...approval in addressing the issue of the exportation of horses and the mistreatment of them on a flight What: the mistreatment of animals specifically horses on their basic needs not being taken care of When: this case happened in December of 2022 Where: Canada (Winnipeg) to Japan Why: this was because of the slaughtering of these horses for a delicacy...
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...Legal Aspects of Professional Psychology Michael Lampe May 06, 2013 There are many factors that can affect a professional in the field of psychology. Some of these factors may be ethical issues and some may have legal issues. These two issues may seem similar. However, they are very different. American Psychological Association (APA) Ethics Code can help clear up any problems with ethical issues. The legal issues are not as easy to see or find the correct answers. Legal issues can be separated into two categories, legislation and litigation. Legislation concerns governmental bodies passing laws. Litigation is laws that are formed by the rule of the law. There are legal issues related to informed consent, assessment, testing, diagnosis, and confidentiality. These issues will be discussed and the influence of legislation on the field of psychology will be evaluated. Competency will also be covered. Informed Consent Informed consent is a legal and ethical term defined as the consent by a client to a proposed medical or psychotherapeutic procedure, or for participation in a research project or clinical study. In order for the consent to be informed the client must first achieve a clear understanding of the relevant facts, risks and benefits, and available alternatives involved. Informed consent requires legal documentation in all 50 states. The concept of informed consent originated with the recognition that individuals have rights: to freedom, autonomy and human dignity...
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...International Legal and Ethical Issues Contemporary Business Law-LAW/421 Dina Centifanti Gledhill May 28, 2012 International trade is important and beneficial to business. However international trade must be guided with a safeguard of interests, specific business contract, defined law, forum of dispute settlement, and understanding of contract clauses. “A working knowledge of international law helps business owners and managers with global interests reduce risk and increase profits” (Melvin, 2011, P. 631). This enlightenment will address the international legal and ethical issues involved in international business transactions and compare such to domestic business operations. Resolving legal disputes Business internationally, enviably creates change in legislation, interest conflict, and rise of ethical dilemmas. When international business arises, business owners, and management must use precaution to avoid ethical, legal, and cultural issues. Business must prepare for the unexpected to ensure success. Often conducting foreign business requires the parties to set standard law, determine how to settle disputes, and define contract clause to determine the correct business decision applicable through contracts. Foreign businesses commonly use contracts for the international sale of goods as standard law. “Contracts for the international sale of goods was created by the U.N. Commission on International Trade Law to establish uniform rules for drafting certain international...
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...Evaluate the effectiveness of legal and non-legal responses to product certification. Product certification is the process of providing documented assurance that goods and services sold in a market have passed performance and quality tests. In doing so, consumers can have confidence that a product will not harm them as their safety is ensured. Product certification is especially necessary in contemporary Australian markets that are global and exceed domestic boundaries. This response will: * Evaluate the effectiveness of legal and non-legal responses to product certification in protected consumers from harm and ensuring they receive products of fair quality. Legal Responses Significant pieces of legalisation that articulate the standards of product certification are the Competition and Consumers Act 2010 (Cth) and the Fair Trading Act 1987 (NSW). Under these pieces of statute are the enforcement and monitoring powers of the Office of Fair Trading and the Australia Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). Under the above pieces of legislation are the minimum standards of product safety of goods and services marketed in Australia. This can include clear instruction of use, danger of misuse, meeting industry standards, developing product recall plans and implementing quality assurance programs. Often when these standards have been met, a product will be certified by an independent organisation like the ‘Five Ticks’ Standards Mark. By ensuring minimum level of safety stands...
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...study (Csikai & Bass, 2000) which showed that a majority of social workers were not aware these NASW policies even exist, or were only somewhat familiar with them. There are ethical issues that are specific to the field of social work, but there are other fields that a social worker will be interacting with, so a broad knowledge base is necessary. The NASW Standards expect social workers to be familiar with bioethical issues, legal issues around the dying process, and other medical and cultural considerations that arise in the process of dying. The NASW does not take a moral position on end of life decisions, but as part of the ethical principle of autonomy, the practice standards make sure to encourage the client’s right to make determinations about level of...
