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Eugenics: Designer Babies

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(c) Playing God: Another area of concern, is whether we are playing “God” with human evolution. (Cite – Pro/Con) The notion being science should be left out of childbirth, childbirth is a natural event and has been from the beginning of time.
While this may true and childbirth should not be left to science, science is sometimes necessary to intervene when it comes to natural events. “People say we should not go against nature, but that’s illogical because every time we cure a disease we go against nature” (Schishor, Simonet, Canaon) Just because an event is natural or unnatural does not make it right or wrong, rather, the purpose behind the intervention should be the focus.
(b) Social Fears: The most problematic social concern opponents …show more content…
It all started with eugenics, the idea that the human population would improve if only those with desirable traits would reproduce. Eugenics is a form of controlled breeding with the goal of creating the perfect human, to essentially improve humanity. Designer babies do share a common goal of eugenics, the desire to improve humanity. However, just because both designer babies and eugenics share a common goal, does not mean designer babies are a reincarnation of eugenics is exaggerated. The purpose of allowing designer babies is to eliminate generic diseases and saving thousands of lives, hence, improve …show more content…
Since the introduction of CRISPR, this question has been asked repeatedly. CRISPR brought more than the possibility of one-day eliminating genetic diseases, CRISPR also brought back this ancient belief that one day we will live in a society where humans are genetically enhanced. Although created and endorsed for therapeutic purposes, Jennifer Doudna, the co-discoverer of CRISPR fears this technology may one day turn into a nightmare. However, as Dr. Lovell-Badge puts it, “genetic engineering doesn’t have to be an all or nothing proposition. There is a middle ground to stake out with laws, regulation and oversight.” (Gene editing) Thus, if lines were to be drawn beforehand of what may or may not be designed with genetic enhancement on one side and gene therapy on the other, this technology could be used for its intended purpose.
Before this paper does draw lines, genetic enhancement and gene therapy must be defined. There are many definitions connected to both terms, the following definitions provided will be used for the purpose of this

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