...To complete this assignment, read through the scenario below and address the specific questions and issues indicated. Review the "Introduction to the Miller Family" document for specific information on each member of the family. Grandmother Ella has been dealing with cancer for years now and has tried alternative remedies and juicing. She went into remission for some time, but now the cancer has returned and she is in the hospital. Her husband, of American Indian descent, has his ideas about what needs to be done as Ella comes to the end of her life. Ella has her preferences, though she is now so weak that she has given up in many ways. The family members are each experiencing their own fears and are grieving as they face the loss that will occur as Ella’s life comes to a close. Ella prefers to die at home and has felt stressed by the discord and discomfort of family members since being hospitalized. You are the social worker for this case. You meet this family in the hospital setting as they are considering whether the patient will remain there for her final days or whether hospice and palliative care will be provided for her in her home. For this assignment, you will: 1.Synthesize the current research that is relevant to this scenario. 2.Discuss the cultural or traditional issues that could arise at this time. Consider how the integration of alternative and complementary medicine and beliefs, mainstream medical practices, and cultural/traditional rituals...
Words: 627 - Pages: 3
...asdf sdf dsf sdaf sadf dsf df dsf dsf dsf dsf dsf df dsf dsf dsf df dsf dsf sdf df dsf dsf df dsf dsf kl j jkj h g uytu yiu j k iui uiu o iu iu iu iu dsf dsf dsf dslj lkj jlkj j kjkiuyui y ug jbbmv g gj hi iji oi guguyu oijf v iov jj dsfjkfjd jfkajf d f ffsd fdfdsfsdf d df d fd fdsfd sdf sf ds fhgfh f df df dsfsd dsf sd sd ds fdsf sd fdf fgrrt u I I iu ui ui u uy ui yihjk hiu iu uihjh u rt I I jj k kjh jh jh jh hi I iu iu ui ui k jlkj lkjf sdf sdfdsf dsf dsf df dfds dfdds j lj lkj lk Asdf asdf asdf sdf asdf sdf dsf sdaf sadf dsf df dsf dsf dsf dsf dsf df dsf dsf dsf df dsf dsf sdf df dsf dsf df dsf dsf kl j jkj h g uytu yiu j k iui uiu o iu iu iu iu dsf dsf dsf dslj lkj jlkj j kjkiuyui y ug jbbmv g gj hi iji oi guguyu oijf v iov jj dsfjkfjd jfkajf d f ffsd fdfdsfsdf d df d fd fdsfd sdf sf ds fhgfh f df df dsfsd dsf sd sd ds fdsf sd fdf fgrrt u I I iu ui ui u uy ui yihjk hiu iu uihjh u rt I I jj k kjh jh jh jh hi I iu iu ui ui k jlkj lkjf sdf sdfdsf dsf dsf df dfds dfdds j lj lkj...
Words: 274 - Pages: 2
...uhfjhkhjfsd uhfugh jhj jh jg fhfghf hf jhg hjg jhg jhg jhg jhg jhg jh gfjg kjh kjh kh jhg h guf y fh fhj fgh fjh lgjh gfhkg fhf dytd hgvkgh fty fh fkgh jgfkjh gkjy guy fghf kgf tyf hj gvgh fhg hg f yf yjfu yguy guy gjfgdgfdg dfgsdg sdg sdg dfg thdfg gf gf zfgd f dfvdfvdfvgfbh gjn vv xd xfv df fggn gf fsdc xf df dsdvcf xfvcf bfv fv cb v cv sd gfgb gfh jhbjhfkghf hk kjhv hjv hgkv hkgv kgh kghv gxf f dgf g m km, m mn v c x d d gf h kj k jh g f d d f ghj j h gf g g hj hnj gf f f ghg h hj h gf d d ed rfgt h j kj kjjh h g fd d e r t yhjh jh jh h g f f fhg hjlg jhgf jhf fhdr su yu huio go goy gyu og og gy gyuo yugo gyuo ft tyty ty d drdr rdt dr drt dr dr drdr drdr dr dr dr drrd dr dr drdr dr dr drr d rdr dr dr dr dr dr dr dr dr dr dr dr dr d rd rdr dfdd df f df dfv dfv dfv ff vdf dfv f v fv fv df v dfd fdf v dfvdfv dfv sdv dfv dvfdv v dfv df...
Words: 272 - Pages: 2