Premium Essay

Human Gene Editing

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Pages 4
Based on the information in the annotated bibliography, the paper will be on human gene editing. It will be focusing on the ethical and legal aspects of human gene editing. She is going to argue that people shouldn’t be able to participate in gene editing.
2. In the sources, there are several summaries about the CRISPR technique used in human gene editing, but it is flawed and not a technique that is completely reliable yet in modern medicine. She addresses that she will be addressing legal and ethical aspects of the gene editing controversies. She also included several points about using credible scientist that focus on this section in biology, and using their knowledge and facts to justify why individuals should not practice human gene editing …show more content…
She addresses at the end of each paragraph how the source will contribute to her argument in her paper. She could maybe be more specific on examples for each source that will be used in her paper to help the reader have a better understanding.
5. All the sources related to the topic and provide information from different standpoints on human gene editing. The sources are applicable to her topic because they allow to reader to understand what CRISPR is and how it is used by biologist that focus on the editing of genes in human DNA. Also, it incorporates how there are ethical and legal issues that surround the medical technology that is used to change human DNA before infants are born.
6. In her research process maybe she should consider how the gene editing could be beneficial to parents with certain genetic disorders that are usually pasted down to their children such as Tay-Sachs or Huntington’s disease. By addressing this, it can contribute to an alternative for a reason gene editing should be used to prevent genetic disorders, but not for other benefits. Another viewpoint could be that is dangerous and contributes to the increase in population if certain disorders were fixed through genetic editing. Therefore, there could be overpopulation because of a higher morbidity rate. Other than that, I think the legal and ethical aspects are great point of views to back her argument against human gene …show more content…
This idea is very flawed and poses as a threat to beginning a designer baby industry, therefore this is not ethical to the development of genes naturally.
8. It is different because she chooses one side and is only going to be addressing the issue on the viewpoint that genetic editing is dangerous and not well developed yet. She is confirming some topics included in her sources, but is using specific examples and facts to justify why gene editing is not something that need to occur in America.
9. She is suggesting that since the gene editing methods are not fully developed yet, they should not be practiced in the United States. The techniques scientists are using can be dangerous to modified embryos and their well-being later in life. Also, it can lead to an enterprise which is unethical because it is dealing with infants and embryos who are unable to make their own decisions at the

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