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Diagnostic Radiology

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Surging further: Diagnostic Radiology, the changing phase of Healthcare
Diagnostic Radiology and Digital Shift

Diagnostic radiology is probably the most important division towards bringing quality analysis in healthcare. It is the field of medicine that uses imaging exams and procedures to diagnose a patient. In any form of medical care, diagnostic radiology plays an integral part in the diagnosis of disease or injury.Today nothing is possible without the use of radiology, be it any type of problem in the hospital by using X-rays, ultrasound, Doppler, CT, MRI, Fluoroscopy etc.

Consistent advancements have improved the equipments, in terms of variety, strength and post-processing method used within the equipments. The aim ofadvancement is …show more content…
When it comes to digital solutions, like X-ray, mammography, CT or MRI, the leaders are usually three in our country; GE Healthcare, Siemens Healthcare and Philips Healthcare. These are providers of high-end systems in our country. They have the largest market share. Now Toshiba, Samsung, Hitachi and many others are also selling large number of equipment in our country. Every radiological investigation is a digital image today and every machine has to be dicom compliant, because the images are shared by dicom software. So, it is important to ensure that an equipment is dicom licensed and compliant as images from these equipments can connect to PACS (picture archival and communication systems). All equipment should be able to send data and images to PACS. PACS should be able to store this data in servers and the cloud for indefinite time for the benefit of the patient. Thanks to digitized system, remote viewing through the smart phones, computers and emergency reporting using smart phones has become a normal day-to-day …show more content…
Most companies are having good methods where radiation doses are going down from the equipment. Every year, quality check is provided by external agencies which looks at the leakage of radiation etc., and that's how leakage of radiation and malfunctioning of equipments in radiology system is prevented.

Challenges and opportunities in Diagnostic Radiology in India

Opportunities in diagnostic radiology are plenty because the country has only 12,000 radiologists. For our country's population, there is a great dearth of radiologists. Every hospital and diagnostic centre can afford equipment, but not able to find an adequate number of radiologists. With good software and viewers etc., radiologists can report to locations around the globe, not just within the country. There is no doubt that there is a great opportunity in radiology in the next few decades to come.

The other area of opportunity in radiology is fetal medicine. There are very few radiologists who show their interests in fetal medicine. More, we have a very strict PCPNDT law which governs fetal medicine and related documentation, since sex determination and abortion based on results is a serious problem in our

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