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Deviance and the Internet


Submitted By chevster55
Words 1068
Pages 5
Deviance and the Internet

In today’s society we have made plagiarism and the ability to cheat very simple for anyone who is looking for an easy way out. In our culture, we have what are referred to as “cultural norms” which are rules and expectations which guide the behaviors of the members of the society. When there is a violation of these “cultural norms” it is referred to as deviance. There are many forms of deviance within society, some that are easily overlooked and those that are not. Those more serious wherein a person violates society’s formally enacted criminal law have committed a crime at this point. Even criminal deviance takes on many levels of deviance. We have the traffic tickets on the less serious note up to the murder charges on the more serious end of the spectrum. With increased internet access we have opened up opportunities to the children and adults of today who are already susceptible to deviance from the “cultural norms” and have in turn increased our own desires to cheat and plagiarize reports instead of doing the work themselves. I began my research using For my keyword I chose “college term papers”. The results were astounding. I received 18,800,000 website hits, which were both paid and free websites. A few of the top websites are where you can buy a term paper, book report, thesis for college, high school and graduate school as low as $8.99 per page. There is also which is very interesting. You let them know what type of paper you need, what the format is, and the prices are as low as $12.95 per page, but more if you need it sooner. Then there are the free websites and In my opinion, the lower class, male and female, and minorities are the ones who seem to commit most of the cheating. I think they

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