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Submitted By asmabegum1982
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| |
|Level HE5 |

1. Overview

Module Tutor: Dr Elisabeth Planella/ Antonis Kyriakidis
Room: M2-26/ M2-
Tel: 01201903120 / 0120490
Level: HE4
Credits: 20
Module Pre-requisite: None

2. Learning and Teaching Strategy

The module is delivered via two 2-hour sessions a week, over 9 weeks. To complete the module successfully you must also allocate a substantial amount of independent study time. The five weeks following the 2-hour sessions will enable you to focus on your assignments.

Most sessions comprise a formal lecture of approximately one hour and a seminar. You will have the opportunity to discuss your progress on the module with the Module Tutors at any stage. In order to do so, you are encouraged to make appointments in order to see your tutor at mutually convenient times.

3. Module Communications

The Module Tutors’ contact details are provided at the top of this page.

Additional lecture materials are provided by the University’s virtual learning environment “WebCT”.

You must check your University email address regularly as many module communications are channelled through this medium.

4. Module Description

• Personal and professional development skills through Personal Development Planning (PDP) • The development of the learner's sense of responsibility for their own management and personal development within the working environment • An introduction to the concept of operations processes and the development of students' knowledge and understanding of the role of operations management function within an organisation • An overview of the issues and problems which typically face operations managers in diverse realistic situations

Expected Learning Outcomes and Assessment

|Learning Outcomes |Assessment |
|Appraise the importance of personal, interpersonal and career-oriented skills |1) Portfolio of evidence |
| |2) Report |
|Understand the working and business environment |1) Portfolio of evidence |
| |2)Report |
|Appraise the origins and basis of Operations Management |1) Report |
|Analyse the main concepts, principles and techniques used in managing operations |1) Report |
|Appraise how you performed in the work environment |1) Report |
| |3)Employer’s report |
|Reflect upon personal and professional learning |1) Portfolio of evidence |
| |2) Report |
| |3) Employer’s report |
|Assess own performance and achievement |1) Portfolio of evidence |
| |2) Report |

Assessment Deadlines

|Assessment item |Due Date |Weight |
|1 |Portfolio of evidence |Week 6 |30% |
|2 |Employer’s report |Week 12 | 10% |
|3 |Work experience report |Week 13 |60% |

Module Calendar:

|Week |w/c date |Theory Topic |
|1 | |Module overview/assessments |
|2 | |Introduction to Operations Management |
|3 | |Business Process Re-engineering |
|4 | |Total Quality Management |
|5 | |Swot Analysis & Business Environment |
|6 | |Portfolio of evidence due date (ass.1) |
|7 | |Operations Management & Change Management |
|8 | |Supply Chain Management |
|9 | |E-Commerce & E-Business |
|10 | | |
|11 | | |
|12 | |Employer’s report due date (ass.2) |
|13 | |Work ExperienceReport Handing due date (ass.3) |
|14 | | |

NB: Please note that this module calendar may be subject to change.

8. Indicative Reading:


Fanthome, C. (2004) Work placements: a survival guide for students. Basingstoke: Palgrave.

Jay, R. (2004) The successful candidate: how to be the person they want to hire. Edinburgh: Pearson.

Yate, M. (2001) Great answers to tough interview questions. 5th ed. London: Kogan Page.

Heizer, J & Render, B (2001) Operations Management, (6th ed) London, Prentice Hall

Greasley, A (2006) Operations Management, West Sussex, John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Electronic Support Materials

Skills Web Support

The North West Work Experience Bank

National Council for Work Experience

NW Students and Graduates Online:

HEA Work Experience Links:

9. Guidelines for the Preparation and Submission of Assignments:

Assignments should be word-processed in Arial 12 point font, be double-spaced, on A4 size paper*. Writing should appear on only one side of the paper, be fully justified and with each page being numbered in the footer, numbering to be centred.
*This does not apply to the CV and the letter of application which should be presented in the format and font of your choice to a professional standard
There should be a title page detailing the programme, module title, assignment title, student number, marking tutor and date of submission. Do not put your name on the assignment. It is good practice to put your student number in the top left hand side of the header of each page, and the date of submission in the top right.

Word Count. You are expected to revise and edit your assignment to remain within +/- 10% of the allocated word limit for that piece of work. In order to ensure that word counts can easily be checked you should include a note of the word count as performed by your word processing package (in Word menu Tools: – word count). A deduction should be made from this figure for all tables, figures, quotations, appendices and references which DO NOT count towards the overall word limit.

Assignments that exceed the word count by over 10% will be ruled through after the word count plus 10% has been reached. The work will be marked only on the text that remains within the word limit.

Assignments containing less that the word count limit will not have marks deducted (even if these are more than 10% short). However, it is likely to be an exceptional piece of work that covers the assignment requirements fully in much less than the set word count less 10%.

All written work must be referenced using the Harvard System, full details of which are available from the Library website: Unless otherwise notified by your module tutor, hard copies of assignments should be placed with a white general cover sheet, in the Assignment Post-box next to the Business School Office (M1-22).

Please note that all assignments are date stamped by the School Office once they have been taken out of the post-box. It is this date stamp which is taken into account (rather than the date stamp which students make themselves on the general cover sheet).

Electronic copies of assignments will usually be requested via “Turn-it-in”. Please ensure you follow the instructions provided by your module tutor and on the assessment brief.

Submission of assessments may be done on or before the published submission date. Assignments not available at this time will be considered late unless an extension has been previously agreed.

Penalties for late submission of coursework are:

- Up to one week late, 10% of the mark deducted.

More than one-week late, maximum mark 40% (if handed in before the end of the module).

It is your responsibility to ensure that the assignment is received by marking tutor. No responsibility will be taken for assignments left with colleagues, given to friends to hand in, left on desks or slid under staff room doors.


