonstrate clear value-added to key stakeholders. However, in other ways, HRD appears inner directed and without substantial impact: publications seem to preach to the converted; HRD research and, to some degree, practice appear divorced from real-time problems in organizations; HRD professionals see their work being completed by those from other professions; there is limited evidence that HRD has really moved far from the fad-ridden gutters of false short-term training panaceas; and practitioners are still measuring training person-hours rather than the relationship between learning and productivity. Every year, the members of the ASTD Research-to-Practice Committee are given an opportunity to write an editorial for HRDQ. Two years ago, Dilworth (2001) described the committee’s work in exploring the future of HRD. Last year, Short, Brandenburg, May, and Bierema (2002) summarized the main trends identified by that work, focusing on the implications for HRD of the increasing pressure for organizations to deliver shareholder value, the trend toward globalization, and the need for just-in-time products, services, and solutions. Since then the work has...
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...(Homer, 1980). The term “mentor” originally comes from Homer's epic poem The Odyssey. As a good friend, Mentor was asked by Odysseus to watch over his palace and his son when he left to fight in the Trojan War. In this position of responsibility, Mentor coached and counseled Telemachus, Odysseus' son, guiding him in his development from infancy to early-adulthood. A significant number of organizations, such as commercial ones, are adopting mentoring programs as a vital part of their professional development plans. Mentoring is an effective tool to foster professional development to both the mentor and mentee. The practice of mentoring beginning teachers emerged in the 1980s as a professional development strategy for achieving a variety of goals. Teacher mentoring programs are now perceived as an effective staff development approach for beginning teachers. Cooper and Miller (1998) state that the benefits of mentoring include :faster, more effective integration of new teachers, retention of quality professionals, increased transfer of skills from one generation to another; gains in productivity and performance; increased learning from professional development activities; enhanced communication, commitment, and motivation; and a stabilizing factor in times of change. Zimbabwe introduced the attachment model for the first time in 1995. Shumbayawonda (2001) says “In 1995 Zimbabwe introduced the attachment model where student teachers were placed under the charge of experienced qualified...
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...Teacher Development Cutback Paper Teresa Atuatasi Argosy University-Hawaii Models of Professional Development E7452 Dr. Carole Freehan March 08, 2014 The cuts in professional development (ProD) will affect the educational system, especially teachers and students. Professional development keeps teachers abreast with the skills, pedagogies, and research-based practices needed for effective teaching and to improve student performance. Valuable learning opportunities that teachers attain through (ProD) are essential for educators to grow professionally. This learner has participated in numerous professional development activities, courses, and workshops where opportunities of action research, training, study groups, conferences, and coaching just to name a few were provided. Learning definitely occurred and assisted in professional learning and educational needs to be more effective in teaching students, helping teachers, developing plans, and practice professional skills. Cutback in professional development will have a great impact on the education of students. Teachers will lack skills critical for effective instruction, “actions that will harm the quality of teaching and learning” (Wasley & Hirsh, 2010). The infusion of professional learning during the school day that has been practice by some schools was quite interesting to read about. Collaboration amongst leaders and peers establishes trust vital for...
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..."There is ample evidence that high quality early education and childcare services can improve children's development, learning and behaviour. We also know that a well qualified professional workforce is by far the most important factor in delivering the best quality of services that give children the best possible start in life" Scottish executive (2006, p1) The national review of the early years and childcare workforce has brought about positive change within the early years sector. Focus was given to develop leadership within the profession. The Scottish executive collaborated with the Scottish social services council to amend the registration requirements for lead practitioners and managers from 2011. This was to ensure a new degree level qualification was attained by staff working in a lead practitioner/management position. "Research has indicated that the best outcomes and experiences for children come from the best qualified and best led services" Scottish government (2007, p12) It was hoped that by creating a genuine career structure for the workforce that this would allow practitioners to develop their professional skills and knowledge needed to progress in their career. Thus increasing qualification and pay within the sector. "These actions will improve the status and recognition of the workforce and support improved recruitment, retention and progression within the sector" Scottish executive (2006, p4) When practitioners work collaboratively with outside agencies...
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...social welfare services, education, mental health services, and other forms of healthcare. Human services professionals may provide services directly to clients or help clients access services. Human services professionals also manage agencies that provide these services. And because of their engagement with human conditions, they are involved in policy development and advocacy. The academic discipline of human services educates these professionals at the associate, bachelor's, and graduate levels and studies how delivery systems and public policies affect service users. The history of human services as an academic discipline[edit] Human services has its roots in charitable activities of religious and civic organizations that date back to the Colonial period. However, the academic discipline of human services did not start until the 1960s. At that time, a group of college academics started the new human services movement and began to promote the adoption of a new ideology about human service delivery and professionalism among traditional helping disciplines.[2] The movement's major goal was to make service delivery more efficient, effective, and humane. The other goals dealt with the reeducation of traditional helping professionals to have a greater appreciation of the individual as a whole person and to be accountable to the communities they serve. Furthermore, professionals would learn to take responsibility at all levels of government, use systems approaches to consider human...
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