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...SEMINAR ON LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS Submitted by, TANIA M. JAMES Submitted on, 01- 11-2012 INDEX S.NO | TOPICS | PAGE.NO | 1. | OBJECTIVES | | 2 | INTRODUCTION | | 3 | DEFINITION OF LAW | | 4. | SOURCES OF LAW | | 5 | TYPES OF LAW | | 6 | SELECTED CATEGORIES OF LAW AFFECTING NURSES | | 7 | SELECTED LEGAL ASPECTS OF NURSING PRACTICE | | | COMPONENTS AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE LEGAL PROCESS | | 8 | LEGAL PROTECTIONS IN NURSING PRACTICE | | 9 | | | 10 | NURSING PRACTICE AND THE LAW | | 11 | LEGAL ISSUES IN PRACTICE | | 12 | NURSE–CLIENT RELATIONSHIP | | 13 | LEGAL ROLES OF NURSES | | | SUMMARY | | | CONCLUSION | | | RESEARCH ABSTRACT | | 14 | BIBLIOGRAPHY | | OBJECTIVES * To introduce legal considerations * To define law * To understand sources of law * To list out the types of law * To explain the selected legal aspects of nursing practice * To understand the components and characteristics of the legal process * To explain the regulation of nursing practice * To enumerate standards of nursing care * To describeselected legal aspects of nursing practice * To explainlegal protections in nursing practice * To describe nursing practice and the law * To describe legal issues in practice * To explain nurse–client relationship * To list out the guidelines for safe nursing practice * To formulatelegal...
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...Ethical and Legal Issues in Nursing NUR/391 Ethical and Legal Issues in Nursing As nurses, it is our duty to advocate for our patients. At times, we are faced with personal and professional challenges that impact how and when we chose to advocate. It is imperative we have a healthy awareness of these potential challenges. Improvements in health care technology have provided patients with an array of treatment options as well as assumed or possible increased chance of survival. As a result, nurses are met with a rise in ethical decision making. This paper will discuss the legal, ethical, social, and personal factors that can impact our decision making process, with the focus on two specific case studies. American Nurses Association Code of Nursing Ethics Role in Practice The American Nursing Association (ANA) has created a set of ethical standards for the profession of nursing to abide by, which is entitled the ANA Nursing Code of Ethics. The ANA Code of Ethics states that collaboration is central to the care nurses deliver and to their ethical commitment to the patient (Garity, 2005). In the end-of-life case study, the nurse (she) has an unwritten obligation to the patient; the family appears to be in conflict with how to proceed with the patient's medical treatment. The medical team has an obligation to give the family all of their options and possible outcomes. If the family remains in conflict, it would then be appropriate for her to refer the family to...
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...After reading both the American Counseling Association (ACA) (2014) Code of Ethics and the American Mental Health Counseling Association (AMHCA) (2011), I felt that it was important to touch upon certain sections that I feel could become potential issues for us as counselors. Essay 1. There are many skills needed in order to work with a patient presenting with a co-occurring disorder. According to the American Mental Health Counseling Association (AMHCA) (2011), there are eight skills that we as counselors must center our focus on. They are all very important, yet I chose to focus on us as counselors can demonstrate our skills wisely by utilizing the knowledge we have gained during training. One of the hardest part of counseling clients is trying to discover what exactly is needed to help that client maintain a healthy relationship with others and a balance within themselves. Clients with co-occurring disorders are the most difficult kind of client. We must understand the treatment and clinical management of common co-occurring disorders such as anxiety, depression, PTSD and trauma-related disorders, dissociative disorders, personality disorders, eating disorders, psychotic disorders, disruptive behaviors, and mood disorders in combination with substance abuse disorders. We must provide appropriate counseling strategies by demonstrating the ability to modify counseling systems, theories, interventions when necessary and specific techniques that will work with the client...