In the case of exceptional and unforeseen circumstances, an extension to the assessment hand-in date may be granted by the Module Tutor. If you wish to apply for an extension for submission prior to the final teaching week*, you will need to submit an Extension Request Form (available from the School Office), and submit this along with material evidence of your extenuating circumstances to the Module Tutor for approval. The Module Tutor will consult with the Course Leader prior to giving you a decision. Please note that claims based on unexceptional or foreseeable circumstances will not be successful.

* Extensions requested after the final teaching week will need to be requested via the Mitigating Circumstances procedure (see section 2.5 of your Programme Handbook).

General Assessment Criteria Level HE5

| | |Relevance |Knowledge |Argument/Analysis |Structure |Presentation |Written English |Research/Referencing |
|Class I |80%+ |As for Class 1(70-79%) but exceptional work that makes a contribution to the development of knowledge and understanding in the subject area |
|(Exceptio| | |
|nal | | |
|Quality) | | |
| | |Directly relevant to title.|Demonstrates a comprehensive |Makes creative use of appropriate |Coherently articulated |The presentational style &|A very well written |All sources accurately |
| |70-79% |Addresses most or all of |knowledge of theory and practice |arguments and/or theoretical models. |and logically |layout is correct for the |answer with standard |cited in the text and a |
| | |the implications and |for this level. Demonstrates |Contains some distinctive or |structured. |type of assignment. |spelling and grammar. |very extensive reference |
| | |assumptions of the title. |ability in the manipulation and |independent thinking. |An appropriate format |Effective inclusion of |Style is clear, resourceful |list in Harvard Style is |
| | | |transfer of subject material to |A comprehensive analysis of the |is used. |figures, tables, plates |and academic. |provided. |
| | | |demonstrate a solid understanding |material resulting in clear, logical | |(FTP). | | |
| | | |of the issues. |conclusions. | | | | |
|Class |60-69% |Directly relevant to title.|Demonstrates a sound knowledge of |Uses appropriate arguments or |For the most part |The presentational style &|Well written with |All sources accurately |
|II/i | | |theory and practice for this |theoretical models. |coherently articulated |layout is correct for the |standard spelling and |cited in the text and an |
|(Very | |Addresses some of the |level. Manipulates and transfers |Intermittent analysis of the |and logically |type of assignment. |grammar. Style is clear and |appropriate reference list|
|Good | |implications of the issues |some material to demonstrate a |material, with descriptive or |constructed. |Effective inclusion of |academic. |in Harvard Style is |
|Quality) | |addressed by the title. |clear grasp of the themes, |narrative passages. Clear, logical |An appropriate format |FTP. | |provided. |
| | | |questions and issues. |conclusions. |is used. | | | |
|lass | |Generally addresses the |Demonstrates an adequate knowledge|Provides a coherent argument, but |Adequate attempt at |The presentational style &|Competently written with |Most sources accurately |
|II/ii |50-59% |title and its implications,|of theory and practice for this |lacking clear focus and consistency. |articulation and |layout is correct for the |minor lapses in spelling and|cited in the text and a |
|(Good | |but sometimes addresses |level, with evidence of an |Issues lack clarity, or theoretical |logical structure. |type of assignment. |grammar. Style is readable |good reference list in |
|Quality) | |irrelevant issues. |appreciation of its significance. |models expressed in simplistic terms.|An acceptable format is|Inclusion of FTP but lacks|and mainly academic. |Harvard Style is provided.|
| | | | |Evidence of attempted analysis, with |used. |selectivity. | | |
| | | | |descriptive or narrative passages. | | | | |
| | | | |Conclusions are fairly clear and | | | | |
| | | | |logical. | | | | |
|Class III|40-49% |Some degree of irrelevance |Demonstrates limited knowledge of |An argument is evident but lacks |Some attempt at |The presentational style &|Generally competent writing |Some relevant sources |
|(Satisfac| |to the title. Superficial |theory and practice for this |clarity and coherence. |articulation and |layout is largely correct |although intermittent lapses|cited. Some weaknesses in |
|tory | |consideration of the |level, with intermittent evidence |Issues are only vaguely stated. |logical structure. |for the type of |in grammar and spelling pose|referencing technique. |
|Quality) | |issues. |of an appreciation of its |Largely descriptive or narrative |An acceptable format is|assignment. |obstacles for the reader. | |
| | | |significance. |passages lacking clear analytical |used. |Inappropriate use of FTP |Style limits communication | |
| | | | |purpose. Conclusions are not always | |or not used where clearly |and tends not to be | |
| | | | |clear or logical. | |needed to aid |academic. | |
| | | | | | |understanding. | | |
|Borderlin| |Some significant degree of |Demonstrates weaknesses in |Limited argument, which is |Poorly structured. Lack|For the type of assignment|Deficiencies in spelling and|Limited sources and weak |
|e |35-39% |irrelevance to the title is|knowledge of theory and practice |descriptive or narrative in style |of articulation. |the presentational style |grammar makes reading |referencing. |
|Fail | |common. Only the most |for this level, with little |with little evidence of analysis. |Format deficient. |&/or layout is lacking. |difficult. | |
| | |obvious issues are |evidence of an appreciation of its|Conclusions are neither clear nor | |FTP ignored in text or not|Simplistic or repetitious | |
| | |addressed at a superficial |significance. |logical. | |used where clearly needed.|style impairs clarity. | |
| | |level and in unchallenging | | | | | | |
| | |terms. | | | | | | |
|Fail | |Relevance to the title is |Demonstrates a lack of basic |Inadequate arguments and no analysis.|Unstructured. |For the type of assignment|Poorly written with numerous|An absence of academic |
| |

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