Words: 1919 - Pages: 8
...Ethical and Legal Issues in Nursing Team C NUR/391 Ethical and Legal Issues in Nursing Nurses face various ethical and legal issues in the medical setting. As professionals, nurses must be aware of these legal and ethical issues when they occur. Nurses have a legal and ethical obligation to respond to these issues. Being a professional nurse requires a nurse to assess the pros and cons of different situations, but also to withhold their personal beliefs and listen and respect the beliefs and traditions of others. Legally Nursing implications require nurses to maintain licensure, obey state and federal laws and to remain within their scope of practice. Within these legal and ethical issues the American Association Code of Nursing ethics, personal and societal values, legal aspects and legal responsibilities all affect decisions. Two different cases will be discussed and explored; an advance directive case involving a woman by the name of Marianne, and a malpractice case involving a nurse and the involved healthcare organization. The American Nurses Association Code of Nursing Ethics can influence the final decision made in the case study involving Marianne’s family by designating a surrogate. According to "American Nurses Association" (2011), “The nurse supports patients self-determination by participating in discussions with surrogates, providing guidance, referral to other resources as necessary, and identifying and addressing problems in the decision-making...
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...Ethical and Legal issues in Nursing The nursing profession is very complex. Every day nurses deal with patients and medical care. There are some days when ethics and legal issues play a role. We were given examples of the legal complexities of nursing through two case studies we were to evaluate. For this paper we will discuss the legal responsibilities of nursing, how personal and societal values can influence ethical decision-making and how the ANA’s Code of Nursing Ethics would influence the final decisions. Legal Responsibilities of Nurses Nursing boards are governmental state agencies responsible for regulating the nursing practice. A nursing license obtained through state nursing boards validates that nurses have met standards for providing high quality care. Nurses are legally held accountable for administering medications accurately, educating patients and public on health issues, advocating for the patient regarding health care, and serving as a liaison between the patient and the physician. Professional standards are determined by Standards of Practice Acts and the American Nurses Association’s Code of Ethics. As professionals, nurses must also be familiar with ethical responsibilities and protect the rights of their patients and families. As the definition of liability has continued to expand through the judicial system, courts of laws have placed higher standards on the profession of nursing. Many times professional...
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...Organizational Ethics Paper Jaime Terreforte II ETH/316 July 27, 2015 Tyra Barnes Organizational Ethics Paper What is organizational Ethics? Well according to definition, organizational ethics is best described as the work standards and principles of all operating businesses. Organizational ethics comprises of acts of compassion, fairness, honor, integrity, and responsibility. It is important for employers to fully make sure that all employees understand the principles of organizational ethics through training. (Small Business.chron.com, 2015) This paper will discuss the organizational ethics in the retail industry. The retail corporation of Dollar Tree is the primary focus of this essay. Some points that will be addressed are external social pressures, organizational issues and the relevance of organizational and personal decision making, and finally the relationship between legal and ethical issues. External Social Pressures The fundamental role of external social pressures are based on social influence. Social influence basically means that an individual’s actions, reactions, and thoughts are influenced by communities or groups. This will include peer pressure, persuasion, marketing, sales, and conformity. (Business dictionary.com, 2015) External social pressure is a very important aspect when it comes to business ethics in particular small businesses in small communities. There are many social expectations in which businesses needs to pay attention to. These expectations...
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...Knowledge Commission Working Group on Legal Education REPORT OF THE WORKING GROUP ON LEGAL EDUCATION Background 1. The National Knowledge Commission (“NKC”) was established by the Prime Minister of India in 2005 to recommend and undertake reforms in order to make India a knowledge-based economy and society. An important constituent of the NKC’s functions is professional education, particularly in the field of legal education. In light of its significance, the NKC constituted a Working Group on legal education in the country. The members nominated by the Chairperson of the NKC, Mr. Sam Pitroda, to the Working Group are Justice Jagannadha Rao (Chair), Justice Leila Seth, Dr. Madhav Menon, Dr. B.S. Chimni, Dr. Mohan Gopal, Mr. P.P. Rao and Mr. Nishith Desai. The Terms of Reference of the Working Group are as follows: a. Identify constraints, problems and challenges relating to curriculum, teaching, infrastructure, administration and access. b. Recommend changes and reforms to address the problems and challenges relating to curriculum, teaching, infrastructure, administration, and access. c. Explore methods of attracting and retaining talented faculty members. d. Suggest measures to develop a research tradition in faculties of law and law schools. e. Suggest innovative means of raising standards and promoting excellence in legal education situated in the wider social context. f. Suggest ways of incorporating emerging fields of legal education in teaching and curricula. g...
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...Professional Ethics Paper Carolyn Smith HCS/478 August 15, 2011 Ann-Marie Peckham Professional Ethics Paper The purpose of this paper is to discuss the relationship among professional values, ethics, and legal issues. A person’s personal values and ethics can influence their professional values and ethics in the workplace. Finding the right balance between personal and professional views in the workplace will help foster a successful career. This paper will cover relationships between legal and ethical issues as well as personal values and professional ethics. Relationships between Legal and Ethical Issues According to Wacker-Guido & Watson (2010), there are eight ethical principles that nurses encounter when making decisions in clinical settings, autonomy, beneficence, no maleficence, veracity, justice, paternalism, fidelity, and respect or others. In other terms nurses have personal freedom, the right of self-determination, a duty to perform good actions, duty to prevent any harm for occurring to their patients, the obligation to tell the truth, treat all patients equally and fairly, allow others to make decisions for individual patients, keep promises and commitments they make, and to treat everyone with respect. Ethical values are influenced by personal feelings, and are interpreted differently depending on the beliefs of the individual. The Britannica Concise Encyclopedia defines the code of ethics for nurses as follows: The code of ethics for nurses was...
Words: 2628 - Pages: 11
...July 18, 2010 Professional Ethics Paper The purpose of this paper is to describe the relationships between legal and ethical issues, identify personal values and professional ethics, examine ethical theories and principles, and apply these to current practice examples. Nurses face an ever-growing complexity within their practice as professionals. Understanding the relationship between legal and ethical issues and how to apply that understanding to every day practice is paramount for today’s professional nurse. This paper will further explore these ethical theories and principles while discussing how personal values affect an individual’s nursing practice. The Relationship Between Legal and Ethical Issues Nurses, as with any job, face challenges in order to accomplish the tasks of their role. This is one of the reasons that it is important to have a description that serves as guidance as to how the role is to be accomplished. Without such guidelines, it is likely that there will be a breach of established rules along the way to performing duties and accomplishing the job duties. In situations where one person exercises authority over another, there are important guidelines that define relationship between the two parties. Legal and ethical principles define how a job is to be carried out and how individuals are to relate to one another. Legal and professional ethics define the liability of the person that is entrusted with accomplishing a certain task. They...
Words: 2093 - Pages: 9
...Legal Issues of Performance Management Legal issues associated with a performance management system can vary, but as Herman Aguinis states “performance management systems that are fair and acceptable to the employees are also legally sound” (Aguinis, 2013). The following paper will review some of the most common mistakes found in performance management systems that allow for legal implications to take place. The primary focus will be directed towards procedural standardization and implementing them equally with all employees. The secondary focus will examine how improper documentation leads to legal implications because of a lack of showing reason for decisions of no pay raise or even termination of employment. Procedural Standardization Setting up a performance management system has many aspects, but one of the areas it could be detrimental for an organization is how they standardize procedures for all employees to follow when describing another employee within reviews. In this manner there cannot be what is referred to as a double standard. Double standards are defined by Dictionary.com as “any code or set of principles containing different provisions for one group of people than for another” (Dictionary.com, 2015). A great example of procedural standardization is best found in an article written by Kathleen Davis for the Fast Company website. Within Kathleen’s article she describes how words appear on men and women’s reviews and the manner of which they appear to present...
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